Week in review #8 2020

It’s late, I know. Vlogmas keeps me busy on YouTube, and all my extra hours of life end going to editing videos. It’s rough, but it’s a fun project. It also teaches me a lot about myself by pushing me outside of my limits. 

The week was exciting because I announced that I’m a Bib Rave Pro! Being an ambassador for Bib Rave will open up many more opportunities for me in running the community. Plus, I’ll have more running content to provide over the year. 2020 stunted us all, but 2021 is looking like it will be better. I’m not a person who will tell you how to train because I’m an experience-based runner. I can’t tell you how to run the fastest mile or what races to run that will get you a BQ. But I can help you get motivated and inspired to run a race and enjoy the experience of it all.  

It’s been a week of trying to get prepared for Christmas (and a pre-schooler birthday). I’m going to have to stop calling her toddler because she’s not anymore. I can’t believe she will be four very soon. I stepped out of my comfort zone this week to make a charcuterie board. It’s not the healthiest thing, but it’s a fun idea for the holidays.

There was also the dreaded car accident, which left a hole in my floorboard. Someone lost the ball hitch off of their truck, and it got lodged under my car. Things could have been worse, so I’m not complaining.  

What I ate this week:

Week in review 8 2020
I made a Korean Beef dish which I ate all week. It was something I could change up in different ways. I also pickled some radishes and cucumbers to put on top. I could eat it with tortillas for tacos, over brown rice with veggies, in a salad, and Tot’s favorite with ramen noodles and veggies.

I also used Tyson Black Pepper Herb seasoned chicken to make up a salad with tomatoes, red onions, olives, and a tzatziki sauce. The salad turned out fantastic. If you’re a feta cheese person, it would have been a great addition to a greek salad. But I also used some Tyson diced chicken and bacon for a BLT salad with Bolthouse Farms Honey Barbeque Ranch. I love the Tyson frozen grilled chicken because it’s easy to cook in minutes when I’m in a pinch.

My breakfast was oatmeal. I use to eat oatmeal all the time, but I grew tired of it all. This week I made a big batch I could eat over three days. It’s a nice filling meal, especially when you add the extras: fruit, peanut butter, and chia seeds are my favorite. 

The extras this week was a smoothie bowl from Jamba Juice. We don’t have a Jamba Juice near us, so it was a great treat to have this bowl. And my “cheat” meal was pizza and beer. It’s my go-to cheat meal, and I love it. I’m a simple lady.

My workouts:

Workouts for the week

I take two rest days a week. After checking the weather, I planned for Friday to be a rest day for me, but it wasn’t raining on Friday morning. I went out anyway and went for a walk. My calf has been bothering me a bit, so I’m rolling back a bit on the running to make sure it’s not a big deal.  

Monday: 3.31-mile run + 1-mile walk.
Tuesday: 45-minute full-body bike Bootcamp
Wednesday: 3-mile power walk
Thursday: 30-minute core bike Bootcamp
Friday: 3.11-mile walk

Everything else:

Week in review 8 2020

I’m currently obsessed with Umbrella Academy on Netflix. This has stood in the way of me watching any Christmas related content. I need to get those Christmas movies in while I can.  

What’s your favorite Christmas movie?

I’ve been grinding away making my Vlogmas videos. The videos take up most of my extra time. Plus, I’m preparing for the holidays and Tiny Tots’ birthday. She won’t be having a birthday party this year due to the pandemic, but she will have a fun party at school with her friends and cupcakes. The cupcakes are her only concern.

My outfits for the week failed. It’s been cold and raining, which means I have just been trying to stay warm and dry and no so focused on fashion.

Videos this week:

This week in review is very late, so stay tuned for the next one coming soon!

