Pregnancy and the fitness instructor

I wanted to write this post last Thursday but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I stopped teaching my cycle class last week. I’ve heard the stories of people teaching until their 8th month or teaching right up until the end. I made a promise to myself that I wouldn’t stay in that long.

I taught my last cycle class (for awhile) this morning. I will miss it so much. • • • • • #webeatfat #fitfluential #sweatpink #fitspo #fitness #health #fit #healthy #workout #loseweight #weightloss #healthylifestyle #weightlossjourney #motivation #fitfa

The truth: I could have kept teaching my cycle class, but I chose to leave for one reason. Yes everyone knows that I’m pregnant and is very understanding about it all. As time progressed, I knew I couldn’t keep up the way I once did. Yes, there are ways to modify and work around things. I just couldn’t ask people to do things in class that I couldn’t do myself. Oh, and it was quite uncomfortable to sit on the bike sometimes.

I just don’t think I was providing an experience that would motivate and push people to achieve their best.  Getting up for a 5am class is no joke which takes a lot of commitment.  I want to make sure everyone is getting the best out of their workout.  By continuing to teach, I feel like I may have been taking away from the experience. Even though I wanted to keep teaching, it may have been a little selfish for me to continue on.

Taught my cycle class, broke a sweat and now I am ready to tackle the day. I don't have much on my agenda today. Lately my biggest goal is getting 45 mins if #exercise everyday. What great things will you accomplish today? #fitgirl #fitfluential #sweatpin

There would be times after class that people would ask me if I was ok or if I should still be teaching. And I know these people are just looking out for me because they have become my friends after all of these years. But it just made me feel a little uncomfortable thinking these people may have been worrying about me while they should have been worried about their workout.

This morning was the first morning that I didn’t wake up to teach my class and it was a little heavy on my heart. I still woke up at the same time and wanted so badly to get out of bed to go. Which is another point, teaching at 5am is going to get trickier as time goes on. I’m already having trouble sleeping so I can’t imagine what’s going to happen over the next few weeks.

Forgot to post my picture from this morning. I taught my 2nd to last class this morning. I'm on day 2 of 5 of being active this week. What was your workout today?• • • • • #webeatfat #fitfluential #sweatpink #fitspo #fitness #health #fit #healthy #workou

This doesn’t mean I’ve given up on being active; this just means I’ll need a little bit more motivation to actually get going. Last week I met my goals of working out 5 days. It felt good to keep actually meet my goal. Now two of my days of having to workout are off the table.  But I know I’ll be able to keep it up for as long as I can.  I’m just happy to be moving.

Air fryer has changed my world

Air fryer has changed my world

When I got pregnant my number one craving has been chicken.  I want chicken strips and mashed potatoes (well potatoes of any kind) all the time but those little strips can pack a lot of calories.  And having french fries on the regular isn’t that healthy either.  I’m really trying to stay away from that stuff.  Then I got to thinking about an air fryer. I watched the infomercials many times and I was intrigued but it wasn’t enough to make me want to get one.  After all, do they really work?  Does it really require no oil or little…

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So we’re having a…

So we’re having a…

Blogging has taken a back seat in my life because I just haven’t been feeling well. My planning day for the blog was spent resting. It just hasn’t been a 100% week for me. I hope y’all can understand. Baby is fine and growing well. I know everyone wants to know the baby’s gender: it’s a girl! There were some problems with the rafflecopter so I’m going to have to pick a winner the old fashioned way. I’m feeling a lot better today so hopefully this trend will continue. I’ve still been doing my workouts but a person can only…

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Pregnancy after weight loss played with my head

Pregnancy after weight loss played with my head

This is a very hard blog post for me to write.  In fact, I’ve been putting it off for a LONG time.  I took a period off from blogging when I found out I was pregnant because what I wanted to write about I couldn’t.  It was a secret that I couldn’t share…yet.  I aim to be as transparent as possible with my blog when I finally decide to talk about something.  This is my Thinking Out Loud post.  This one is going to be hard. When I found out I was pregnant, I was happy but at the same…

