Motivation to get back on track

It’s the holidays and people seem to get off track during this time.  For me, I’m dealing with a big event coming my way.  My focus has just been getting something in my tummy and I’ve been GREAT for the most part.  But with our little girl on the way, I’m trying to get back on track so I can stay healthy and get lose this baby weight.

I’ve learned that in the past making a plan is the most effective way to accomplish a goal. It’s easier to stay focused and on track that way. I know it worked for me in the past and I know that it will work for me in the future. Right now is the time for me to formulate my plan so when the time comes I can put it into action. But I want to start getting back on track right now so it’s not hitting me in the face. I’m gradually trying to get back for a smoother transition.

My lack of sleep has really helped me settle into this idea and it’s probably going to make me a better blogger too.  I get up in the middle of the night and start prepping food and that really got me thinking about how much easier it is when you already have delicious food in the fridge/ready to eat.


This morning I got up to make my overnight oats because for some reason I can’t stand to eat my hot oatmeal right now.  I have to go with what works for right now.  Plus, it’s just easy because I can pull it out of the fridge, add some fruit and eat.


I’m trying to get back into my veggie swing. I love veggies but some of them smell so horrible to me right now that it’s been hard. Broccoli use to be my jam, but whenever I smell it, I’m kind of grossed out. The one thing I have enjoyed a lot of during my pregnancy has been carrots, cabbage and I’m currently on a spinach kick. We’ve been frequenting Luby’s a lot. I can’t help it.


And although it’s pretty hard to get back in a strong workout routine right now, it’s important for me to keep on track. I’m tired and I’m trying to get as much sleep as I possibly can, while I can. Right now I’m just trying to stick to a schedule so that when my time is a more limited, I can still maintain my schedule to stay active and healthy. I’m currently trying to hit the gym 4 times a week. Last week for the first week since Thanksgiving I was able to do so. I felt so accomplished.

Many things are about to change in my life, but I know that my health and fitness is still going to be very important to me. It’s very important for me to set a good example for my daughter, therefore, it’s still going to be a priority to me. These are just a few small things that will help me on the road to success.

What is your greatest motivation to stay on track?

Do I still meal prep?

Do I still meal prep?

I’ve read the e-mails and I know people want more food stuff on the blog because it’s seriously lacking.  I have to be real, we do a modified food prep thing in our house right now.  Eating in our house has been a little lackluster and some weeks I just noticed I was wasting money on food.  The short answer to the questions is: yes.  Now he’s the long explanation: We still make our weekly trips to grocery store and I do start out with good intentions. It’s day to day with me so there are just some days I…

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Happy Halloween and the Corner Store Run

Happy Halloween and the Corner Store Run

I’m not really a big fan of Halloween.  I don’t like dressing up and I’m not a huge fan of candy.  I never really enjoyed it as a young child either.  I don’t like to be scared or spooked and I know that’s only one side of the holiday.  It’s just not for me.  I love others enjoy it but it’s really not the thing for me.  I must be hard wired wrong or something, right?  Maybe this will change in the future, but I may be growing a child that might not like it either. Maybe I’m just bitter…

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So we’re having a…

So we’re having a…

Blogging has taken a back seat in my life because I just haven’t been feeling well. My planning day for the blog was spent resting. It just hasn’t been a 100% week for me. I hope y’all can understand. Baby is fine and growing well. I know everyone wants to know the baby’s gender: it’s a girl! There were some problems with the rafflecopter so I’m going to have to pick a winner the old fashioned way. I’m feeling a lot better today so hopefully this trend will continue. I’ve still been doing my workouts but a person can only…

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Guess the gender, win a HEADSWEATS trucker

Guess the gender, win a HEADSWEATS trucker

I thought it was time to have a little fun on the blog.  If you missed the memo, I’m pregnant.  We will find out the gender of the baby on Monday evening, so I thought it would be cool to play a little guessing game. To win a lovely Headsweats trucker hat, you have to correctly guess the gender of the baby and then your name will be put in the drawing to win the hat.  The contest will end Wednesday, August 17 at 12:01 am. These hats are my favorite so I thought I would share with you. Meanwhile,…

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Divulgence of kale & everything else I’ve been …

Divulgence of kale & everything else I’ve been eating

I know kale is one of those things that is super healthy for us and we’re supposed to want to eat it.  I’ve done my fair share of talking about kale myself. I have to admit, I don’t like making kale.  I almost want to say that I don’t like kale but that wouldn’t be the truth.  I do like kale…when someone else prepares it. I can’t seem to make the stuff taste good on my own, so I prefer to buy the stuff at the store. Kale is to taste good and it’s just not something I’ve mastered.  I’ll…

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Notes from a birthday weekend

Notes from a birthday weekend

Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes and all the congratulations on my big secret.  I had a wonderful weekend thanks to my husband.  It’s probably the best birthday I’ve ever had.  I know that’s a big statement but it true. Willie took me to the Astros baseball game. It was a great game. The roof was closed and we had awesome seats. I had a really fun time. I’m kind of ruined now with baseball games now because now we’re always going to need to sit in those seats. The Astros lost the game, but they put up a…

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Birthday confession: the secret I’ve never told

Birthday confession: the secret I’ve never told

Today is my birthday. It’s my 35th year of life and this is kind of a big birthday for me. I am absolutely living my best life now and in a place I never thought I would be. I never would have thought I would have accomplished so much or inspired so many people. It’s just all a blessing. I woke up this morning not wanting to get out and workout but the hardest part is getting out of the door. My first official act of my 35th birthday was a jog/walk of 3.33 miles.  So now it’s time for…

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The time I tried something new for lunch

The time I tried something new for lunch

If you haven’t noticed, I’m a creature of habit.  We eat the same thing all week for dinner, if it’s good I’ll suggest that we have it again the next week.  I’ll eat the same things for lunch too.  It doesn’t bother me. Most people don’t like leftovers, but I love for them.  I guess there’s a little comfort in knowing what I’m getting.  What’s the point on wasting calories on something you don’t like?  I DO understand there is something a little bit wrong with that, but my weekends are for experimenting…not my weekdays. Yesterday I strayed from the…

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Getting back on track

Getting back on track

It’s Monday! It’s the beginning of the new week and it’s time to start anew. Remember, there are good things about Mondays. There are a couple of things I have gotten away from that I think are very important and I don’t know why I stopped going them. The first thing is setting weekly and monthly goals. The monthly goal post was something I did regularly on the blog but I got away from it for some reason. Maybe I thought no one was interested in my goals or just thought it was a meaningless post…and that may actually be…

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Life doesn’t happen without the internet

Life doesn’t happen without the internet

Hey all!  It’s been a minute without a good blog, right?  There is a reason.  I haven’t had internet…at work.  I know it sounds stupid but I do most of blog planning and writing at work because I try to keep it away from the house.  Sometimes it becomes a little distracting in the house setting so I try not to spend time doing it there.  Plus, by the time I’ve gotten home, I’ve been too tired to work on the blog. Life doesn’t happen very well without the internet.  It was sad a miserable and no fun.  So have…

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