Life doesn’t happen without the internet

Hey all!  It’s been a minute without a good blog, right?  There is a reason.  I haven’t had internet…at work.  I know it sounds stupid but I do most of blog planning and writing at work because I try to keep it away from the house.  Sometimes it becomes a little distracting in the house setting so I try not to spend time doing it there.  Plus, by the time I’ve gotten home, I’ve been too tired to work on the blog.


Life doesn’t happen very well without the internet.  It was sad a miserable and no fun.  So have you been wondering what I’ve been doing?


I went to Cincinatti to run the Flying Pig Marathon only to drop down to the half.  But that’s another story for another blog.


While I was in Cincinnati I ate this really big pretzel AND


a bratwurst loaded with this sauerkraut.  It was so good.  I don’t regret at it all.

I have been working out but have limited my running for a bit.  Not by choice but I’ll get back to it soon.  That’s a whole other blog post too.

I wanted to get an Apple Watch but I was on the fence about it. There were so many questions with so little answers. I decided to skip to Apple Watch and get the FitBit Blaze because it did the majority of what I was going to use the Apple watch. Plus, I get to stay in the FitBit atmosphere which I love because I LOVE challenges. I’ll do a review on it in a few days after I’ve used it for a little bit more. Early review, I do like it.


Yesterday was Mother’s Day so I celebrated my mom and my sister. I celebrated by eating two slices of cake two many. I couldn’t decide between the carrot cake and the red velevet cake. It’s sad, I should know better but I did it anyway.


Because I ate too much cake yesterday, I woke up early to go to the gym. I hit the treadmill and got my workout done which I’m glad I did because I don’t feel like working out right now. There’s a reason why I must workout in the morning. FYI: I forgot to take my picture on the treadmill and remembered when I was outside in the parking lot…so this is what you get.

Now I have the internet and I’ll be working on the blog and bringing it back to it’s orginal state. I think I might even start doing the videos again because some stuff is just so much better on video. Thanks for hanging in there with me and there will be more to come. Happy Monday!

My site was hacked but I still worked …

My site was hacked but I still worked out this week

Have you noticed that I haven’t been blogging?  Well it wasn’t my fault.  I scheduled out my posts but then a few days later I noticed that I wasn’t getting any comments or feedback on my posts.  Then I figured out that I was no longer in control of things happening with my site. I couldn’t login to change anything.  I was sad and I hoped that I wasn’t going to lose everything I had worked 3 years to build. I didn’t want to mention that I was locked out of my own site because I didn’t really know who…

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Never give up

Never give up

There are a few new faces to the blog because of some media coverage that has occured so I wanted to say a big HELLO to all of you.  Thanks for coming by the site and sharing your kind words.  With all the new faces, the questions begin to roll in.  People want to know how to get started on their weight loss journey, what did we do, what about the loose skin and how long did all of that take?  All those questions have been answered here on the blog many many times. Those questions are really great questions…

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Emotional eating is not my stress relief anymore

Emotional eating is not my stress relief anymore

Hey all.  I hope things are going well with you you.  Me, I’ve been stressed.  There is just a lot of things going on and it’s just a lot to take in.  I have been uber stressed and running is the one way I know I can help ease the stress but I haven’t been able to do that. I’m dealing with some ITBS (Illitobial Band Syndrome) and I don’t know what’s up.  I’m still working on it.  I was able to run a 3 treadmill miles on Monday but it wasn’t easy.  I wore my trust IT band strap which…

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Hiding unhealthy choices and back on meal prep

Hiding unhealthy choices and back on meal prep

If you haven’t noticed, I’ve been on the move.  It’s been a BUSY few weeks and I haven’t really been home to meal prep.  There was a week that I prepped for two weeks but that only happened one.  I’ve been traveling and missing the grocery store trips.  Everything hasn’t been tip top shape.  And I’ll be honest with you, I haven’t been eating the best food either. A couple of weeks ago Willie and I slammed a whole pizza and enjoyed it…but I think my pizza need may have been met that day. The picture above is not the…

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The great thing about Mondays

The great thing about Mondays

Happy Monday everyone! Sometimes Mondays get a bad wrap because the day comes after the weekend, but it’s not always that bad.  The great thing about Mondays is it’s a time to start fresh and wipe the slate clean. Mondays are a day when I try to actually put together an outfit to wear. Here is what I’m sporting today and this has no place in the actual blog post but it’s fun, right? Monday is a day of reflection of what you accomplished the previous week and what you want to do in the upcoming week. The great thing…

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Taking a break

Taking a break

Hello all.  I wanted to keep you update on my antics, just in case you don’t follow me on social media.  I’ve still been instagraming, snap chatting and tweeting but you may miss that if you’re not into the social media thing. I’ve still been working out and sticking to my schedule.  Getting out and getting my exercise has been mone of the most important things in my life right now.  It’s been a major priority and just been trying to stick with a schedule.  And I’ve really been enjoying teaching my cycle classes this month.  Maybe it’s all the…

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Starting off the New Year right

Starting off the New Year right

It’s the New Year and I’m already behind on my blogging but I have great reason: we’re going to be on the Today Show tomorrow. Things have been really hectic trying to get ready because I needed to meal prep for the week. I’m trying to start the New Year off healthy and active. On New Years Day I ran a marathon. I know you’re not shocked but this is the best way I could start the year. And yesterday, I stocked the house with everything we needed to start the first week of the year starts off on the…

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The kindness of strangers

The kindness of strangers

The past few weeks I’ve been reminded on the kindness of strangers…and friends. I’ve had a lot of trying times that have left me spread thing over the past few weeks but I’ve been able to make it through with kindness. It’s hard to remember there is good in humanity. There are people who still care to make you smile. There are people out there who still want to help. There are people out there who still care. Those people may be people in your life already or just a random stranger. This past weekend I ran a 50 miler…

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The update on life blog

The update on life blog

I must apologize for my absence from the blog.  My life has gotten really crazy.  The responsible blogger thing would have been to stock pile post and have something already in the queue.  I like to blog organically and where as some posts are planned, I do most of my posts based on what I feel like is itching to be talked about that day.  Therefore, I haven’t been around.  Here is an explanation in this video: My mom had knee replacement surgery so any extra time I’ve had has been spent taking care of business.  The days have been…

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Motivation Monday: Be present in the moment.

Motivation Monday: Be present in the moment.

I’m blogging from a hotel room on this lovely early morning and I’m thinking about all the amazing experiences I’ve had this year.  It’s been completely amazing and there has been one take back from it all. Be present in the moment. That is today’s motivation Monday message.  It’s an important message to send, especially at this time of year. It’s Thanksgiving week which means a big meal to made and friends and family gathering together.  It can be hetic and overwhelming, but it’s also meant to be a time to be thankful and enjoy the time.  Don’t forget that…

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