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Bringing back the two-a-days and other things

Willie is on a mission to remind me I’m just a few days done from the 50K! I have some aches and pains and he’s on my butt about giving it time. You know what I say to that? Yep! That’s right. It’s the time of year when it’s getting hotter outside and the nearby races are coming to an end. That means one of two things. 1. I need to start traveling or 2. I’m going to have to hit the streets and run. I’m going to Kentucky in two weeks though and then California at the end of…

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Race Recap: Brazos Bend 50K

Race Recap: Brazos Bend 50K

Saturday, I ran the Brazos Bend 50K with a lot of my running group. We had a good group of people doing the 50 miler, 50K, 25K and 10K. This course is known for running with the alligators. We went on Friday evening to pick up my packet and hear the trail brief. But I missed the trail briefing because we got stuck in traffic. People had been out there and took tons of pictures of the gators roaming the course. My race started at 7am which was an hour after the 50 milers but I was there to see…

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Spring cleaning up my diet

Spring cleaning up my diet

It’s spring time and if you’ve been following me on social media, you may have noticed that I’ve been spring cleaning my house.  It’s all kinds of a mess but when I was done it was all kinds of great!  I packed up my winter clothes, throw away things I didn’t need anymore and just cleared the clutter.  My house is in order so now I need to spring clean my diet. It’s spring time so a lot of great things are back in season.  I’ve really been enjoying the fact that I can have all the watermelon in the…

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The daily life and the medals

The daily life and the medals

Good afternoon everyone! I had this post planned today about hydration and I just wasn’t feeling it. That will probably have to come tomorrow because it’s important information. I’m not feeling much today. I’m feeling lazy and tired. I really didn’t take much time to recover two weeks ago from the marathon and then I went and ran another one. I’m a little off my marathon game. So here I am blogging to you today about…not much. Yesterday there was good news in the mail. We got our Little Rock Marathons in the mail again. This time I got my…

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Always dream big.

Always dream big.

It’s harder to have dreams when you’re older, right?  It sometimes seems like dreams are for the young.  Why does that have to be the case?  Why can’t the world be my oyster just like it was when I was a 5 year old.  Things were easier back then.  All my needs were met, I didn’t have to pay any bills and I didn’t have to go to work.  Dreaming big was probably the biggest job I had. I thought I could do anything and be anyone I wanted.  Do I really need to be thinking in the past tense?…

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Race Recap: Garmin in the Land of Oz …

Race Recap: Garmin in the Land of Oz Marathon

Happy Marathon Monday!  Today is the Boston Marathon and every runner is glued to the television. I had to watch it on my iPad at work. One day I hope to run Boston but qualifying is not in my sights or anywhere attainable right now.  I’ll get there one day though.  Since it’s Marathon Monday, I thought it was only fitting that I share my race recap of the Garmin in The Land of Oz recap with you today! I traveled to Olathe, KS to run this marathon. The weather wasn’t forecasted to be the best and I was a…

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Plane travel eats

Plane travel eats

Happy Friday everyone!  I’m headed to Kansas to run the Garmin Land of Oz Marathon.  The weather doesn’t look like it’s going to cooperate but I’m still excited to check another state off my list.  Anyway, I’m getting back into the traveling and food toting spirit so I thought I would share with you the food I’m bringing along on this trip. I’m only going for two days but I still feel like I’m bringing a lot of food. I’m also trying not to spend too much money on food while I’m there. Eating in the airport is expensive and…

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Broken medals and the rest of the week

Broken medals and the rest of the week

We finally received the coveted Little Rock Marathon medal after almost two months.  I was excited because I saw other people getting their medals.  But I opened up the box and the medals were broken. To be honest, I was just glad to have the medal. It doesn’t really matter to me if it’s broken, but Willie kind of took it personal. I wish both of the medals weren’t broken because I would have just handed mine to him. He specifically ran the race for the medal so it was a big deal to him. But sadly, both were broken.…

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Why my weight loss journey was successful

Why my weight loss journey was successful

There’s an article going around the internet about things women aren’t told when they start their weight loss journey.  I totally agree with this article and these are things I PREACH over and over again.  Reading this made me think about my own journey.  I’m at the place right where I want to lose 10 pounds so I will be embarking on my own mini journey for the next few months.  The plan is to try to lose 2 pounds a week so it should take me 5 weeks if things go as planned. The one thing to remember is…

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Don’t get lost in the shuffle.

Don’t get lost in the shuffle.

There is one person that always gets lost in the shuffle of life and that person is you.  We spend so much time worrying and taking care of others that the most neglected person in our lives turns out to be ourselves.  It’s perfectly OK to care about others and it’s human nature to want to help people.  In most situations, it’s mandatory for us to take care of other people from our spouses to kids. But don’t forget about yourself.  You’re an important part of your life because without…your life wouldn’t be life.  I know it sounds simple and…

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Race recap: Davy Crockett Bear Chase Marathon

Race recap: Davy Crockett Bear Chase Marathon

Hello marathon #20.  Yes folks, yesterday I ran my 20th marathon.  That’s kind of crazy, right?  The marathon wasn’t easy for me.  I struggled but I kept fighting.  It was just something I needed to do. Willie was nice enough to play chauffeur for me on Saturday morning to drive to Groveton,TX.  It was a very early morning because he had to wake up at 3 am for a 4 am leave time to make it to the race at 6 am for packet pickup.  We got there a quarter to 6 and I have to thank my husband for…

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