Plane travel eats

Happy Friday everyone!  I’m headed to Kansas to run the Garmin Land of Oz Marathon.  The weather doesn’t look like it’s going to cooperate but I’m still excited to check another state off my list.  Anyway, I’m getting back into the traveling and food toting spirit so I thought I would share with you the food I’m bringing along on this trip.

Travel food

I’m only going for two days but I still feel like I’m bringing a lot of food. I’m also trying not to spend too much money on food while I’m there. Eating in the airport is expensive and so is eating out every meal. Luckily, the marathon is Saturday morning so I can stick to my race day morning food. That’s what the bagels, peanut butter and Clif Bars are for.

I also made some wraps on Flatout bread. It’s kind of hard to arrange my meals and snacks because I can’t bring some of that stuff on the plane. There’s no yogurt happening. I made different types of warps: a breakfast wrap (hard boiled egg, shaved turkey, mango salsa), snack wrap (chicken breast, Laughing Cow cheese, chopped lettuce and mustard) and my lunch wrap (chicken breast, Laughing Cow cheese, chopped lettuce and mango salsa). I though these would be the best options for travel and everything is wrapped together.


For lunch I also made a salad in the bag (lettuce, tomatoes and my dressing) and I have some cut watermelon.

I also have my Nuun tablets because I’m hydrating. Being on a plane with dehydrate me and I still have to be hydrated for the marathon. The plan is to only really eat out two times the entire time I’m in Kansas. I’m doing that for budgetary purposes but having the food with me will keep me on a schedule.

I always have my snack back-ups of Luna Bars and Quest Bars. If I have a snack attack that will always be covered.

This is really the first time I’ve ever done this so I hope that you find it helpful.

Obviously, I’m going to Kansas.  What are your plans for the weekend?

Why my weight loss journey was successful

Why my weight loss journey was successful

There’s an article going around the internet about things women aren’t told when they start their weight loss journey.  I totally agree with this article and these are things I PREACH over and over again.  Reading this made me think about my own journey.  I’m at the place right where I want to lose 10 pounds so I will be embarking on my own mini journey for the next few months.  The plan is to try to lose 2 pounds a week so it should take me 5 weeks if things go as planned. The one thing to remember is…

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Five things on this Friday

Five things on this Friday

Happy Friday everyone!  I’ve been waiting for this day all week because I knew it would be a rest day for me.  I told myself that if I put in the work during the week, I could take today off from working out.  I was looking forward to sleeping in, but I still managed to wake up at 5:20am.  I got an extra hour of sleep so I’ll take that as a win. 1. I took it to the couch this morning to watch some Real Housewives of New York City and Married at First Sight.  I do love my…

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Food doesn’t control me

Food doesn’t control me

Back in the day, eating was a main event.  I use to get excited about it.  There was so many possibilities and so many meals to be had. In college, this girl’s favorite thing to do was slam 20 chicken nuggets, large fries and two cheeseburgers.  I use to really enjoy a big drink and an extra large portion of chili cheese tater tots for a snack.  I would REALLY get excited about those things.  Eating was my sport of choice and I loved every minute of it. Fast forward to now, I’m really not that excited about food. I…

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Weight loss and changing your routine

Weight loss and changing your routine

Weight loss has been a big subject in our house again.  Willie is trying to drop some pounds and is going back to the methods.  That means we’ve been talking about it much more but I guess more about what happens after weight loss. It’s been on my mind about the struggles, the fears, the pay off…everything that has come along with it.  The biggest thing we’ve been talking about is changing up the workouts.  It’s easy to get wrapped up in doing something that you like to do but it’s important to change up your workouts.  The body responds…

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Things aren’t always as they seem.

Things aren’t always as they seem.

Things aren’t always as they seem, especially when it comes to weight loss. Sometimes things are better and sometimes things are worse…or sometimes things are just normal but a new normal. Willie had a break through a few weeks ago and he’s handling it well. He identified his problem areas and he’s really going after it. I’m very proud of him. He’s committing to really finding his new normal and living with it. He’s good like that. He is a pretty even in his emotions so he doesn’t let things get away from him. I’m having problems adjusting to the…

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Eating all natural with Healthy Choice

Eating all natural with Healthy Choice

Last week Willie came home with something new but I didn’t pay much attention to it. The past two weeks of meals have been filled with Healthy Choice steamers because there just wasn’t enough time to prepare lunch. This was the next best option for us. From previous posts you know we are big fans of these meals and Willie noticed the company added on with Simply Cafe Steamers. Before I get started, I just want you to know I was not paid or compensated for anything I’m saying right now.  This is just a normal daily thing in our…

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Meal prep and the chicken

Meal prep and the chicken

Now that I have a little bit of time I’ll continue talking about meal prepping. The biggest question people talk about is what food do I cook that lasts all week. This seems to be an issue with people. I’ve never had food go back in the fridge. I cook on Sunday and I’ll meal prep for all meals until Friday. Is food going bad really a problem? Like I’ve already mentioned, I make the food and portion it out right away so every meal is grab and go. I love chicken. I eat lots of chicken. I cook it…

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Taking risks to chase big dreams. It’s …

Taking risks to chase big dreams. It’s time to shine.

Spending the weekend with my mom, I learned a lot about myself. It’s always nice to know that whenever things change, some things are still the same. She told me stories about me being protective with my feelings, being a rule follower, always trying to be helpful, people pleasing, creating magical lands of adventure and always looking for something more. That was me and that’s still me. I’ve always been a dreamer but I’ve always been afraid to take the risk. There was always some reason for me not to take the leap. It would hurt someone’s feelings, it may…

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Does the journey ever really end?

Does the journey ever really end?

This day in 2011, Willie and I decided that it was time for a change.  Together we took the steps to lose weight and transform our lifestyle.  This morning I woke up to tell Willie today was the day and he didn’t remember.  I take that as a good thing because that means we’ve come a long way. I still remember everything about that day.  The conversation we had and how I really wanted to get barbecue that day for dinner. I know it sounds silly, but I still remember.  The next day Willie and I went to the gym…

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It’s time to get your HIIT on!

It’s time to get your HIIT on!

It’s time to change up those workouts people.  When I feel like I need a change, I take a HIIT. HIIT = High Intensity Interval Training.  It burns A LOT of calories and gets in everything that you need.  Cardio and strength in one killer workout so it’s one of the best.  I have a love/hate relationships with HIIT workouts because I know the workouts are going to be intense so I hate them.  I love them because I definitely see improvement in my body and fitness after doing these workouts for a while.  The key is to stick with…

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