Do what you can

Happy Monday! Now is the time to do what you can no matter the level or the time behind it. I’m going through a humbling experience right now because my fitness level obviously isn’t the same as what it was 10 months ago. It’s not like I’m starting all over, but I have taken a few steps backward.

Before y’all start hitting the comments about how I just had a baby or I should be blessed, I want to shut it down. I know I just had a baby and I am beyond blessed for my baby. That is not the purpose of this post. The purpose of this blog is to motivate you to do what you can. If you can only walk for 15 minutes, then walk for 15 minutes because you’re building into something greater. If you can smile at someone who is making your day miserable, then do it. If you can help make someone’s day better with a simple gesture, then do it. DO WHAT YOU CAN IN ANY SITUATION.

This lesson is not just applied to exercise or anything fitness related. This is a whole life lesson. But if you’re here for that type of motivation, do what you can to learn about exercise. Do what you can from the start because you will continue to get faster, stronger and more efficient. If you want to workout but only can exercise 2 days a week, then do what you can. Those two days a week or better than doing nothing at all. That also doesn’t mean you’re going to be stuck at those 2 days a week permanently, but you won’t know until you do what you can do.

My humbling experiences go far beyond not being able to run a marathon in my current state. It’s like I’m being reintroduced to life again by bringing a new life into the world. I’m quickly learning the old way I used to do things sometimes work and now I’m having to make some adjustments. I have new feelings, I have new thoughts, and I have new list of priorities. But I have to do what I can so I can continue to grow and progress even if it’s different than what I expected.

Being defeated or frustrated does no good but magnify the situation. Doing nothing just puts me in a stagnant place and on the outside of the learning. Not adapting to change keeps me from embracing the future and all it has to offer.

Do what you can to keep moving forward. Do what you can so you can continue to learn. Do what you can because even if it’s just a little bit it will go a long way.

Do what you can to change a negative situation with a positive attitude. Do what you can to find that one light spot…and focus on that part. Do what you can to avoid the negativity breeds negativity and it will bring you down.

Life throws up many curveballs.  I must keep moving.  I must stay positive.  I must continue to grow.  The best way to do all of those things is to do what I can.  I encourage you to do what you can in every situation instead of giving up or giving in.  It can make a world of difference.

Post Valentine’s Day Things I Love

Post Valentine’s Day Things I Love

I dropped the ball on my Valentine’s Day blog because I was wrapped up with other things. I might have subconsciously avoided blogging about it too because I don’t really care for Valentine’s Day. It’s been a day that has been HORRIBLE for me so I try to stay clear of it all together. But I did have the best Valentine EVER which made this the best Valentine’s Day I’ve ever had! I do hope that everyone had an enjoyable Valentine’s Day filled with lots of love. I thought I would take the time to talk about some of the…

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Do calorie counts on menus matter?

Do calorie counts on menus matter?

There’s a new trend popping up on menus everywhere.  Have you seen it? The days of having to look up the calorie counts for a specific restaurant are over because it’s right there next to the entree you want to order.  And restaurants are even pointing out their low-cal options on the menu. It’s a great thing for people who are calorie conscious and still want to eat out.  Things have changed greatly from when we started our weight loss journey. Do those calorie counts on menus matter? I know when I look at a menu and see the calorie…

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Determined to lose this pregnancy weight

Determined to lose this pregnancy weight

I’m on a mission to lose my pregnancy weight.  I wish it would just roll off but it’s not. I have to admit I am really uncomfortable in my skin right now.  It’s bothering me so much but things will get better.  The first thing I did to make myself feel “normal” again was to get out of the maternity clothes.  The pregnant look was cute for me when I was pregnant; not so much anymore. How much weight am I trying to lose?  I’m trying to lose the 15 pounds left over from the baby and then I’ll work…

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Things are not normal

Things are not normal

The best blogs are the ones when you write about what you know so that is what I have to write about right now.  Things are not normal right now.  I wish I could blog about workouts, meal prepping and healthy meals, or even just weight loss.  But I can’t do that because life is just different right now. I am extremely blessed to have a child.  She is my world and I’m thankful every minute of the day.  This is definitely a place in life I never thought I would be.  Honestly, I had given up the possibility of…

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Catching up: the anniversaries and baby

Catching up: the anniversaries and baby

I’m barely keeping things together.  Having a new baby is challenging.  It’s not so much the sleep thing that is getting me, it’s the everything else.  Changing of the diapers, feeding and just making sure she’s content are the hard parts for me.  That’s the biggest adjustment in my life. Plus, I’ve been having to do work in the in-between times which is something I didn’t think I would have to do.  But I still have to pay the bills, right? I am learning that I need to make some time for myself.  There’s a lot of learning going on…

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Components of weight loss

Components of weight loss

I’m desperately trying to stay afloat which got me thinking about a couple of things.  It’s the beginning of the year so everyone is focused on weight loss, hitting the gym and eating healthy meals.  There is so much more to weight loss than just those things.  It’s a process and sometimes it’s easy to overlook some of the smaller things. Sleep is so important.  Right now I have a tiny one who is controlling my sleep schedule so it’s been a little rough. She seems to be getting more than enough sleep; it’s me who seems to be suffering.…

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Motivation Monday: Patience is key

Motivation Monday: Patience is key

The year is winding down and it’s the time to reflect on all the great things you did this year.  I truly hope it’s been a great year for you and you have made the progress you desired at the start of the year.  Even if you didn’t reach all of your goals doesn’t mean it’s still not going to happen.  Patience is key and things take time, a person just needs to stay the course. I know what you’re thinking, “it’s easier said than done.” That’s the absolute truth, it’s easy to think those things but putting it into…

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Motivation to get back on track

Motivation to get back on track

It’s the holidays and people seem to get off track during this time.  For me, I’m dealing with a big event coming my way.  My focus has just been getting something in my tummy and I’ve been GREAT for the most part.  But with our little girl on the way, I’m trying to get back on track so I can stay healthy and get lose this baby weight. I’ve learned that in the past making a plan is the most effective way to accomplish a goal. It’s easier to stay focused and on track that way. I know it worked…

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Not filled with useful information

Not filled with useful information

I feel like I’m slacking because I haven’t been on my blogging A game since I got pregnant. I don’t like to talk about my pregnancy too much because I’m kind of a private person. Sometimes, it’s hard for strangers to know so much information about me, especially when I’m approached IRL with conversations. It’s still something I’m getting my head around and it’s been a while since I started blogging. And of course, all of my posts would be about the baby which is what people want to hear. My workout routine: I started off going to the gym…

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Do I still meal prep?

Do I still meal prep?

I’ve read the e-mails and I know people want more food stuff on the blog because it’s seriously lacking.  I have to be real, we do a modified food prep thing in our house right now.  Eating in our house has been a little lackluster and some weeks I just noticed I was wasting money on food.  The short answer to the questions is: yes.  Now he’s the long explanation: We still make our weekly trips to grocery store and I do start out with good intentions. It’s day to day with me so there are just some days I…

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