Perks of being proactive

If there is something you want in life, you MUST go after it! It’s time to be proactive. Sometimes talk is cheap!  It’s time to stop talking and time to start doing something.

 “You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do.”

I posted this quote on Facebook this morning and it got more likes than any post I’ve posted in a long time. There’s a reason for that…it’s the truth.


Setting goals is a GREAT thing. I never want to detour anyone from setting goals, but at what point do you start to put those goals into actions? Once you set a goal, it’s time to immediately start taking the steps to achieve that goal.

So what does being proactive mean? It means you’re taking the initiative to control a situation. It means you are the master of your destiny and taking responsibility of your life. Proactive people are affected by their actions which leads to less over reactions. A proactive person is choosing to make decisions to better themselves or a situation instead of letting the conditions dictate their lives.

It’s time to stop being reactionary and letting bad conditions dictate your life.

Remember no situation is impossible. You are defined not by your situation but how you deal with a situation.

Don’t wait until you’re backed into a corner to make a change or a decision because that is being reactive.  Being proactive is deciding to make the change now.

If you want to lose weight, don’t wait until you’re in a medical bind to do it.  Choose to take control of your destiny and your happiness now by developing a plan and STICKING to it. Take control of the situation before it takes control of you.  A proactive person doesn’t wait for someone to answer their questions, they seek the answers themselves.

But that goes for any situation.  If you’re not happy in life, you change that by being proactive.  If you want to run a marathon, be proactive, find a plan and start training.

Willie wanted to learn how to cook, so he did his research, joined an online cooking school and now he’s actually really great!

Most importantly, proactive people are always looking to the future and never in the past!  The past has already happened and there’s not you can do to change the past, BUT you can change the future by taking control.  It’s all about taking the first step in a forward direction to lead you down the proactive path.

Remember you can do anything you want to do in life if you believe and make a plan to achieve!  Don’t waste your time talking about what you want to do. In the words of Nike, “Just Do It!”

What is one thing you are going to be proactive in achieving by the end of the year?

Today is my birthday

Today is my birthday

I’m one year older and wiser and I don’t mind!  My 20s weren’t that eventful and filled with lots of LOWS but my 30s are amazing!  For the first time I starting to live my life.  I’m starting to enjoy things and I’m definitely starting to open up.  I still have my moments of being down trodden, but I promise you those moments are FEW and far between. So what do I want to tackle in my next year in life? 1. I want to eat more froyo!  Wait, I shouldn’t do that.  I probably have too much as it…

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Failing at recovery

Failing at recovery

This shouldn’t be an issue. I’m on Team Chocolate Milk. I should be mastering recovery, but I’m failing. I noticed after I ran the half marathon on Sunday that I was a bit more beaten up than usually. I just figured it may have been due to the fact I ran the back half of the race a little harder than what I’ve been running lately. I waited too long for my lowfat chocolate milk. I mentioned that it started pouring very shortly after I crossed the finish line so I didn’t have enough time to grab anything for recovery.…

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Forget about everyone else

Forget about everyone else

It’s time to STOP worry about what everyone else is doing or what they are thinking about because it’s doing nothing but wasting time. It’s time for me to do me and you to do you!  Stop worrying about what other people are thinking about you because chances are they aren’t thinking about you at all.  So why worry about them? Last week 10+ Reasons I Love My Ugly Body hit the internet and took the social media world by storm.  I don’t personally know Andrea, in fact I just started talking to her this week.  I didn’t start talking to her…

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It can happen to you

It can happen to you

By the time most of you are reading this post we’ll be halfway to China!  We haven’t even left the airport and we’re already having an adventure.  Let’s just say some Chinese people are looking at us with envy because we have an extension cord at to charge our phone and we don’t have to huddle around the charging station. But it’s 10:35 pm on Sunday and we’re tired.  I would have been in bed already!  We still have 2.5 hours before our flight leaves.  Willie does selfie better than me. It’s Monday so I just wanted to send a…

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When it clicks, it’s the best feeling …

When it clicks, it’s the best feeling in the world

I sometimes wonder why Willie and I are getting so much praise for losing weight.  Our weight loss is not really a big deal to us.  It was something that we had to do, wanted to do and did!  It’s really nothing special to us.  I wanted to stop feeling sorry for myself.  I wanted to stop the weird stares we got when walking in a store.  I wanted to stop the struggle of finding the clothes I wanted to wear but couldn’t.  I wanted to just do something different. I wanted to lose weight before, but all attempts failed.…

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Why goals are VERY important

Why goals are VERY important

It’s that time again where I start looking forward to the future. I want to know what my next big thing is going to be so I can start working on it now! This morning when I was teaching my cycle class I thought about goal setting. My goal for this morning was the teach a successful class! When I finished the class, I felt good because I knew I accomplished my goal. Goals don’t always have to be a big ta-da in life! There are long-term and short-term goals! Short term goals are the perfect way to help you…

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HELP! I need to lose weight.

HELP! I need to lose weight.

Every time Willie and I end up in the media, the Facebook and e-mail messages start rolling in with people saying the same thing.  “HELP! I need to lose weight.  Please tell me what to do.” I try to read the messages but honestly it’s just a lot of messages saying the same thing.  Reading the messages makes me feel helpless and at a loss for words because I don’t really know what to say.  Correction:  I know what to say but I know that’s not what you want to hear. I am not an expert on weight loss.  I’m…

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The deal with changes

The deal with changes

Change is a part of life that we can’t really avoid.  Things change on a constant basis, including the weather.  I can’t believe we were hit with two ice events in 6 days here in southeast Texas.  I was cooped up in the house for a couple of days which really gave me a chance to think about the message I want to send out to the world.  Things changed for us a when we decided to lose the weight, our appearance changed,  our life changed, our activities changed and all of the sudden people are asking us to speak about…

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Race Recap: The Louisiana Marathon

Race Recap: The Louisiana Marathon

I love this race because it’s a pretty course, the people are friendly and it’s just an all around good time.  I am so happy to share this race recap with you because this was a very positive experience for me. The morning started off well. I had gotten a good night’s sleep and I woke up in a very positive attitude. After battling some bad mental running issues since Memphis, waking up and feeling this good and excited meant I was already a winner! We arrived at the race and did all the necessary things but we lined up…

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Race Recap: The Advocate 5K at The Louisiana …

Race Recap: The Advocate 5K at The Louisiana Marathon

Hello all!  I’m proud to be typing this blog post as a MARATHONER!  The weather for the weekend was great and complete opposite to Memphis, so I was truly blessed!  Last year was my first year to run this race and I knew I would be coming back.  The race hasn’t gotten too big and everything goes off without any problems.  The race is well organized and the people are fun! I loaded up the cooler with some good food and snacks and we were off. I was trying to keep the eats on track for a little bit of…

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