Make some choices

Happy Monday, all!  It’s a rainy day.  The baby is napping and I’m working from home today.  These are the moments that I love.  It’s supposed to rain all day so I decided the right choice was to hit the treadmill this morning to run.  I’m over making excuses why I can’t run so today is the day I decided to make the choice to run.  Running on the treadmill isn’t my favorite thing but the most important thing is to get those feet moving.


The thing we have to remember is our life is made up of our choices. The choices YOU make can change your attitude and your altitude in life. Not all the choices we make will be the best but those choices still create learning experiences for our future choices.

Remember you are in control because you are making the choices. Don’t let anymore make choices for you. Make the choices that will take you to the places you want to go.

It could be a small choice that changes your entire future. A small choice can change your attitude completely. Your only job is to the make the choice to see where it takes you. Enjoy the journey and take mental notes for future experiences.

Make your choices.

It’s time for me to start making some choices too.  This blog is a huge part of my world.  I’ve thought about shutting it down, but it’s been a part of my life for so long.  It’s not the right choice for me.  I am trying to make this blogging thing my full-time gig.

I struggle with making choices for the blog because life is never constant.  Things are always changing and expanding.  I started the blog as a way to help, motivate, and inspire others to lose weight.  My life is so much more than that now.  I fell in love with running.  I started to travel more.  I started my quest.  I had a baby.  I started exploring more aspects of life.  I want to inspire and motivate people to be the best versions of themselves.

I’m a bunch of things and my blog will have to be a bunch of things too.  I’m not just the weight loss girl. I’m the mom who is living a happy and healthy life and that needs to be reflected on the blog.

I want to inspire and motivate people to be the best versions of themselves.

I’m making the choice to change some things on the blog to make it easier on myself. I want to show people how to harness their inner strength, to live the best versions of lives right now, to be the person they want to be and not fit into a mold.  The only way I feel like I can accomplish this is by being myself and everything life encompasses. We Beat Fat is about a lifestyle, an attitude, and personal growth we are living in our daily life.

I’m making choices. I hope you stay along for the ride. It’s going to be great.

What choices are you making today?