What happens when moderation doesn’t work

I’m a big proponent of eating what you want in moderation because if you don’t eat it there are several things that happen. Like you you start to constantly think about eating that one thing and then that can manfiest itself into something else.  Then instead of just eating a small piece or just enjoying whatever it is you want…you hit the binge.

The binge is never a good place to be because in my case, it just leaves me feeling horrible about myself and then I’m stuck in food regret.  I don’t regret many things in life, but I know for sure one should not regret ever putting food in their mouth.  There are bigger problems in the world and in some cases this food regret can turn into a bigger problem.


Enjoy whatever it is you want and go one about your business. It’s about moderation, but what happens when moderation doesn’t work? What if eating that one thing puts you down the hole and you have no idea how you got in your non-moderation habit?  That’s the time to reasses what is actually going on.

If you’ve been able to handle moderation in the past but all of the sudden seem to have a problem, take a step back to examine what is really going on.  It could be that you’re emotionally eating and trying to fill another void in your life.  There could be many reasons why a person would find comfort in food so it’s best to address that issue head on.

Before we lost weight, cheese was my thing.  I loved it!  I devoured it.  But when we started losing weight, I cut it out of my diet completely.  There is no moderation from cheese at all and so now it’s typically something I stay away from.  I know that eating that probably will create a problem for me so I do stay away from it.  But wait?!? Doesn’t that negate everything I just said about eat it anyway? It does, but I know it’s just a food I can’t handle in moderation.  If faced with a cake situation, it would be totally different.  I can enjoy the slice of cake and move on from it and not want to eat the entire thing.  Cheese on the other hand, there is a possibility that I would eat the entire block…so I have to stay clear of it.  And that’s probably why pizza is a big problem for me also.

This is a decision that you have to make for yourself and really stick to your guns.  It’s just easier for me to live without the cheese than to worry about overindulging in it. Some things you can enjoy in moderation and others…it’s just not possible.  And sometimes, you can learn to live in moderation if you want to be able to enjoy something you want to have.

Five Things You Can Do to Lose Weight …

Five Things You Can Do to Lose Weight now

It’s not a hoax or whatever.  People often ask what we did to lose weight or how we got started.  The is a simply answer and long answer so I’m going to give you a clif notes version.  It starts with a few simple things that will help you develop healthier habits. Cut the soda.  This is where we started from day one.  There was no more soda to be had.  I really have no idea how many calories I was consuming just by drinking soda.  It’s a mindless habit but those soda cans add up to major calories.  Or…

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Why must a black woman choose between her …

Why must a black woman choose between her hair and health?

Welcome to Transformation Tuesday and I wanted to talk about something different today.  I can’t and won’t deny the fact that I’m a black woman and once upon a time, I didn’t want to work out because it would mess up my hair.  This blog post may not appeal to you or be something you can’t relate to so it’s ok to skip this one if you want.  But for now, I must keep talking. (Afterthought inserted here) I want to preface this blog post by saying that our hair is not more important than our health. I am writing…

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Why I stopped showing up to running group?

Why I stopped showing up to running group?

My running group is great.  I love being a Strutter as most of you can tell from my race pictures.  These people have come into my life and made it so much sunnier.  My Monday and Wedesdays have been filled with hanging out with these people until recently and maybe it’s time for a little transparency. There are a few explanations that I could offer here.  Let’s start with the easiest explanation: I was just injured.  It’s not that I don’t want to run but I just couldn’t.  It hurt.  It was painful and it kind of made me sad.…

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Carbs are IMPORTANT in my life

Carbs are IMPORTANT in my life

More people have been asking about the food I’ve been making because I haven’t been sharing that in the recent months.  I haven’t been sharing because I am a creature of habit.  If I like something one week, I’ll make it again for the next week.  Sometimes if it’s easy and simple, I keep eating the same thing over and over for convience.  Basically, I’ve just felt a little boring with my food choices lately. I’ve turned chicken breast and chicken thighs, all boneless and skinless, into this: It’s a quick an easy meal. Sautee up some onions and bell…

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Transformation Tuesday: Falling into running

Transformation Tuesday: Falling into running

I never thought I would be a runner. When we started our weight loss journey, I definitely didn’t think it would be something I would fall into or even love. I started running because I needed something a little bit more fast pace than walking and that slowly turned into a love for hitting the pavement. The only place I would run to before was the couch to catch the latest episode of my favorite show or to the kitchen table to eat. It’s sad to say, but that is the truth. I can’t really explain to you why the…

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Never give up

Never give up

There are a few new faces to the blog because of some media coverage that has occured so I wanted to say a big HELLO to all of you.  Thanks for coming by the site and sharing your kind words.  With all the new faces, the questions begin to roll in.  People want to know how to get started on their weight loss journey, what did we do, what about the loose skin and how long did all of that take?  All those questions have been answered here on the blog many many times. Those questions are really great questions…

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Hiding unhealthy choices and back on meal prep

Hiding unhealthy choices and back on meal prep

If you haven’t noticed, I’ve been on the move.  It’s been a BUSY few weeks and I haven’t really been home to meal prep.  There was a week that I prepped for two weeks but that only happened one.  I’ve been traveling and missing the grocery store trips.  Everything hasn’t been tip top shape.  And I’ll be honest with you, I haven’t been eating the best food either. A couple of weeks ago Willie and I slammed a whole pizza and enjoyed it…but I think my pizza need may have been met that day. The picture above is not the…

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The great thing about Mondays

The great thing about Mondays

Happy Monday everyone! Sometimes Mondays get a bad wrap because the day comes after the weekend, but it’s not always that bad.  The great thing about Mondays is it’s a time to start fresh and wipe the slate clean. Mondays are a day when I try to actually put together an outfit to wear. Here is what I’m sporting today and this has no place in the actual blog post but it’s fun, right? Monday is a day of reflection of what you accomplished the previous week and what you want to do in the upcoming week. The great thing…

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Want to run the Chicago Marathon with me?

Want to run the Chicago Marathon with me?

Have you ever wanted to run a marathon?  Here’s your chance.  I am looking for some motivated people to come run the Chicago Marathon with me in October.  Are you interested? Last year I ran the Chicago Marathon with Team Healthy Kids and I’ll be doing it again this year with Willie.  I really want to put together a team to run for a great cause.  Childhood obesity is a great risk to our country and I want to do something about it.  This is my way of making difference.  Do you want to make a difference with me? Willie…

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Being too hard on myself

Being too hard on myself

Yesterday I threw myself a pity party. I ran two half marathons this weekend, I should be proud about that.  I’m upset because one of those was supposed to be a marathon.  I’m complaining about nothing.  Don’t judge me.  But I am hard on myself and it clouds my judgement.  I really should know better. I am being too hard on myself. Maybe I’ve set the bar too high or I need to manage expectations. When I made the decision at mile 6, I knew it was the right decision.  When I rolled through mile 8, I was feeling better…

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