We’ll be on the TODAY Show Monday and ending the year

I’m really excited to tell share with everyone that Willie and I will be on the NBC Today Show on Monday morning. I do believe we will be on the 4th hour of the show talking about our weight loss and running. We are really excited to be able to share our story with more people. This will be a great way to start off the new year.

Today is the last day of 2015 and it’s been a learning experience. Ending the year is a time for self reflection and to see how far we’ve come or didn’t. The year started off as a very trying time but somehow I managed to end the year way better than it started. That is what I am most proud of this year.


This year I’ve found my place and a cause I really believe it. I can’t wait for the all the great things I get to share with you through Team Healthy Kids. I’m truly passionate about making this world a healthier place and bringing awareness to such a great cause. Action for Healthy Kids is making a America healthier by providing children and adults education and resources to make the healthy choice. To help spread the word about the cause, I would like to get people to run a marathon with me this year in Chicago and/or New York City with Team Healthy Kids. Is running a marathon on your bucket list? Or do you just want to run for a great cause? Here is your chance to run with me.

My first full year of my quest went really well. I completed my 15th state this year. I’ve reached new fitness goals with running a few ultra marathons and just being able to run all those marathons this year. The quest is much more than running it’s about getting out there and enjoying life; meeting new people and pushing past my comfort zone. I can honestly say I met some great people this year and I can call some of those new people friends. I’m definitely learning to communicate and have conversations with others. I know it sounds like a weird thing, but I’m usually the person to stand on the side.


This year I was able to share some of my knowledge with a lot of people. I’ve been able to motivate and inspire people by sharing our story. AND I’ve been inspired by hearing your stories too. Conversations can truly change your world and I’m honored to be able to have those conversations.

This year I’ve grown as a fitness instructor. I’m coming on my 3rd year of being a fitness instructor and I’ve really enjoyed this year. It’s not glamorous but it sure is nice to be able to help people reach their fitness goals. It’s a rewarding experience and I’m glad I was randomly plucked from the crowd to teach. I’m wicked excited to keep growing and improving.

Most importantly, this year I learned that I’m a constant work in progress. There is no change without change and I want to keep reaching new heights. I’m not really sure what is in store for me in 2016 but I know the year will be what I make of it. And the same with go for you, 2016 is a time to start new and try some new things. The world is at your finger tips, you just have to take a chance and make the first steps. You can do anything if you work hard enough for it. Don’t forget that!


We were blessed with so many things this year like being in Runner’s World, being able to travel to many places and even having the Surgeon General tweet about us. It’s a great thing but being able to just LIVE life is a blessing, especially being able to live the healthy active life we have now. I never would have thought this would ever be my life. I’ve been maintaining my weight now for almost 3 years and it’s been a struggle. Keeping the weight off is scarier/harder than losing the weight and I’m just glad that I’m winning the good fight.

Now it’s time to end 2015 and move into the new year. Don’t forget to watch Willie and I on the NBC Today Show on Monday, January 4, 2016!

Be safe tonight. Drink responsibly. Don’t drink and drive. Happy New Year!

Recipes: Stay healthy and indulge over the holidays

Recipes: Stay healthy and indulge over the holidays

It’s coming on Christmas and there are tons of treats and foods in your face.  It’s impossible to escape.  You know I’m a big fan of moderation and deprivation.  If you deprive yourself of the things you want, you’ll probably end up binging on those foods later.  Enjoy them now with moderation and portion control. There still is a way to stay healthy and indulge over the holidays. I will indulge during the holidays but I’m ok with it because I am keeping active. I try to keep my activities holiday themed too because it’s just so much more fun.…

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Get active during Thanksgiving holiday

Get active during Thanksgiving holiday

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and we’re all going to be eating to enjoy the holiday.  I hope everyone does enjoy the holiday without feeling guilty.  But this is also good time to be with family and friends and you can get active.  Everything is better with a group anyway. My mom had knee replacement surgery yesterday so I had to forgo any active recovery I was planning on doing yesterday.  This morning was a different story.  I felt like I needed to get out to work in for many reasons but I just miss breaking a sweat.  I hit the treadmill…

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We are in Runner’s World talking weight …

We are in Runner’s World talking weight loss!

