My Thanksgiving eating tip

I’m so excited.  I love the holidays because this is the one of two times the family gets together and we have a good time. Of course there is always reason to give thanks and to eat some good food.  It’s always hard during the holidays to slow the eating down when you’re being tempted so much, right?


I know I’ve already posted the tips on how to stay in control over the holidays but I want to stress this to you again.  Thanksgiving is one day so you should enjoy it.  But remember it’s one day!

I normally get up and do some type of exercise on Thanksgiving morning.  Before I was comfortable running races, I still got up to run 3 miles around the hood or just went for a long walk.  Now I run the Turkey Trot. There’s just something about getting active that makes me feel better about enjoying Thanksgiving.  If you can, get up a little earlier and do a workout; get the blood pumping.

My biggest tip: stay in control.  There is going to be a lot of amazing delicious unavoidable food at the table, so enjoy it.  Enjoy it but don’t over indulge or pig out.  Have a piece of pie, don’t eat the whole pie.  Or split the pie with someone else.

Eat like you normally would on the day so you’re not starving when it comes to eating the meal.  When you do that, you’re taking control away from yourself because you’re going to be more inclined to pig out.   Most importantly, drink water before, during and after you eat.  It will help you feel full and keeps you hydrated!  Know the difference between hungry and thirsty!

Also try to make some low calorie desserts for yourself to enjoy instead of eating all the sugary goodness.  I’ll hopefully be posting some of that stuff for you tomorrow so you still have time to enjoy!

I sure am looking forward to spiral ham AND cornbread dressing!  I’m pretty sure Willie is excited for the pecan pie! Willie and I are hosting Thanksgiving again this year and we are so excited!  Good things will be happening in the Gilly kitchen!

What are your plans for Thanksgiving?

GO HARD – Hug a Runner

GO HARD – Hug a Runner

Go hug a runner because it’s time to Go HARD.  It’s Globally Organized Hug A Runner Day!  Last year, I missed out but this year I got in lots of hugs! I told you running makes me want to hug people! These are some of my favorite people but not all. So don’t get offended if you’re picture isn’t here. I’ve been icing my foot. Sunday when I ran the half marathon in the rain, I think my shoes were too tight or too lose and were sliding up and down my foot. It hurt like the dickens so I…

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Loose skin is suddenly back in the topic …

Loose skin is suddenly back in the topic column

You may have seen the Muscle and Fitness article about the effects of extreme weight loss on skin.  John David Glaude stripped down to show you what’s it like.  The only thing I could think about when I saw it was, “he’s pretty brave.” His message is correct! He said he’s comfortable clothed but not so much unclothed so that is why he decided to do the video. This is the most relateable thing I’ve seen on the internet about weight loss. The fear of the loose skin with weight loss is real. I have people writing me all the…

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Never underestimate the importance of stretching

Never underestimate the importance of stretching

I’m a firm believer in stretching but I know a lot of people who don’t stretch at all. I couldn’t imagine running a half marathon and not stretching…or doing a 45 minute spinning class and just walking out. I will admit, I wasn’t always a firm believer in stretching but then I noticed I started to get really tight and I had a couple of minor injuries. Let’s just say I was scared straight into stretching and it was the best wake up call ever. I’m sharing this information because a lot of you are just now starting on a…

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Blah week but the workouts are in review.

Blah week but the workouts are in review.

I must be honest.  I haven’t been very motivated to workout this week.  It’s kind of like I’ve been going through the motions.  There have been some serious highlights but for the most part I’ve been stuck in the funk.  On Monday, I returned to my workout roots and had a great time.  It was nice to sit in a cycle class and not be teaching it.  I miss that so I think I need to make more time for that. Now more than ever, I think I need a change up.  Just like I do the Sunday meal prep,…

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Go with your heart

Go with your heart

Today has been a good day. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to blog about today so I almost passed on writing a blog post today…until I had a moment when working out. I went to a cycle class today…and I didn’t teach it. And you know what? It felt good. My hamstring is kind of bothering me and I thought it would be best to forgo today’s run. I did what I wanted to today and it just felt good. I remember going to my first cycle class and I couldn’t turn the gears up because it was too…

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Week in review: best friends, grapes and the …

Week in review: best friends, grapes and the half ironman

Happy Friday y’all.  I don’t know about you but I’m glad it’s Friday.  I’ve been really busy at work so life has been a bit hectic this week.  It hasn’t been a bad week at all, but it hasn’t been the best week of my life either…it’s just a week! Yesterday I did have a chance to catch up with one of my best friends.  It’s been a while since I’ve seen her so it was nice just to talk.  I guess we’ll just call September best friend reunion month because I haven’t seen any of them in awhile but…

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Give group fitness a try.

Give group fitness a try.

Happy Wednesday everyone!  I’m still trying to get in the swing of things.  I don’t know I just feel off this week.  I haven’t been hungry and I’ve been a little tired.  Maybe it’s because it’s a million degrees outside.  All I know is, I’m just trying to stay hydrated! When I’m feeling down in the dumps, I’m always grateful for group fitness.  It forces me to be around people, when I don’t want and group fitness pushes me in a workout. Just think about it? If you’re having a low energy day and decide to hit the treadmill, are…

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A week in review: washing machines and workouts

A week in review: washing machines and workouts

Happy Friday everyone!  This has been the LONGEST short week of my life.  I’ve been finding it hard to push through this week so I’m definitely glad to have made it to Friday.  I wanted to share some of my highlights from the week.  Sadly, I don’t have many HIGHlights but there are a few. First off, last Friday I went to wash clothes and something bad happened. This is totally not health and fitness related. This happened. The timer dial wasn’t engaging. I must tell you this is a hand me down washer but FREE is always the best…

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I don’t spend a lot on my …

I don’t spend a lot on my workout clothes. I’m not fancy.

The truth is: I’m not fancy. People have asked me several times where I get my workout clothes, especially when I was plus size. I have to be honest. I get most of my workout clothes from Walmart. Even though I work out A LOT, I can’t justify spending so much money on clothes that I’m going to sweat in. I would love to wear Lululemon clothes, but it’s just too expensive for me. So yes, most of my workout clothes came from Walmart and still come from Walmart. I’m a girl on a budget. At the start of every…

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Dos and don’ts of strength training

Dos and don’ts of strength training

I’m not expert but I had to figure a couple of things out on my own. (Always remember to consult your physician before starting a new diet and/or workout routine.) I wanted to share with you some of my personal rules for strength training. Incorporating strength training into your fitness routine will only make you stronger and better. Whatever goal you’re trying to reach, these workouts will help you get there. But first, it’s time for a little personal time. This morning was the first day back into a new/old routine. I try to change my workouts up just a…

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