Blog break for a 2nd birthday

I hope you don’t mind but I’m taking a break from the blog today because it’s Tiny Tot’s birthday. I’ve been trying to spend the day with her. It’s been a great day.

She’s changed my world so much and she’s made me really re-think everything important in my life. It’s been a plesure to watch her learn and grow into the little person that she is now. It’s amazing to see her turn into a full functioning human.

She’s the greatest thing to happen to me but the scariest thing too. To be responsible, to learn balance, to learn patience, to learn how to teach, and to learn how to be mom has been my life for the past 2 years.

Thank you for following the jounrey and I’ll post more tomorrow.

The 18-month old

The 18-month old

My baby (to be known as Tiny Tot) turned 1 and a half (in mom terms 18 months). I’ve never really had to opportunity to talk about her much on the blog because I didn’t think there was a place for it. Guess what? It’s the place for it now. I’ve been blessed to be able to spend time with my child and still work full-time. Sometimes it’s challenging and sometimes it’s just not easy. There are days when I do have to depend on the care of others to help me out, but for the most part, she’s with…

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Product Review: Personal Trainer Food

Product Review: Personal Trainer Food

This is a sponsored post.  I teamed up with Fit Approach and Personal Trainer Foods to receive a 14-day trial to the service.  This is a paid review but my opinions are my own.  Happy reading! Personal Trainer Food is a meal delivery service to help people who are looking for weight loss results.  I was very excited to take part in this experience to help keep me focused in the new year.  As you know, I did weight 338 pounds just seven years ago and having a service like this would have been priceless.  When on a weight loss…

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Giveaway: Keep a cool head with Headsweats

Giveaway: Keep a cool head with Headsweats

Disclaimer: I am a Headsweats ambassador.  The views about this product or solely my own and not influenced by the company. It’s your chance to win a Headsweats hat or visor.  The only hats/visors I wear are Headsweats.  I don’t know what it is about this brand but it feels light on my head and collects my sweat like no other. I can’t think of one run that I’ve done without a Headsweats hat or visor. That’s a lot of running, right? My closet is full of these hats and visors and I want to share this great product with…

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Giving up on THE goal

Giving up on THE goal

I’m not going to bury the lead today.  I’m not going to run the Chicago Marathon.  This is the post I’ve been struggling to write for the past two weeks.  This is the reason I’ve disappeared off social media.  This has been a huge source of sadness in my life. It’s like I gave up or something.  But I came to a point where I just physically couldn’t do the training. It makes me sad because this was a goal I set for myself.  I was running for the charity (Action for Healthy Kids) that I love and I still must…

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Postpartum depression confession

Postpartum depression confession

Yesterday I was empowered by Sublimely Fit to talk about my struggle with post-partum depression on my Instagram. I met Beth last year at Fitbloggin while we were both pregnant so I feel we’ll always have a bit of a bond. I was beyond impressed that she spoke so openly about her post-partum depression because I haven’t been able to. Believe it or not, I’m a private person. I know that sounds weird because I put my “life” on social media for all of you to enjoy. I’m not good with opening up about struggles. I am the one who…

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Five Things Friday: finally blogging edition

Five Things Friday: finally blogging edition

I feel like I’m sneaking to blog.  It’s in the wee hours of the morning but I need to get this in.  Last week I made the mistake of blogging about nonsense and then the baby woke up so I didn’t get to finish the post.  It’s sad, but I’m already wasting time.  Let’s get with it: Running.  I’m starting to get back into it.  I’ve gone back to it and things are so much better. Granted, I’m a wee bit slower (like almost 4 minutes a mile slower) than what I use to be, but I’ll get back there.…

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Determined to lose this pregnancy weight

Determined to lose this pregnancy weight

I’m on a mission to lose my pregnancy weight.  I wish it would just roll off but it’s not. I have to admit I am really uncomfortable in my skin right now.  It’s bothering me so much but things will get better.  The first thing I did to make myself feel “normal” again was to get out of the maternity clothes.  The pregnant look was cute for me when I was pregnant; not so much anymore. How much weight am I trying to lose?  I’m trying to lose the 15 pounds left over from the baby and then I’ll work…

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The time I grew a human

The time I grew a human

Things happened very quickly and I really thought I was going to have another week to work on my blog. Last week things went very different than I imagined, but the best part was meeting my baby girl. That’s right, I grew a human and I finally got to meet her last week. She’s perfect! We are doing well and so thankful for everything. I’m on a workout break which is going to be something hard for me to deal with. This will be the longest period of time that I haven’t worked out since I started my weight loss…

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Friday Five: Turkey burgers, headbands, working out & more

Friday Five: Turkey burgers, headbands, working out & more

Happy Friday!  I hope all is well in the world with you.  I felt like I had a really productive morning but then the afternoon seems a little less eventful.  I guess you could say I spent it on the couch sleeping. I thought I should sit down and blog since I’m feeling up to it and I’m well rested. So there’s a blog and some hot chocolate…and here I am. I think it’s a good way to spend a Friday. 1. Today I’m officially 38 weeks which means our baby girl should be making her grand debut soon.  FYI:…

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Motivation to get back on track

Motivation to get back on track

It’s the holidays and people seem to get off track during this time.  For me, I’m dealing with a big event coming my way.  My focus has just been getting something in my tummy and I’ve been GREAT for the most part.  But with our little girl on the way, I’m trying to get back on track so I can stay healthy and get lose this baby weight. I’ve learned that in the past making a plan is the most effective way to accomplish a goal. It’s easier to stay focused and on track that way. I know it worked…

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