How to Conquer the Mental Challenge in Your Medial Weight Loss Program

There’s such a big difference when you’re in a medical weight loss program versus losing weight for aesthetic and confidence purposes. Sure, for both, you’re going to want this to happen quickly, you’re going to want to do what you can to make sure nothing is stagnant. But overall, both of these are about setting sail on a journey towards a healthier, happier you. But let’s be honest—it’s not all smooth sailing.

Monthly wrap-up June 2023

The physical challenges are one thing, but the mental hurdles? Those can feel like climbing Mount Everest in flip-flops. To a degree, there’s room for “failure,” and you should take your time if you’re doing it for aesthetic reasons and confidence. 

But when it comes to medical reasons, you need to lose weight quickly, but at the same time, it needs to be healthy. It’s like there’s more pressure cause there’s just no room for any sort of mistake. So what can you do? Here’s what you need to know about covering the mental challenge of being in a medial-based weight loss program.

Embrace the Struggle and Own It

It’s okay to acknowledge that the struggle is real. Pretending everything is easy-peasy doesn’t help anyone. It’s okay to have tough days, to feel frustrated, or even to wonder if it’s all worth it. But overall, accepting these feelings is the first step to overcoming them. You’re not alone in this; everyone on a weight loss journey hits these mental roadblocks. So, own your struggle. Just go ahead and recognize it, feel it, and then prepare to smash through it.

Set Realistic Goals and Celebrate the Small Wins

One of the biggest mental traps in a weight loss program is the “all or nothing” mentality. If you don’t hit your target weight by a specific date, you haven’t failed. The key is setting realistic and achievable goals. 

It could be losing a pound a week or simply making healthier food choices for a month. But overall, celebrate these small victories because they add to significant changes over time. Did you choose a salad over fries? High-five! Every small win is a step closer to your goal.

Mindfulness Can Be Your Secret Weapon

Okay, this sounds way too generic, right? Well, mindfulness isn’t just a trendy buzzword; it’s a powerful tool for keeping your mental game strong. Being mindful helps you stay in the moment and appreciate the journey rather than just focusing on the destination. 

When you eat, really savor your food. When you exercise, feel the movement and strength in your body. Honestly, it’s all about making your weight loss journey more enjoyable.

Focus on What You Can Control

There will be days when everything seems out of your control. Maybe the scale isn’t budging, or life throws you a curveball that makes sticking to your plan impossible. Just don’t give up, and please don’t get mad at yourself! A weight loss journey is hard and unpredictable!

Visualize Your Success

So, it will help to take a few moments each day to imagine yourself achieving your goals. Just think about a healthier you, a happier you, one without any medical issues. 

How I’m building workout consistency

How I’m building workout consistency

I used to be the consistency queen, but things have changed in my life. I’m not consistent at much anymore due to stepping away from the systems that kept me on task. I’ve overfilled my to-do list, which has left me paralyzed. I hope that makes sense. Over the past six months, I’ve given myself too much grace to operate, which has left me in a place of not committing too much. Now that my schedule is less filled with PTA things, I have decided to get my life back on track, and I’m starting with my workout schedule. It…

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April goals 2021: time management, building content, and a …

April goals 2021: time management, building content, and a running coach

It’s time to talk about April goals, mainly because I didn’t talk about last month’s goals. March was a hard month for me. I didn’t feel motivated in the content creation department. The one thing I did do was keep up with my workouts and building my mileage. My run/walking has come a long way. Everything else seemed secondary. I’m not sure if I was feeling unmotivated or suffering from a bit of burnout. Either way, March turned out to be a rebuilding month for me and a time to chill out.  My April goals are important to me due…

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Your WHAT and WHY. Happy New Year, 2021!

Your WHAT and WHY. Happy New Year, 2021!

I wanted to pop in to wish everyone a Happy New Year! I spent most of the week off from working out and trying to regroup.  My first official act of 2021 was a run/walk in the cold.  I needed to get out of the house and move my body. Attitude is everything, and I needed something positive to start off the new year. I know there are many expectations during this time to set goals, get healthy, and map a plan for the next 365 days of the year. I’m all for that, and later on this week, I…

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Intentions for the year end

Intentions for the year end

Hello everyone, and happy November! Welcome back to the blog. The end of the year is coming, which means there is still time to accomplish new goals or start those projects you never got to yet. The end of the year is the time to finish the year strong. Take the time to refocus and think about the things you wanted to accomplish or start in 2019 that just never got a boost in the year. I wanted to read 15 books this year, and I am nowhere near that goal, but there is still time for me to refocus…

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Just work it out

Just work it out

Excuse me as I take a moment for a personal message.  I’ve been thinking about what my message should be to the world.  I asked people what they thought the message I was conveying through Instagram.  I don’t know why this has become so important to me, but I’ve been a little more conscious about what I’m putting out there.  I’ve been struggling to find my voice or even hone in on my message. I have things I want to do and things I want to share with the world. You might think I have my s#!t together, but I…

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Putting yourself first

Putting yourself first

Life is busy and things get really messed up in life, but it is OK to put yourself first. Have you ever made a list of the important things in your life? Where do you fall on that list? Most of the time your name doesn’t even show up on the list. I’m giving you permission to put yourself on the list. The misconception about putting yourself first is that selfishness. This is not being selfish, this is smart. Think about all the things you do in a day and how many of those things you do for other people.…

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Happy New Year! Are you buying into the …

Happy New Year! Are you buying into the hype?

Happy New Year!  I hope it’s been a great start to the year for you.  I wanted to pop in on the blog because this is the day everyone is trying to get their messages out into the world.  If I read one more post about setting goals and making resolutions, I think I might freak out.  That’s funny coming from me, right?  My blog is supposed to be about finding your best self, going after what you want, and just accomplishing something. The new year doesn’t mean you needed to have everything figured out on this day.  The new…

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Closing out 2018

Closing out 2018

Hey all!  It’s the last post of 2018.  It’s been a year and I would like do a rundown of 2018.  This post is going to be extremely personal, so if it’s something you would like to skip, I understand.  I’ll just see you in 2019!  If you want to keep reading, that is always welcome. I ended the year with a strong workout.  Let me tell you, I didn’t want to get up to do this workout but it’s important to me to finish out the year strong.  This isn’t the time to slack off.  It’s time to start…

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Forgetting my goals for 2018

Forgetting my goals for 2018

At the beginning of the year, I sat down all gung-ho with a notebook and wrote down some goals.  I had a long list of goals I wanted to accomplish in 2018.  My list was too long and I didn’t accomplish nearly as much as I thought I would. This list was lengthy but I learned that trying to do too much pulls your attention in too many different directions and you don’t get anything done.  I honestly forgot I even made this list until I opened up my notebook on Monday.  I am glad that I accomplished something on…

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Should you share your goals?

Should you share your goals?

I know it’s been a while since I posted on the blog.  I once read somewhere that you should focus on one goal at a time and my one goal for half this year was running a marathon.  Now I’m ready to move on to my next goal which is getting my blog back in order. I’m all about setting goals.  I encourage other people to set some goals to keep them on track. I love goals.  People do share their goals to have accountability.  Sharing and accountability are a great thing.  Now I’m starting to wonder, should you share your…

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