Let’s talk about snacks

A LOT of you have pointed out that I don’t talk about what I eat enough. Sorry guys! I’m working on it! The problem with me talking about what I eat is I never find it too interesting but y’all seem to enjoy. I also eat the same thing everyday at the same time so it’s really nothing to me.

I eat the same thing for breakfast every morning because it can be made in advance and it’s just a grab and go situation.

Always oatmeal of some kind. I tend to do overnight oats because I can make it the night before. If you read the blog you know how much I love to experiment with the oatmeal!

And there’s always an egg white muffin too! Good thing Shay asked about my eats because I got to show the picture of the perfect egg muffin Willie made me this morning! Sometimes if we have extra stuff left over in the fridge we’ll have pancakes instead of oatmeal.

Willie's Healthy Choice

For lunch, I do eat Healthy Choice Steamer meals or leftovers from the night before. I also have a veggie side, apple and yogurt everyday! I kid you not, I eat those things every day…for convenience. Some people complain about the sodium content of these meals but I find the steamer meals have a lower sodium content than MOST frozen meals. It works for us. We still lost the weight by eating one of these things every day of our weight loss journey and still do. Willie enjoys the chicken pot pie meal and I love orange zest chicken and kung pao chicken.

That's a lot of yogurt! #heathy #eating #food #getfit
Now here is the part your really want to know! I eat all day long. I have breakfast, sometimes a morning snack, lunch, snack, dinner and snack. I drink a butt load of water and tea all day long. For snacks we have yogurt! We eat a lot of yogurt in our house. My favorite in the Carbmaster from Kroger because it seems to be low in sugar. Most yogurts are very high in sugar. I also do a lot of snacking on fruits: grapes, strawberries, oranges, apples…or whatever is in season. The best thing to do is keep this stuff on the counter in a fruit bowl so when you go looking for a snack it’s already out.

We are also a huge sucker for hummus! Two tablespoons of hummus is usually about 60 calories and low if fat content, but it’s a good fat. Some people don’t like hummus but we love it! Willie eats his hummus straight but I like it as a dip. I dip veggies in it like carrots, cucumbers and zucchini. I also love nut butter too but I don’t have two tablespoons of it. It’s high in protein and fat which is good after a gym workout. Keep the veggies cut and in the fridge so it’s ready to go when you are ready. This keeps me from wanting to snack on refined carbs: pretzels and crackers.

Quest bar
Before I head to the gym, I have a bar of some type. Bars are expensive but convenient. I have two favs when it comes to bars: Luna Bars and Quest Bars. I typically don’t eat the quest bars before a workout because I’m looking for energy and I feel a quest bar is for recovery due to the protein punch. Quest bars are low carb and gluten free, if that matters to you. FYI: Chocolate chip cookie dough is to DIE for. It’s my fav! Most days I’m eating a Luna Bar before heading to the gym. No bar is going to be perfect nutrition for Fooducate rates Luna Bars pretty high in the bar category. I love Peanut Butter pretzel, chocolate chunk brownie, chocolate peppermint stick and ice oatmeal raisin. Confession: I do use the bars to get my chocolate fix and not feel bad about it! These bars are typically between 170 – 200 calories. Willie enjoys Odawalla and Clif Bars.

I wish I had something more exotic to share with you about my snacks but this is how I roll. Sometimes we’ll make a banana bread or pumpkin bread for a snack but we don’t like to keep too much of that stuff in the house no matter how healthy/unhealthy it is. Overindulgence in those things MIGHT happen in our house. We do eat the same foods every day though. Lately due to the traveling and not being at home…and the holidays we’ve been thrown off the schedule. We’ve had to do an out of house compromise on the food. Frankly, I’m just tired of eating out so I’m enjoying the time at home.

How many times a day do you eat? And what are some of your favorite snacks?