Week in review #7 2020

Week in review #7 2020

Hello everyone. It’s another week in review, and boy, this week seemed to go by very slow. Last week was just Thanksgiving, and it feels like ages ago. This week started Vlogmas on Youtube. Do you follow me on Youtube? Vlogmas is where I upload daily vlogs (or not) every day until Christmas. I’ve been working hard on my videos every day, and it is a bit time-consuming. Vlogmas is a challenge this year because there are none of the regular holiday activities going on. Usually, I would run Rock n Roll San Antonio and a trail race, and there…

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Week in Review #5 2020

Week in Review #5 2020

Hello friends. Can I say this is a huge accomplishment that I’ve made it to a week in review #5? I’ve been trying to ease my way back into the blogging game, and I thought this was the best way to handle it all. It seems to be working. I hope y’all had a great week. The last week presented nothing special about the week. The big thing on my mind has been dealing with owning a business during these COVID times. It’s been challenging and scary at times, but all I can do is go one day at a…

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Week in Review #4 2020

Week in Review #4 2020

Hello, friends. I feel like I just did this post, probably because I was late putting the last week in review up. It’s been a week. I’ve tried to stay off of social media due to the nastiness of what went on. It’s been nice to have a bit of a break. My Tot had some sinus issues this week, which made her a bit whiny. That’s mom’s life, though. She’s feeling better, but it’s made me work that much harder.   The blog suffered a bit, but I did get my gift guide for runners.  I worked hard on this…

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Week in Review #3 2020

Week in Review #3 2020

Hello friends. This blog is late because I couldn’t bring myself to recap the week. To say this is a challenging time in the country would be an understatement. It’s sad to see people losing friendships and saying NASTY things to each over politics. We can co-exist without making that define them. It’s sad seeing people in real life saying things to each other that are damaging. I know it runs a bit deeper than this, but we should be kind and understanding. On to the week: I wasn’t a good blogger because I didn’t take a picture of anything…

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Week in review #2 2020

Week in review #2 2020

Hello, friends. This week turned out to be a good week. We came back from a very long road trip on Monday, so we spent that day driving through all the southern states. The week was a bit more hectic because the week started a day late for me, so laundry, grocery shopping, and catching up on things took the week’s forefront. I had the LONGEST to-do list on Tuesday, but I managed to get everything done. But I did a post on the blog three times and got my videos up. I had big goals for this year, and…

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App review: The Peleton Digital app

App review: The Peleton Digital app

Peleton is a huge success and came onto the scene with that insane bike that people are raving over.  I’m sad to say that I don’t have one, but I want one.  I can probably justify getting one now that I’ve lost one of my cycle classes. I do have a cycle back in my living room so I did make the decision to try the app.  I’ll be real with you, I tried the app a while ago and it was $12.95/month.  I thought it was insanely expensive to pay that much for the app.  At the time, it…

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Preparing for Christmas

Preparing for Christmas

I missed blogging yesterday because I was just too tired. From Tiny Tot’s birthday and now planning for Christmas, I kind of screwed the pooch on the blogging thing. I did have a very productive day yesterday which has eased up on my Sunday a bit. Normally I would tell you about the meal prep I would be doing this week, but that’s isn’t going to happen today. I can’t fit any more food in my fridge. My fridge is packed to the brim with things for Christmas dinner and some essentials we need to last until then. It’s been…

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Walk (or run) a mile a day

Walk (or run) a mile a day

Walk (or run) a mile a day with me.  I’ve been pushing my Together We Move Group really hard but I think the internet has been hiding my messages.  Streaking was not really my thing but this year I decided to give it a try.  I really needed to get back into running and a streak was exactly something I needed to give me a push. I’ve started a group and we’ve been on a streak since October 1.  But now is the perfect time for you join in the group and walk or run a mile a day.  I…

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Group fitness etiquette

Group fitness etiquette

I don’t really talk about a bunch on the blog, but I am a group fitness instructor.  I am a HUGE advocate for group fitness for many reasons. There has been a surge in group fitness over the years with Crossfit, barre, spin, yoga and many other choices. If you’ve never been to a group fitness class, here are some tips before you go. Show up to class on time. I know it’s hard sometimes and there are times when you’re just running late.  Just because you’re running late doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to get your workout on.  Access…

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Focus is real

Focus is real

To put this into words is hard because I have been extremely focused lately.  I’m the person you come to for motivation and inspiration to tackle your dreams and lately I’ve just been focused on chasing my own stuff.  It’s been hard for me to put it into words to post here on the blog. I’m still here.  If you follow me on Instagram, you know I’ve still been around. The goals I’ve set for myself aren’t visual goals.  That’s why I haven’t had much to post on Instagram (besides in my stories).  The goals I set are kind of…

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