Hitting those September 2015 goals

It’s a new month and I’m actually kind of excited for everything to come.  The arrival of September is a relief (maybe the temperatures will go down) and excites me.  It’s been a long summer and September kind of means that summer is coming to a close.

I was pretty serious about doing these goal setting posts in the past but kind of fell off for one reason or anything.  I have to make it a point of doing these posts to remind myself of things I should strive towards in the future.  Also, it just helps to write these things down.  It’s a great tool that I preach to all you readers out there so if I want you to do it, I should do it myself.


One goal I had last month was to take my dog walks just to keep active.  I think I did a pretty great job of fitting those in and I will continue doing those walks.  The dogs are starting to expect them more and more now and I think they enjoy it more because it’s not so hot outside.

Here we go:

  1.  I need to work on getting more sleep.  I have been more energized to do a lot more things lately but I think my sleep schedule has taken the brunt of it.  A few weeks ago I talked about sleep debt and I’ve learned just how important it is to get sleep.  Those zzz’s are an important part of living a healthy life and it’s kind of gotten away from me. This might also mean I need to take a power nap in the middle of the day too. I have been tired and sluggish due to my lack of sleep and my next point.
  2. I need to drink more water.  There’s no way around this one.  Being tired is sometimes of sign that you’re not drinking enough water and I’ve been wanting to lounge around all the time. My water intake the past couple of weeks has turned into a slow clap so I know I need to make sure I always have a water bottle with me and I’m drinking the water that is in it.  It also wouldn’t hurt to eat a few more water dense foods like lettuce, watermelon, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.
  3. Because I will be gone all of October, I want to make sure I have my meals together so I’m not constantly rushed so I think I’m going to try to plan out a month of meals.  Is this something  you would be interested in following the process?  This would be a complete month of meals with grocery lists and recipes?  As far as our diet is concerned, you probably missed the memo but it’s there.
  4. This is the hardest month of marathon training because race day is so near.  I want to make sure I stay on track and focused but still have a good time in the end.  I’ll refresh my running playlist and head out with the running group just to make sure it keeps a smile on my face and I stay focused.
  5. My Team Healthy Kids fundraiser last week was very successful.  I raised $75 for the cause but I need to keep it going.  I still haven’t reached my goals.  Every person who donates $10 or more will be entered into the contest for a $100 amazon gift card.  If you want to help fight childhood obesity through healthy meals and great health education in schools, please consider donating to a great cause.
  6. I teach indoor cycle classes on Tuesday and Thursday and I want to make sure my class stays fresh and exciting.  I’m going to revamp a lot of my playlist and try some different things.  Workouts can get stale and boring and I want to make sure everyone stays excited and energized about coming to class.
  7. Just have fun and enjoy life.  It’s been lacking in my life because I’ve been wrapped up and playing the victim.

Just in case you missed it, I posted a video yesterday. My daily life videos are longer than other videos just to let you know but those are longer because it’s DAILY LIFE.

What are your goals for September 2015? Are you working toward anything big or do you just have smaller more focused goals?

Speak your fears

Speak your fears

Why does fear always get in the way?  I’ve written many times about fear and how it stops me from trying new things or talking to some people.  Fear is a crazy thing that creeps into my head when I don’t want it there.  Remember being a child and having no fear?  Adult hood has really jaded me because it’s not really the fearful act that gets me; it’s the consequences if I fail. I must always keep in mind that failures are not a bad thing.  Failures are learning experiences for the future. I’ve been trying something new lately.…

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Lessons for achieving your goals

Lessons for achieving your goals

Want to achieve your goals?  The biggest tip I can give you is to stay focused on your goal. There are many distractions in life and there will be obstacles that will take you off course.  Those are the times when you should check-in with yourself to regain focus on what you’re actually working towards. Weight loss is never an easy road and it’s easy to get frustrated or to lose hope.  Keep pushing through those tough times to build your strength, resolve and character. If it were easy, everyone would be doing it, right? Always have a plan to…

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Goal setting for June

Goal setting for June

It’s a new month and one of my goal was to go back to setting monthly goals.  In keeping on with that goal, I am present you with my goal setting for June 2015.  This is a really big month for me because I’ll be working toward my first 12 hour race…in July…in Georgia. It’s going to be hot so I’m going to be focusing a lot on hydration. 1. We are switching to a vegetarian diet for the month of June.  We thought it would be a good time to switch because it’s summer and my training has slowed…

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Making goals on May Day!

Making goals on May Day!

Hello May!  I hope everyone is starting off the first day of the month in a positive direction. Last night, I stayed up a whole lot late for me to watch the draft.  I must confess I usually go to sleep between 8:15 pm – 9:00 pm and the first round of the draft lasted until 10:30pm.  I went into the bedroom around 10:15 to watch the two last picks but I fell asleep. This morning I woke up a little tired but I wanted to start the month off right and go to the gym.  I knew I wasn’t…

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I’m all about the NFL Draft

I’m all about the NFL Draft

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Always dream big.

Always dream big.

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Getting back to the goals

Getting back to the goals

I use to be really big on posting my monthly goals on the blog but somehow that got away from me.  I need to have my long term and short term goals in writing as a reminder.  I preached that writing your goals down was essential to success and I did the opposite.  A lot of things have gotten away from me in the past few months and I want to get back to ground zero which leads me to my goals list. 1.  I’d like to get back to where I started.  This blog has been a labor of love…

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There’s always room for improvement

There’s always room for improvement

I haven’t been the best blogger lately and I’m going to make some changes. There’s always room for improvement, right? That’s why it important to write down your goals as that constant reminder of what you’re trying to accomplish. I use to be so big on goal setting and meeting those goals. The one thing I was always told people was to set goals, write them down and check them off the list. I use to live by this and then I just stopped. I’ve slacked off. I’ve kind of stopped working toward something and just have been working…I’ve been…

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Refreshed and recharged after getting my joy stolen

Refreshed and recharged after getting my joy stolen

I have to be honest, I’m writing this for myself today. Notice that I haven’t been as bright and friendly around the blog parts lately? Things haven’t been good but things are better. I think I was just left feeling a little lost after the month of the February. I had a little struggle that turned into something big and I didn’t deal with it right. I resorted to old habits and that kind of scared me. I lost motivation. I lost my drive. I was consumed and over taken by my emotions and it just left me empty. No…

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Taking risks to chase big dreams. It’s …

Taking risks to chase big dreams. It’s time to shine.

Spending the weekend with my mom, I learned a lot about myself. It’s always nice to know that whenever things change, some things are still the same. She told me stories about me being protective with my feelings, being a rule follower, always trying to be helpful, people pleasing, creating magical lands of adventure and always looking for something more. That was me and that’s still me. I’ve always been a dreamer but I’ve always been afraid to take the risk. There was always some reason for me not to take the leap. It would hurt someone’s feelings, it may…

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