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Divulgence of kale & everything else I’ve been …

Divulgence of kale & everything else I’ve been eating

I know kale is one of those things that is super healthy for us and we’re supposed to want to eat it.  I’ve done my fair share of talking about kale myself. I have to admit, I don’t like making kale.  I almost want to say that I don’t like kale but that wouldn’t be the truth.  I do like kale…when someone else prepares it. I can’t seem to make the stuff taste good on my own, so I prefer to buy the stuff at the store. Kale is to taste good and it’s just not something I’ve mastered.  I’ll…

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Recipes: Stay healthy and indulge over the holidays

Recipes: Stay healthy and indulge over the holidays

It’s coming on Christmas and there are tons of treats and foods in your face.  It’s impossible to escape.  You know I’m a big fan of moderation and deprivation.  If you deprive yourself of the things you want, you’ll probably end up binging on those foods later.  Enjoy them now with moderation and portion control. There still is a way to stay healthy and indulge over the holidays. I will indulge during the holidays but I’m ok with it because I am keeping active. I try to keep my activities holiday themed too because it’s just so much more fun.…

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Giveaway: Big Slice Apples make a great snack

Giveaway: Big Slice Apples make a great snack

I’m giving something away and it’s good.  I recieved a really great box of goodies a couple of weeks back and I just needed to share with everyone.  I mentioned it in my video and I was finally able to give it a tray. Big Slice Apples are ready to eat cooked apples, made with real fruit and are naturally gluten free. There is something for everyone because there are 16 great flavors. I haven’t tried them all but I’ve tried most and I haven’t found one I don’t like. It’s a great new snack!  I love apples!  Apples are…

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Eggland’s Best Eggs: a nutrient dense food

Eggland’s Best Eggs: a nutrient dense food

Nutrient dense foods vs. empty calories is something I’ve been wanting to address on the blog for a long time. I don’t know why I haven’t done it before now. It’s summer and I’m training for a marathon (SHOCKER!) and it’s important for me to get all the great nutrients out of my food that I possibly can…especially now that we’ve switched to a plant-based diet. The harder the workouts, the more I need to replace all that stuff leaving my body. Food is fuel and that is something you should remember when you’re consuming your calories.  Food fuels our…

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Get a healthy dose of Vitamin D

Get a healthy dose of Vitamin D

It’s summer so let’s go out and enjoy some rays and soak up some Vitamin D.  Vitamin D is important for keeping strong and healthy bones and is vital for the body to absorb all that Vitamin C. As women, I’m really concerned about osteoporosis especially as I grow older and getting a healthy dose of vitamin D will hopefully keep that away. It’s a rainy day here in southeast Texas so it’s only appropriate that I talk about Vitamin D.  It’s hard to get your vitamin D when the sun isn’t out. This D vitamin helps our immune system…

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Spring cleaning up my diet

Spring cleaning up my diet

It’s spring time and if you’ve been following me on social media, you may have noticed that I’ve been spring cleaning my house.  It’s all kinds of a mess but when I was done it was all kinds of great!  I packed up my winter clothes, throw away things I didn’t need anymore and just cleared the clutter.  My house is in order so now I need to spring clean my diet. It’s spring time so a lot of great things are back in season.  I’ve really been enjoying the fact that I can have all the watermelon in the…

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Eating all natural with Healthy Choice

Eating all natural with Healthy Choice

Last week Willie came home with something new but I didn’t pay much attention to it. The past two weeks of meals have been filled with Healthy Choice steamers because there just wasn’t enough time to prepare lunch. This was the next best option for us. From previous posts you know we are big fans of these meals and Willie noticed the company added on with Simply Cafe Steamers. Before I get started, I just want you to know I was not paid or compensated for anything I’m saying right now.  This is just a normal daily thing in our…

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