I am so happy to finally share with everyone that we are in the December 2015 issue of Runner’s World.  I guess we could have spoke about it before but honestly, we didn’t know much information about it.  When running the Pensacola Marathon on Sunday someone at an aid station stopped to ask me if I was the girl in the magazine.  That is really when I found out it had hit the shelf.  On my way home yesterday, I stopped in Baton Rouge and purchased them all. Haha! The forces at Action for Healthy Kids are making my dreams…

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Three tips for FALLing back into fitness and …

Three tips for FALLing back into fitness and nutrious food

Fall is a beautiful time. The leaves are changing colors and the weather gets a little bit cooler. This is the time when the clothes get a little baggier and some people may fall into comfort food. There’s nothing wrong with that, but it shouldn’t be a daily regime. Fall is the perfect time to get outside and really enjoy some nice weather and get fit at the same time. I live for the fall weather. It’s the perfect time for me to get outside and do my runs after struggling through the hot summer temps. All that hard word…

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Don’t skip your exercise warm up.

Don’t skip your exercise warm up.

I do realize a lot of my readers are on their own journeys and don’t know where to begin.  Healthy eating and exercise is something new to you and you don’t know where to begin.  That is why I’m talking to you about the exercise warm up.  I see people go straight hard core into their workouts without any batting an eye on the warm up. The exercise warm-up and cool down are crucial parts of the workout and sadly parts that people don’t really focus on.  Today, I’m only talking about the warm up but don’t worry, I’ll talk…

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Can I workout from home?

Can I workout from home?

Workout out at home is a great and convenient. There are perks to having a gym membership like equipment and the possibilities of group fitness, but sometimes the budget just won’t allow for a gym membership. Or maybe you’re just uncomfortable being around a lot of people when you workout? That doesn’t mean you can’t be active. If you do decide to work out at home there are some things you need to take into consideration like equipment. You might need to invest in some weights/dumbbells/kettle bells, a exercise mat and maybe a treadmill (if that’s what you like to…

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3 Reasons To Listen to Music During Your Workout

3 Reasons To Listen to Music During Your Workout

Listening to music during your workout can work wonders.  If you’re having a bad day, turn on some tunes and get it rolling.  There is nothing wrong with turning up the tunes during your workout and in fact it helps out a bunch. For some reason today, I’ve been in a musical mood. Singing and shaking has been my thing so I just had to share with your some reasons to listen to music during your workout: When you’re listening to music, you’re more inclined to get with the beat.  If the beat is pumping, you’re going to kick in the…

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Five Things Friday: Reasons you’ll enjoy indoor …

Five Things Friday: Reasons you’ll enjoy indoor cycle

When I tell people I teach indoor cycle, most people tell me they aren’t ready for that class. “People come out of there really sweaty,” is the usual response. “It just seems so intense.” I hate the break it to you but yes it’s an intense exercise and all fitness activities make you sweat. I don’t think anyone should be intimidated by attending an indoor cycle/spinning class. It’s a great way to get the blood pumping and torch some calories as time literally flies by. It’s time for me to share the five reasons I think you’ll enjoy an indoor…

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Beginner Treadmill Workout for Willie’s Birthday

Beginner Treadmill Workout for Willie’s Birthday

I don’t know if any of you remember, but Willie and I started our weight loss journey on the treadmill.  We scheduled out the time to walk on the treadmill for roughly 35 minutes a day. Willie literally walked off 150 pounds. I know the treadmill gets a bad wrap, especially by me, because people claim it to be boring. But the truth is: you can get a great cardio workout on a treadmill.  Do I enjoy running 15 miles on a treadmill?  Nope, but I do like walking on the treadmill.  It’s easier to keep pace and to keep…

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Donate to Team Healthy Kids and WIN $100 AMAZON …

Donate to Team Healthy Kids and WIN $100 AMAZON GIFT CARD!

Hey everyone! I don’t really want to ask this on my blog but I’m desperate. I need to raise $295 by tomorrow for Team Healthy Kids. I was always the bigger kid and spent pretty much my whole life as being obese. This is a cause that is near and dear to my heart. Here’s why you should donate: I’m not asking you to break your bank account, but a $10 donation will go a long way in helping out a kid. Take a stand to fight off childhood obesity. $25 gives a child a healthy meal for a month…

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