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Five Things: Success, support, compromise and love

It’s late but I do have to apologize for not being very present on the blog lately.  Things got busy and this not boing my full time job this is something that kind of gets pushed to the back. Today I’m talking about just some general things about improving relationships, achieving your goals and things like that.  Things got a little serious the other day for some reason but I wanted to share some of those things with you guys. Here is my list of my five things to keep in mind as we go through life: 1. Organization is…

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Why is loose skin such a big issue?

Why is loose skin such a big issue?

I’ve talked about loose skin many many (did I say many?) time before. Everyone seems to be really concern about loose skin. I have a question for you: why is loose skin such a big issue? Since I was asked about it again, I decided to make a video about it so you can actually see me talking about it. The video is short and I hope it answers your question. I also wrote a blog post on it maybe last year or the year before. I’m still baffled with this actually being an issue. I do not mock and…

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Get that healthy eating in check for fall

Get that healthy eating in check for fall

Summer is over, technically. Vacation is a thing of the past. The summer barbecues and sweet treats may have taken over your life for a few short months and that’s fine. Live a little, it was summer after all, but now it’s time to get your healthy eating back in check. The next the you know, it will be the holiday season and you don’t want bad habits to snowball into that time of year, do you? The best way to get your eating habits back on track is to make a plan. Plain and simple, make a plan and…

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Travel Tuesday: I’m going on a road …

Travel Tuesday: I’m going on a road trip

It’s Travel Tuesday so I’m taking a health/food/fitness break to tell you about my next adventure.  It’s all related somehow anyway, right?  I never would have dreamed of doing all the things I do now if I hadn’t lost the weight. My eyes are wide open now.  I’m ready to explore. So my next big adventure will be a road trip to Las Vegas.  This is kind of monumental because I’ve never been to las Vegas before and I’ve never driven that far by myself.  I’m probably violating a road trip rule by going by myself, but it’s just something…

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Getting a fresh start.

Getting a fresh start.

It’s Monday which we all know is the start of the new week (duh)! The beginning of the week is always filled with moans and groans because Mondays are so hard. But the start of the week is always filled with possibility. It’s the start of new to-do lists, new goals, new accomplishments…and a lot of new things. Mondays are great day to refocus and start anew. Start off the week positive and with promise. This is not the time to think about the impossible but all the things that are possible. Life is about moving forward and learning experiences.…

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Five Things Friday: 5?s – Life After Weight Loss

Five Things Friday: 5?s – Life After Weight Loss

Happy Friday everyone! It’s raining here. It’s got me in some type of mood, but life must go on. I am here this week with part II of the video from last week. FYI: This will be the last 5?s about weight loss for a while, probably like 2 months. I just wanted to round up the most frequently asked questions in a video for people to watch. I have a few other weight loss related videos that will hit the queue eventually but this will be the last of these kind for a while. I think you should ask…

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Can I workout from home?

Can I workout from home?

Workout out at home is a great and convenient. There are perks to having a gym membership like equipment and the possibilities of group fitness, but sometimes the budget just won’t allow for a gym membership. Or maybe you’re just uncomfortable being around a lot of people when you workout? That doesn’t mean you can’t be active. If you do decide to work out at home there are some things you need to take into consideration like equipment. You might need to invest in some weights/dumbbells/kettle bells, a exercise mat and maybe a treadmill (if that’s what you like to…

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Motivation from within

Motivation from within

I’m still stuck on a motivation kick. Maybe because I’m kicking it into high gear because I lacked motivation for the summer. Guess what? Summer is over and it’s time to move on. I don’t want people to go through the serious rutt I was in that essentially ended up wasting my time. It’s not Monday, but I still have a message to motivate. Here’s the video: There are a few things I really want you to take away from the video: 1. Motivation should come from within. Yes, when I’m in a certain setting, I push and motivate people…

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The end of the Labor Day

The end of the Labor Day

I hope everyone had a great day today and didn’t have to work. If you did have to work, I’m sorry! I wish I could say I did something eventful for the weekend, but I really didn’t do much. This morning I went for a run. The humidity was killer so I stopped to play in the sprinklers. After that, I decided that I should do some laundry. It’s long overdue. @angelabeatfat is recording videos for her YouTube channel. #production #youtube #video #WBF #film A photo posted by Willie Gillis (@fueledxrunning) on Sep 6, 2015 at 12:46pm PDT I just…

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Five Things Friday: 5Qs about weight loss

Five Things Friday: 5Qs about weight loss

Hello all! Happy Friday! Sorry about not having a blog up yesterday, I thought I scheduled a post but I guess I was wrong. That means I’m absent minded and it just left you absent. Have no fear, Angie is here with a new post for Friday. I enjoy doing the Five Things Friday thing but I thought I would change it up with a video this week. I am answering five questions about weight loss. The topic will change from week to week but if you have a question about anything, please feel free to ask me. It will…

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WIAW: Look inside our fridge & eating animal protein …

WIAW: Look inside our fridge & eating animal protein again

It’s another Wednesday which means it’s time for WIAW (What I Ate Wednesday). I’m trying to do different things with food post so this week I’m taking you inside of our fridge. This way I can show you what we’re eating. Take a look at the video: Willie and I have switched off our vegetarian diet for one very good reason. We were coming up protein deficient because it became harder and harder for us to find the foods we needed in our city. The egg shortage has become a big issue and there was never any tofu at the…

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