There’s always room for improvement

I haven’t been the best blogger lately and I’m going to make some changes. There’s always room for improvement, right? That’s why it important to write down your goals as that constant reminder of what you’re trying to accomplish.

The past is the past. The past makes us the people we are now but doesn't need to dictate your future. The past two months I've been too focused on what I used to be and not the person I am now. Keep looking forward and moving in the right direction. Ther

I use to be so big on goal setting and meeting those goals. The one thing I was always told people was to set goals, write them down and check them off the list. I use to live by this and then I just stopped. I’ve slacked off. I’ve kind of stopped working toward something and just have been working…I’ve been moving sideways for too long. It’s time to start moving forward.

I’m still on my quest but that’s even taken a back seat to something. I actually told Willie a couple of weeks ago that I wasn’t that into anymore. That really isn’t true, I just stopped looking at the big picture because I thought it was a burden to others…and not realistic. I lost sight of the reason why I wanted to go on the quest in the first place. I’m getting back to that.

The blog was something that was really big in my life. I wanted it to turn into something else and I was on the right track but then I got derailed. It’s time for me to get back to that point. It’s been an afterthought and it should be a main priority. It’s time to get back there. I’m going to do better with social media, better at blogging and better at just ben a presence around here.

After accomplishing something as big as big weight loss, it’s hard to find a goal that keeps me moving forward. Weight loss was trackable, the goals were set for me and it was easy for me to stay on track…even when it wasn’t. I knew the thing I was working toward because it was a number, a unit of measurement. It seems like now the goals aren’t quite that simple. Saying weight loss was simple kind of makes me feel a little funny because at the time I never thought it was simple at all during the the process. The hardest thing was staying focused on the end, not the dropping of the weight a long the way. Maybe it was a little simple.

I encourage all of you to keep moving forward. The past is the past for a reason. If we keep looking back to where we’ve been, then we can never look forward to the future. Keep setting goals that will keep you looking forward and constantly moving in a positive direction. Big or little, all goals are important to keep you focused and energized about the process. Most importantly, don’t forget to celebrate the small victories along the way!

Here are my goals for moving forward:

1. Be better about blogging about my ordinary life.
2. Try some new lunch meals.
3. Stay focused on my quest.
4. Get more active on social media.
5. Enjoy life.

What are some goals that you are willing to set right now?

Refreshed and recharged after getting my joy stolen

Refreshed and recharged after getting my joy stolen

I have to be honest, I’m writing this for myself today. Notice that I haven’t been as bright and friendly around the blog parts lately? Things haven’t been good but things are better. I think I was just left feeling a little lost after the month of the February. I had a little struggle that turned into something big and I didn’t deal with it right. I resorted to old habits and that kind of scared me. I lost motivation. I lost my drive. I was consumed and over taken by my emotions and it just left me empty. No…

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Taking risks to chase big dreams. It’s …

Taking risks to chase big dreams. It’s time to shine.

Spending the weekend with my mom, I learned a lot about myself. It’s always nice to know that whenever things change, some things are still the same. She told me stories about me being protective with my feelings, being a rule follower, always trying to be helpful, people pleasing, creating magical lands of adventure and always looking for something more. That was me and that’s still me. I’ve always been a dreamer but I’ve always been afraid to take the risk. There was always some reason for me not to take the leap. It would hurt someone’s feelings, it may…

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Celebrate everything

Celebrate everything

I’ve been working on things around the site. You may have noticed some changes. I’m going for a new look. There have been a couple of bugs but I think things are finally smoothing over. I am excited for a new start on an old thing. I want to talk about celebration. Everyone should stop right now and just stop to celebrate something about yourself. Big, little, tiny, miniscule…whatever it is, it’s worthy of celebration. I hear so many things in life. “Well I only ran 2 miles.” “I was only able to do the stairmaster for 12 minutes.” “I…

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Fight the negative to ACCOMPLISH your goals

Fight the negative to ACCOMPLISH your goals

I don’t know why but this morning I woke up thinking about the things that people said I should/would never do. It’s easy to get wrapped up I. The idea of what others think and say about us. I could sit here and tell you that you shouldn’t care, but I know it’s easier said than done. If I told you I lived like that, it would be a lie. Truth is I do care, but I think that is wrapped up in insecurities. I let it creep into my head and ruin some pretty proud moments for myself. Truth…

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2015: A year of new goals

2015: A year of new goals

I’ve been contemplating my goals for the new year.  I’m taking a new approach to my goals this year.  I sat down to think about what I accomplish in the new year and most of them come in the form of being true to myself and using my voice.  It seems to be more internal than physical.  I don’t know what that really means. 1.  I want to stay true to myself.  I’m a people pleaser, I don’t want people to be upset or hurt by my actions. That sometimes interferes with my thought making process because I make decisions…

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Approach the New Year with an open mind

Approach the New Year with an open mind

The new year is coming which means it’s time to make new plans.  It’s time to move forward.  It’s time to leave 2014 in the past.  The door of possibilities swings open again, so don’t be close minded!  Take the time to explore new avenues of in life.  Try something that you never thought you would do.  Even if you don’t like or love it, at least you tried it! This is the time to start anew.  The best piece of advice I can give to you is to set goals and do everything in your power to achieve those…

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Don’t compare. Just do you!

Don’t compare.  Just do you!

I’m here to tell you to ignore the comps.  It does no good.  A big part of my motivation throughout the weight loss journey was to begin with the end in mind.  I visualized what I thought I would like in the end and that really kept me going.  Fast forward to now, I don’t look anything like what I thought I would look.  It’s hard as woman to not compare our outward appearance to others.  After all, we are constantly told what we should look like to meet certain standards.  I’m here to tell you, find your own standard…

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Happy August! It’s time for new goals!

Happy August! It’s time for new goals!

Happy August everyone!  It’s the start of a new month which means anything is possible.  Start thinking about the things you hope to accomplish this month. Yesterday was my momma’s birthday!  It was kind of a chill day for her.  My  momma likes to celebrate occasions with food which is hard for Willie and I because we’re trying to keep things in check. We finally decided on Pei Wei.  If you’re an old blog reader you know Willie and I use to swear by this place, but they changed the menu.  For me, the nutritional information is a little bit…

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Race Recap: El Scorcho 25k/50K – Why I …

Race Recap: El Scorcho 25k/50K – Why I won’t be an ultra-marathoner.

I’m late posting this morning because I was sidetracked. I hate it when that happens. On Saturday night, I ran El Scorcho. It’s a race that typically starts at midnight but if you were doing the 50K option, you had the choice to early start. You have until the sun comes up to finish the race. Why is the race at night? Because we live in Texas and it’s hot! The race seems to be pretty well organized. Packet pick up was a breeze and the ride to the park wasn’t bad either. They even had volunteers to drive you…

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Work in progress

Work in progress

I am not the person I want to be, but that’s ok.  I may never be that person I want to be because once I get to where I’m going, I always see something else. I wanted to lose weight and when I did lose the weight I wanted to run a half marathon. After I ran a half marathon, I wanted to run a better half marathon. After I ran I better half marathon, I wanted to run lots of half marathons and travel the country. After I traveled the country to run half marathons, I decided I wanted…

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