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A Workout Review: Spinning and Marathon Training

Last week was a very busy week for me.  Since I’ve started teaching spinning I haven’t had enough time to go to my friend/mentor/favorite person in the world’s spin class.  It kind of bums me out.  I’ve been working hard on not over training but this past week I sucked it up and just went.  It was awesome.  So here’s a look at last week’s workouts.  Sunday was a rest day for me. Monday: 4 Mile morning run and group power in the evening! It was Tori’s last day teaching at the gym so I went to her Group Power…

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New month, new goals

New month, new goals

I haven’t done a goals post in a while and I thought it is necessary to move forward.  Not having a set of clear goals for the month kind of messes with my head and it just seems better when I know I am working toward something.  I know that I’m always working toward something, but it’s easier to fudge on those goals when you haven’t written them down and held accountable for them.  So here are my goals for August 2013. 1. Not to overly workout.  The other day when I was reading Ashley’s blog, she linked to an…

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Childhood Obesity: Parents aren’t to blame

Childhood Obesity: Parents aren’t to blame

Willie and I spent the weekend with our god child.  It was a very fun experience and it taught me one thing:  I’m not ready to parent yet.  It’s always great to take care of someone else’s child and give them back!  We get the good times and they get to raise the child. On the way to our weekend adventure Willie and I talked about who is to blame for childhood obesity.  Growing up I was always the bigger kid in the class.  I was taller and rounder and I was just different.  As I grew older I became…

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Flexitarian, that’s what I am.

Flexitarian, that’s what I am.

Most people won’t eat a meal without an animal based protein, I am not one of those people. I will admit I tried the vegetarian thing and it worked out really great but I was a little low energy. When people asked me why I chose to go vegetarian they didn’t seem to like my answer. I just don’t eat a lot of meat. Vegetarianism is something I see is popular among the people who are on a weight loss journey. I think people associate meat with being overweight. It’s something stuck in people’s head. I chose to go vegetarian…

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68 miles taught me never to give up

68 miles taught me never to give up

Sunday I rode my bike 68 miles.  That is officially the longest bike ride I’ve ever been on and to say I was nervous was a huge understatement. I teach spin all the time but being on the bike is a totally different thing. Before I get too far into the story, I must share with you the yummy breakfast Willie made me. It was soo good and I think I might make it a race day staple now. He took a Flatout Bread and spread some Better’n Butter (but regular peanut butter would work too) and sliced banana and…

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Hello I think I have arthritis in my …

Hello I think I have arthritis in my knee

I’ve made MULTIPLE trips to my physical therapist the past couple of weeks to deal with a flare up. Last year when I knew nothing about running I totally injured myself in the form of an IT Band injury. It totally sucked so I took the time to educate myself on running and training injury free. We all know this year I’ve been running a little bit more, right? I had a new “injury” pop up this week and it had me a little worried. My knee became really tight and I didn’t know WTF was going on, but then…

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FAQ: Do you listen to music when you …

FAQ: Do you listen to music when you workout?

It’s question and answer time here at We Beat Fat. This week I’m talking about my music. The simple answer to this question is: yes, I do listen to music when I workout. It wasn’t always like that though. When we first started out walking on the treadmill, I watched a lot of television to pass the time. Our gym has the fancy machines with televisions on every machine, so that it made it nice. As I got use to walking on the treadmill, I ended up switching to music because it helped me keep pace. I used my music…

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Do you drink enough water?

Do you drink enough water?

There are two things that will halt your weight loss: water and sleep. If you’re not drinking enough water something is going on in your body. I’m not going to pretend to know the science behind this and get all technical. That wouldn’t be fun and that would be a step in the wrong information direction for me. I’ve read the articles and studies saying drinking water is better than drinking sugary drinks. Isn’t that a big “duh?” I’ve read consuming water before meals helps you eat less keeping the calorie intake lower than a person drinking alcohol or soda.…

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Counting my blessings

Counting my blessings

I must admit the past week hasn’t been kind to me. Things have been kind of rough. I’ve been going through some things that have just consumed me when it shouldn’t. I kind of let other things fall by the wayside. On Tuesday, I vented my feelings and all of the sudden I felt a weight lift off my shoulders. I guess maybe just holding it in was half the problem. I am dedicating this post to counting my blessings from this week. I am thankful for having a good life and my health. I didn’t have such great health…

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Blueberry Quinoa Bars

Blueberry Quinoa Bars

A couple of weeks ago we had an abundance of quinoa in our house so I wanted to find different things to do with that stuff. There’s only one place to go when you want to get experimental: pintrest! I searched for quinoa things and found plenty of things. Instead of going the savory route, I wanted to go sweet for this super protein food. The whole point of this project was for us to use some protein powder in the pantry, but guess what? I forgot to put it in. This would have had a SUPER protein punch if…

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Yes, I can hear you. My body is …

Yes, I can hear you. My body is speaking to me.

I don’t think I’ve been taking care of my body lately, but it all stops today. Maybe I’ve been doing too much, but I really don’t think that is the case.  I do a lot all the time and I don’t see why it would come up and get me like this.  But I’ve suffered a hamstring something.  It’s not really keeping me down, it’s just bugging the heck of out me.  I know what it happened; I didn’t stretch very well.  I was keeping to a very strict stretching and foam rolling routine, but I got off of it…

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