Motivation Monday to get back on track

It’s Monday and all the blogs I read do motivation Monday. I don’t really do that because everyone else is doing it. Today, I needed a little motivation. I’ve been off track. I haven’t felt like myself and I know I haven’t been holding myself accountable. I’ve been stuck in a rut because I’ve been resting for the marathon and then I ran another marathon two weeks later. It’s really left me feeling weird because I’ve been in a constant taper. My working out was limited…and I felt the need to carbo load.

In New Orelans all I ate the entire time I was there was jamabalya. I was there for three days and at least 4 of my meals consisted of jamabayla, including this meal they tried to pass off as jambalya.  FYI: It wasn’t!

With a side of beignets minus to powdered sugar.

And pancakes when I finished the marathon:

Pancakes have kind of become my thing after a really long run. Don’t know why, but that’s what I want!

My point is: I’m off.  I haven’t been working out like I want, haven’t been eating the way I want and I haven’t been doing the regular things the way I want.  Life has been a flustercluck with surgeries and being out of town…and running.

Today I’m vowing to get back on track with a lot of things.  I’m posting them here so you’ll hold me accountable.

1.  I need to get ready for China!  You know we’re running this marathon aka adventure race on The Great Wall of China in May and I don’t think we’re prepared.  I’m further along because I’m always in a constant state of training.  But this is going to be a big challenge.  I haven’t done the research behind anything and I feel anxious about the whole experience.

2. I haven’t really been watching the news.  I’m so out of touch with current events.  I love NPR but it just hasn’t been apart of my life.

3. Meal prepping has gone out of the window and I feel it.  It’s kind of been throwing something together really quick in the house or just eating out.  I’ve done too much eating out.  I haven’t been eating bad stuff when I’ve gone out but you know, it’s always healthier to eat at home.  I haven’t been doing this.

4. Logging my workouts.  About two weeks ago, I got too busy to log my workouts.  I hate that because it keeps me on track and moving in a forward direction.  I haven’t been too jazzed about hitting the gym lately but I know when I was logging things were different.  I don’t so much log my food anymore, but I might even go back to that to move me in a positive direction.

5. Have some me time.  I’ve been so busy taking care of myself and worrying about others that I haven’t done the same for myself.  I’m hoping to get a hair cut soon.  That would be nice.

In the defense of the Biggest Loser Winner

In the defense of the Biggest Loser Winner

Last night the winner of The Biggest Loser was chosen and people don’t seem to be happy.  I will admit, I don’t watch the show.  I really don’t like how the show doesn’t take it’s moment to educate the viewers on losing the weight, it strictly about the game.  In the end, it’s all about it being a reality show and game and there’s nothing wrong with that.  I know a lot of people look to show for a source of inspiration and motivation so I just wish there was just a little bit more education going on sometimes. So…

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The deal with changes

The deal with changes

Change is a part of life that we can’t really avoid.  Things change on a constant basis, including the weather.  I can’t believe we were hit with two ice events in 6 days here in southeast Texas.  I was cooped up in the house for a couple of days which really gave me a chance to think about the message I want to send out to the world.  Things changed for us a when we decided to lose the weight, our appearance changed,  our life changed, our activities changed and all of the sudden people are asking us to speak about…

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The deal with meal prepping

The deal with meal prepping

Meal prepping is a great tool in just leading a healthy lifestyle.  It’s great for time management too because you won’t have to worry about cooking something because it will basically be done.  I was reading a site recently and the subject was meal prepping but they were charging people for the information.  I won’t do that too you because it’s not that difficult to meal prep. I always meal prep breakfast and dinner for the entire week.  For lunch, I will have leftovers or a frozen meal.  When I say we eat the same thing every week, I really…

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Playing catch up

Playing catch up

I’ve seriously fallen behind in life since Willie has been sick. Last week I split my time between the hospital, work and home.  I was totally out of my routine.  I didn’t get to work out that much and I was seriously tired.  No matter what I did, I couldn’t seem to get some sleep.  I know a lot of it was stress induced, but I was really really tired.  Good thing Willie’s hospital visit occurred the week after the marathon because I probably needed to rest days. The one thing I learned is the hospital doesn’t really serve healthy…

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The Willie Update

The Willie Update

If you haven’t been keeping up with me on social media, you have no idea that Willie has been in the hospital.  He’s been dealing with stomach problems for a while now but lately it’s just gotten worse.  The past 9 days have kind of become unbearable for him so when we got back to town he went to the doctor…who then sent him to the emergency room. He had a a few  gall stones blocking his bile duct and one was rather large.  They sucked those suckers out yesterday.  Today he had his gall bladder removed and he’s feeling…

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Race Recap: The Louisiana Marathon

Race Recap: The Louisiana Marathon

I love this race because it’s a pretty course, the people are friendly and it’s just an all around good time.  I am so happy to share this race recap with you because this was a very positive experience for me. The morning started off well. I had gotten a good night’s sleep and I woke up in a very positive attitude. After battling some bad mental running issues since Memphis, waking up and feeling this good and excited meant I was already a winner! We arrived at the race and did all the necessary things but we lined up…

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Random tips on Tuesday: forming habits, baking and …

Random tips on Tuesday: forming habits, baking and meal prepping

Hello from taper land!  I will admit I’m getting a little antsy because I’ve cut back on my workouts this week so I could stay fresh for the marathon on Sunday.  So instead of working out twice a day I’m only working out once a day which leaves some time in my life.  I’ve been trying to find ways to fill the time so I don’t crazy. Yesterday I made some protein bread. It turned out ok, nothing special. I usually substitute applesauce for oil but I didn’t have an applesauce. I used pumpkin puree because it’s the basically the…

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Lost and broken

Lost and broken

I hate to do this to you but I’m going to have a “let’s get real” moment with you.  It’s just something I need to get off my chest because I really think it’s been weighing me down.  So here it is: When the St. Jude Marathon was canceled it broke me! I know I ran the miles, but in my mind it wasn’t good enough! I started training for that marathon in June and I did almost every single run on my training plan except for 5 runs and those were always short runs I bailed on.  I invested…

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It’s our anniversary

It’s our anniversary

Four years ago I married my best friend!  It was a very cold day in January but our hearts were filled with love and joy as we celebrated the day with family and friends. Willie and I have been on an amazing journey together and I know we still have more to conquer out there in the world!  On our first anniversary our gift to each other was the commitment to prolonging our lives by changing our lifestyle.  Many people didn’t understand, many people criticized, many people doubted us BUT we pushed on TOGETHER to make our lives better. Every…

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Tips to avoid the new work out burn …

Tips to avoid the new work out burn out

It’s the beginning of the year and a LOT of people have resolved to get fit. That’s how the year always starts off right? People flocking to the gym, getting gym memberships and flaking out come February. Those people never see the gym until January of the following year when they plan to do it all over again. All I have to say is: the treadmills and elliptical are packed at my gym around 5:30pm! On a side note, don’t be mean to the new people at the gym.  These people are coming to the gym to accomplish the same…

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