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Rock n Roll Philadelphia and loving the city

This past weekend was HUGE for me.  I took my first trip by myself.  No friends, no mom, no husband and I had the time of my life.  When I first booked the flight and decided to go I knew this was going to be situation and I was nervous.  Every once and a while I would say I was nervous about it but when the time came to go…I wasn’t nervous.  This was a totally different experience for me and it was a journey I needed to take for myself.  I’m glad I did go because I was forced…

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My eats haven’t been too interesting

My eats haven’t been too interesting

I get a LOT of e-mails wanting to know what I’m eating. When I have more time, I cook REALLY good meals but I haven’t had much time so I’ve been eating really basic meals. I haven’t been cooking too much lately. If it’s been too late to cook anything we’ve picked up salads from Subway or just settled for whatever was in the fridge. I’ve really been on the search for something that is quick and easy to make and will last a couple of days. A couple of weeks ago I purchased some turkey sausage but never got…

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NYC in 24 hours

NYC in 24 hours

Wondering where we’ve been? We’ve been a little busy and I wanted to share a tiny bit of what we’ve been doing. Willie and I were blessed to be able to visit NYC this past weekend…for only 24 hours. Let me tell you we made the best of the situation. Willie had never visited NYC before so I was more interested in him doing the things he wanted to do. I’ve been there several times so I’ve pretty much done and seen everything touristy there was to do. I really only wanted to go to MET and Central Park.  We…

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What I LOVE about where I live

What I LOVE about where I live

My city has gotten a horrible wrap lately with the school board issues and of course being placed on many lists:  saddest cities in US and contender for most obese US city.  But I want you to know I loved this city when I was fat and I love it even more that I’m not fat!  Beaumont is a great city and it is not sad!  Every place has it highs and lows and it’s different from person to person.  That comes with everything.  The air may not be as fresh or we may not always be able to see…

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I went to a Backstreet Boys concert and …

I went to a Backstreet Boys concert and had a good time

Wait!  I know you think the only thing I do is sports related things but you’re wrong.  The thing is I love food, I love to travel and I love to just do fun things.  The fun travel and things I’ve mostly done this year have involved running.  This time I went somewhere and I didn’t run…even though I wanted to so badly but I have to take a break sometime, right?  So I went to the Backstreet Boys concert in Austin on Sunday night!  I have a lot of stuff going on in life so it was kind of…

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Let’s have pumpkin pancakes for Labor Day

Let’s have pumpkin pancakes for Labor Day

It’s Labor Day so we’re going to break away from our normal routine. We usually have eggs and oatmeal in our house for breakfast and it’s probably my most favorite meal of the day. But I think I found a good alternative a yummy alternative for my oatmeal fix. So let’s all have pumpkin pancakes tomorrow morning. Here is what you’ll need: What goes in these pancakes: 1/4c egg whites 1/4c yogurt (I used a vanilla greek yogurt) 1/8c unsweetened applesauce 1/4c pumpkin 1/4c whole wheat flour (or your choice of flour) 1/4 tsp. each: pumpkin pie spice, stevia, baking…

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99 days until my FIRST marathon

99 days until my FIRST marathon

You’re probably thinking: “When did this become a full on running blog?” I love to run folks and it’s just a HUGE part of me.  I thought I would give everyone an update on my marathon training. I am using a training plan from the No Meat Athlete.  I paid for the plan which was something like $40 and I really think it was the best investment in my future.  It’s not a training plan for a specific time, it’s just to finish strong and get to the race strong and healthy. While also training for my marathon I”m trying…

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My love for nutter butter

My love for nutter butter

I love peanut butter. I can think of all kinds of combos that I love that involve peanut butter. My problem with peanut butter or any nut butter is the fat. Yes, it’s a good fat and beneficial to my health, but it’s really not something I’m comfortable eating everyday. My biggest craving in life is nut butter because I do love certain combinations. For those day I want the peanut butter without all the fat, I found some alternatives to help meet my cravings and I thought I would share with you my love of the nut butter! Here…

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Life without my hubby…and some new food

Life without my hubby…and some new food

My husband had to leave me to deal with some family obligations and it hasn’t been a fun time for me. I wish I was able to go but life got in the way and by life I mean work. I’ve been spending a lot of time alone with the dogs. It really stinks because the hubby does a lot of things to help me out and I’ve had to do those things myself. Oh the horror, right? I thought I would give you a little insight into my life sans the hubby. 1. I’ve had to do laundry and…

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Why I stopped logging my food

Why I stopped logging my food

About a month ago I decided to stop logging my food. This was a hard decision for me because I’ve logged my food every day since we started our weight loss journey. But that was the thing, I logged my food on my weight loss journey and that’s really not the journey I am on anymore. I can proudly say I’ve been maintaining my weight for a year and half. People said it couldn’t be done and there were a lot of haters out there, but I’m still beating the odds every day. That’s not to say I haven’t gained…

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Sabine Causeway 5K

Sabine Causeway 5K

Last night I went running with my friends! I almost missed this race because I was scheduled to go to Gulf Shores to be with my bestie. I hate that I’m missing out on the fun, BUT something serious came up that kind of made me stay in town. Running this race was a good alternative for not sitting by the pool right now. I love running races at home because you know everyone and the environment is just fun and friendly. Everyone is so supportive and it’s just a great time! Here is my race video: Much better than…

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