One goal for October

Happy October! Most people are talking about how September went by so fast, but for me it was slow. It was painfully slow. That’s why I’m glad that October has arrived.


Cooler temperatures are finally starting to arrive in the area which is making running a little bit more enjoyable. The sun is starting to set earlier which means my early bedtime doesn’t seem so ridiculous. This morning the temp was 55 degrees. How does that happen in deep South Texas? It’s amazing.

Chicago marathon

Also, I’m excited because I’ll be running the Chicago Marathon next week…and then I’ll get to travel to the midwest with Willie. And then there’s a trail run at the end of the month. I just have a lot of things going on.

Because of all this stuff I have going on, I have only one goal for October: to have fun. I over-analyze. I stress. I overplan. I overthink. Now it’s just time for me to have fun! I want to be present in these moments I’m about to experience and just enjoy every single minute of all the adventures I’m about to embark on. These are the moments I’ve been waiting for all summer.

So how am I going to accomplish this goal? Just by being prepared. If everything is already together then I won’t worry about it. I’ll be able to live in the moment. On the other hand, I won’t plan everything down to hour and leave some room for spontaneity. Making room for time to explore and grow is very important.

Texas 10 Huntsville

In other words, I must learn how to chill.  I will be working on taking things as they come. The focus on the things that did go right and not the things that went wrong.  This whole having fun thing is also me learning to adapt to things that happen off plan.  I’m  A SERIOUS planner!  Organization is the key to success but sometimes it makes me get in my own way.

It’s kind of refreshing to only have one goal for the month because it gives me one thing to focus on and not try to accomplish too many things. This might be what I need. Sometimes trying to accomplish too many things, gets in the way of the actual task.

When you set your goals do you limit the amount of goals for a specific time frame? Or do you try to just focus on one thing? Do you set monthly goals?

Motivation from within

Motivation from within

I’m still stuck on a motivation kick. Maybe because I’m kicking it into high gear because I lacked motivation for the summer. Guess what? Summer is over and it’s time to move on. I don’t want people to go through the serious rutt I was in that essentially ended up wasting my time. It’s not Monday, but I still have a message to motivate. Here’s the video: There are a few things I really want you to take away from the video: 1. Motivation should come from within. Yes, when I’m in a certain setting, I push and motivate people…

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Hitting those September 2015 goals

Hitting those September 2015 goals

It’s a new month and I’m actually kind of excited for everything to come.  The arrival of September is a relief (maybe the temperatures will go down) and excites me.  It’s been a long summer and September kind of means that summer is coming to a close. I was pretty serious about doing these goal setting posts in the past but kind of fell off for one reason or anything.  I have to make it a point of doing these posts to remind myself of things I should strive towards in the future.  Also, it just helps to write these…

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Speak your fears

Speak your fears

Why does fear always get in the way?  I’ve written many times about fear and how it stops me from trying new things or talking to some people.  Fear is a crazy thing that creeps into my head when I don’t want it there.  Remember being a child and having no fear?  Adult hood has really jaded me because it’s not really the fearful act that gets me; it’s the consequences if I fail. I must always keep in mind that failures are not a bad thing.  Failures are learning experiences for the future. I’ve been trying something new lately.…

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Lessons for achieving your goals

Lessons for achieving your goals

Want to achieve your goals?  The biggest tip I can give you is to stay focused on your goal. There are many distractions in life and there will be obstacles that will take you off course.  Those are the times when you should check-in with yourself to regain focus on what you’re actually working towards. Weight loss is never an easy road and it’s easy to get frustrated or to lose hope.  Keep pushing through those tough times to build your strength, resolve and character. If it were easy, everyone would be doing it, right? Always have a plan to…

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Goal setting for June

Goal setting for June

It’s a new month and one of my goal was to go back to setting monthly goals.  In keeping on with that goal, I am present you with my goal setting for June 2015.  This is a really big month for me because I’ll be working toward my first 12 hour race…in July…in Georgia. It’s going to be hot so I’m going to be focusing a lot on hydration. 1. We are switching to a vegetarian diet for the month of June.  We thought it would be a good time to switch because it’s summer and my training has slowed…

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Making goals on May Day!

Making goals on May Day!

Hello May!  I hope everyone is starting off the first day of the month in a positive direction. Last night, I stayed up a whole lot late for me to watch the draft.  I must confess I usually go to sleep between 8:15 pm – 9:00 pm and the first round of the draft lasted until 10:30pm.  I went into the bedroom around 10:15 to watch the two last picks but I fell asleep. This morning I woke up a little tired but I wanted to start the month off right and go to the gym.  I knew I wasn’t…

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I’m all about the NFL Draft

I’m all about the NFL Draft

Excuse me for my lack of posting today. There’s only been one thing on my mind… It’s NFL Draft Day and I’m so excited! I’ve been waiting for this day for a couple of months now. I’ve been following all the news and the players I’m interested in. I’m a little bummed about Shane Ray because he was the one person I was really pulling for this year. I’m a huge Texans fan but I’m also a Bears fan too.  My heart can’t choose until forced so instead I cheer for both! It’s the end of the month so I…

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Always dream big.

Always dream big.

It’s harder to have dreams when you’re older, right?  It sometimes seems like dreams are for the young.  Why does that have to be the case?  Why can’t the world be my oyster just like it was when I was a 5 year old.  Things were easier back then.  All my needs were met, I didn’t have to pay any bills and I didn’t have to go to work.  Dreaming big was probably the biggest job I had. I thought I could do anything and be anyone I wanted.  Do I really need to be thinking in the past tense?…

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Getting back to the goals

Getting back to the goals

I use to be really big on posting my monthly goals on the blog but somehow that got away from me.  I need to have my long term and short term goals in writing as a reminder.  I preached that writing your goals down was essential to success and I did the opposite.  A lot of things have gotten away from me in the past few months and I want to get back to ground zero which leads me to my goals list. 1.  I’d like to get back to where I started.  This blog has been a labor of love…

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There’s always room for improvement

There’s always room for improvement

I haven’t been the best blogger lately and I’m going to make some changes. There’s always room for improvement, right? That’s why it important to write down your goals as that constant reminder of what you’re trying to accomplish. I use to be so big on goal setting and meeting those goals. The one thing I was always told people was to set goals, write them down and check them off the list. I use to live by this and then I just stopped. I’ve slacked off. I’ve kind of stopped working toward something and just have been working…I’ve been…

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