Summer is over, technically. Vacation is a thing of the past. The summer barbecues and sweet treats may have taken over your life for a few short months and that’s fine. Live a little, it was summer after all, but now it’s time to get your healthy eating back in check. The next the you know, it will be the holiday season and you don’t want bad habits to snowball into that time of year, do you?
The best way to get your eating habits back on track is to make a plan. Plain and simple, make a plan and stick with it. Yes, you’ve heard from me before over and over, but the best way to break a habit is to make a plan. During the summer things get chaotic because people are thrown off of the daily schedules. Things are little bit looser and free. Take the time to reset your plans and keep them fresh. Try a new workout or group fitness class. Make your fitness a priority in life and not just an after though. Decide on your workouts and put it on the schedule. Most importantly, don’t skip your appointment with yourself.
The same things goes with your meals. If your meals are already cooked and prepped, you’re more likely to eat at home. And don’t forget to bring your lunch with you when you’re on the go. Let’s get the diet back in check to make sure we’re getting all of the essential nutrients we need for optimum daily performance. Load up on 10x more Vitamin E and more than double the Omega-3s (compared to other eggs) with Eggland’s Best Eggs. Eggs are a great source for a complete protein which helps in muscle recovery and repair and just makes us strong.
Eggland’s Best Eggs provide an excellent source a protein to keep you full longer so you won’t be likely to snack on bad foods. The Eggland’s Best Eggs hard-cooked peeled eggs are perfect post-workout because these eggs are easy to grab and go and will provide you that great protein boost. But Eggland’s Best Eggs are good in so many other meals too. Since we all know that I love eggs like no one else, I thought I would share with you how I’ve been eating my eggs lately. I’m trying to get a good B12 boost from Eggland’s Best Eggs during my marathon training. There’s more than 3x the amount of Vitamin B12 in Eggland’s Best Eggs compared to the ordinary egg.
An egg and veggie quesadilla. Very simple with a FlatOut Bread, grilled bell peppers and onions, fat free cheese and a scramble Eggland’s Best (large) egg! I know it’s been said that eating the whole egg is bad and that’s why people are on the egg white kick and there’s nothing wrong with that. But Eggland’s Best Eggs are 60 calories and 25% less saturated fat than other eggs.
What about a little egg brushetta? Ok, I get that it’s not really a brushetta but it’s a low carb, low calorie version. Instead of toast you get a cucumber slice, Laughing Cow cheese, sliced hard cooked egg and a cherry tomato. It’s the perfect snack.
Or what about a nice egg and ham salad? I used broccoli slaw mixture, sliced ham, one hard cooked Eggland’s Best Egg and 2 tablespoons of Bolthouse Farms cilantro avocado dressing. I mixed it all together to create a great snack, side dish or filling for a wrap! Believe me it’s good. I came up with these ideas on my own but sometimes you just need a little inspiration. If you want to try out some other egg recipes check out the Eggland’s Best Eggs cookbook. Send me pictures of the stuff you try.
So how are you cleaning up your summer diet and putting your healthy habits back in check? Obviously, I’ve been doing it with Eggland’s Best Eggs and trying out new things.
This post is sponsored by FitFluential on behalf of Eggland’s Best.