Taper makes me think

Taper makes me think

Today I was on the phone with a friend and they asked, “What’s the good word?” The good word is taper.  For all those who don’t know, taper happens close to a race where you scale back your mileage so you can rest up and recover for the race.  Taper is a good and bad thing.  It’s good because I won’t be running mega miles on the weekend but it bad because I’m not focused on running the mega mileage on the weekend.  It leaves room to think about other things. The thing that’s been on my mind lately is…

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Fresh pasta and meatballs

Fresh pasta and meatballs

Yesterday I had a very brutal run. It was my last long run before the marathon and it wasn’t really a fun run. It was windy and I gave myself a mental beating throughout the run. I talked myself out of running the marathon twice over the those 16 miles. Willie was there to supply me water/Nuun/words of encouragement every three miles. It was a very hard run but I made it through. And when I finished I noticed I ran those miles faster than last weekend. I just can’t believe that I let myself get mess with my head…

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Good luck and prosperity

Good luck and prosperity

It was a lazy new year’s day. After hanging out with friends in the morning, came back home to have a lazy New Year’s Day. It included a lot of watching of television. Willie took a nap on the couch and I continued by Big Bang Theory marathon! I’m working my way through the seasons. We both love the show so much, but Willie was tired. I needed him to rest up before we started on dinner. New Year’s Day is a great time for me because I get to eat all the foods I love but Willie hates. Well,…

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My year in running

My year in running

When I started off the year I had only run two races in 2012, both half marathons.  Who would have thought I would run 14 half marathons the next year? This wasn’t how I thought the year would go.  The big question is: what fueled my racing desire? The answer: my running group!  I told Jeremy I wanted to do RnR Dallas and he said he was doing it so that kind of pushed me to do the race.  That was two weeks after the Gusher and I had never run a race that close together, but I did it.…

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One crazy year filled with media

One crazy year filled with media

This year has been a crazy year for us!  I really don’t know how it happened or why it happened, but I’m VERY glad that it happened.  At the beginning of the year, I sat down with Willie and told him I wanted to blog about our weight loss.  People were asking us questions, mostly the same questions, and I thought a blog would be the place to get the information out there.  I had no idea that someone at CNN would be searching the internet for weight loss stories and stumble across the blog!  The funny thing about the…

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Stopping the bad talk

Stopping the bad talk

This weekend was a supposed to be a time for rest.  It was supposed to be a time to relax so we went to visit a cute little girl and her family.  There was lots of princess talk and it was fun.  The infamous godchild is a big of ball of cuteness and fun. I also had my first visit to Charming Charlie.  It is like a SPARKLY RAINBOW EXPLODED in the store.  My mind was on overdrive the entire time I was in there.  I couldn’t focus on just one thing.  It was hard for me to found something…

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Break out of the holiday rut

Break out of the holiday rut

There’s still one big event left in the holiday season but you can break out of the holiday rut now.  Christmas cookies have been consumed and that holiday meal is behind us.  It’s time to get active and burn off those holiday calories.  How exactly can you break out of the holiday rut? Here are some of my suggestions: 1. Just suck it up and work out.  The good thing about being a fitness instructor is I have no choice but to jump right back into the swing of things so I had no problem with it.  I promise if…

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Christmas is over…

Christmas is over…

Christmas was pretty chill for us. We agreed to keep the gift giving to a minimum because we tend to go overboard. I got Willie a head light, Clif Bars and a cold weather pull over. He got me a BOX of Quest Bars and some chap stick. I’m a happy girl. I also got some airline giftcards (cause you know I’m always moving)!  I’m planning out 2014 as I type this…lots of travel to be happening I hope! We went to my sister’s house for Christmas. I wanted to get a good picture by the tree and Willie though…

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Merry Christmas from us!

Merry Christmas from us!

Merry Christmas to all who celebrate and Happy Holidays to everyone else! Let’s all remember the reason for the season and spend some time with family and friends…and hot chocolate. We found some no sugar diet hot chocolate so I made some for Willie this morning. I enjoyed some gingerbread green tea! It was so good! I might partake in some eggless eggnog later on too. Have you tried it yet? I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday! We will be spending the day with family. I’m not sure what we’re eating but I’ll keep you informed and I don’t…

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A Christmas light bike ride

A Christmas light bike ride

Last night, Willie and I went on a Christmas light bike ride.  We wanted to do it last year but we didn’t.  I don’t remember why but it probably had something to do with the social aspect of ride.  We just didn’t know anyone and it never occurred to us to just go out there to meet people.  This year we were all game for it though.  So yesterday I taught my 4:30 cycle class and then we headed out after for the 9 mile bike ride to see the Christmas lights. You know what I loved about it? 1.…

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