A non running week

I have declared this a non-running week and it sucks.  I’m already having a really awesome week so this just tops it off. I have a perfectly valid reason for not running this week, but it doesn’t make it any better.  My hip flexor is pretty torn up and I need it to heal.  I haven’t really run without pain since having the baby but it’s something that is manageable.  I thought I was hitting my running stride in December and then this happened.

A couple of weeks ago I ran the Louisiana half marathon and the quarter marathon the day before.  I felt fine running the quarter marathon but during the half marathon, things were different.  Toward the end, my I could barely lift my right leg up to run.  I thought it was due to how cold it was and maybe my hip never reached the warm-up part.  When it was done, I was still walking.  A couple hours after the race, I couldn’t lift my leg.  It was so bad that I took ibuprofen.  I know that means nothing to you but medicine is something I usually don’t do.


The pain has been out of control and I know this couldn’t just be from running.  It’s never been this BAD before.  It only took me a couple of days to realize that during the Louisiana half marathon, I tripped over some phantom crack in the road that really jolted me.  I remember thinking, “that is going to hurt later.” This was around mile four but apparently, by the time I reached mile 11, I had forgotten that I tripped and this might have been the cause of my pain.

It makes me upset that my clumsiness caused me to have to stop running for a while.  I’m not saying this is my only problem, but it’s my biggest problem right now.  Since coming back to running, my form is off.  I have some muscle imbalances, and it shows when I’m running.  I’m trying to correct it a little bit of time.  It’s frustrating because I know I’m capable of producing better results than what I’m producing.  But I have to fix the problems first, right?

That’s the long story of why I’m taking the week off.

Most importantly, I’ve decided that it’s time for me to stop wondering and thinking about running a marathon.  It’s time to start training for one.  In two weeks, I’m going to start marathon training for Rock n Roll San Diego.  If I don’t put one on the map, then I’ll keep pushing it off.  It’s far enough away for me not to feel so overwhelmed and I know the weather will be decent.

In order to train though, I can’t have this nagging me for 18 weeks.  I won’t start if my body isn’t ready but I hope my body doesn’t fail me during this time.  This week I’ve been walking on the treadmill, teaching my cycle classes, and focusing on my strength training.  I’ve also been icing and stretching throughout the day.  If something hurts, I don’t do it.  That’s all I can do right now.

I really do hope that it all comes together but this is just another lesson in learning to listen to your body.  Rest and recovery are a very important part of any fitness schedule.  Please take the time to warm-up, cool down, and stretch after every workout.  These things are often overlooked, but don’t make those mistakes.

I’ll keep you posted on the running journey, don’t worry.

Have you ever tripped over what you thought was nothing but was actually something?

Find your passion

Find your passion

The other day I did a Facebook Live to answer questions about weight loss and what not.  If you missed it, I’m sorry but you can go back to watch it.  Someone asked a question about my motivation to keep going and answered about beginning with the end in mind.  This got me thinking a little deeper about what motivates me to do what I do. I found my passions. It’s easy to be motivated when I found something that I love to do.  I fell in love with running and it gave me something to work towards.  Running gave…

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Meal prep this week: Maple Dijon chicken

Meal prep this week: Maple Dijon chicken

I haven’t really been talking about my meal prep on the blog lately. I know it’s bad because people want to know about the meal prep. I haven’t really talked about meal prep in a long time but that doesn’t mean I’m not doing it. Meal prep has become a little less high maintenance these days, but it’s still getting done. I’m not fancy. I don’t create recipes on my own. If I’m doing some creating, I’m just throwing stuff together we have in the fridge and making it work. There’s nothing creative happening in my kitchen. I know the…

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Focus is real

Focus is real

To put this into words is hard because I have been extremely focused lately.  I’m the person you come to for motivation and inspiration to tackle your dreams and lately I’ve just been focused on chasing my own stuff.  It’s been hard for me to put it into words to post here on the blog. I’m still here.  If you follow me on Instagram, you know I’ve still been around. The goals I’ve set for myself aren’t visual goals.  That’s why I haven’t had much to post on Instagram (besides in my stories).  The goals I set are kind of…

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Postpartum depression confession

Postpartum depression confession

Yesterday I was empowered by Sublimely Fit to talk about my struggle with post-partum depression on my Instagram. I met Beth last year at Fitbloggin while we were both pregnant so I feel we’ll always have a bit of a bond. I was beyond impressed that she spoke so openly about her post-partum depression because I haven’t been able to. Believe it or not, I’m a private person. I know that sounds weird because I put my “life” on social media for all of you to enjoy. I’m not good with opening up about struggles. I am the one who…

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I never know where to start

I never know where to start

I never know where to start so I’ve been avoiding my blog altogether. I have plans for the blog but I just don’t have the time to execute them. Well, I don’t think I’ve been managing my time correctly when I do have the time. I guess I’m trying to add things back gradually. First I was trying to get back to working out, then dropping some weight and then getting back to teaching my cycle classes. Now might be time for me to get back to working on the blog. I’m really ready to get back to it and…

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When they say you can’t

When they say you can’t

When they say you can’t, I think you can. Please fight back and do what you want to do! I’ve been a little stressed and it’s been reflected on the blog because I’ve been a little busy.  I’ve been busy because they said I couldn’t.  When I got pregnant people told me I wouldn’t work out.  People told me I wouldn’t run.  People told me I couldn’t travel. People told me I wouldn’t do a lot of things. When they said I couldn’t, that lit a fire under my butt. My baby is almost 4 months old and things have…

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I need a break

I need a break

This is a post that I didn’t want to make but I have to say it.  I need a break.  I have too many things going on right now.  My blog has always come first since I started it but right now with the new baby, I just can’t keep up.  I can’t plan the way I want to plan, I can’t provide the content I want to provide because time management is just something different right now.  Things are getting easier but I’m still making a transition.  I hope to be back on track in a few weeks after…

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Post Valentine’s Day Things I Love

Post Valentine’s Day Things I Love

I dropped the ball on my Valentine’s Day blog because I was wrapped up with other things. I might have subconsciously avoided blogging about it too because I don’t really care for Valentine’s Day. It’s been a day that has been HORRIBLE for me so I try to stay clear of it all together. But I did have the best Valentine EVER which made this the best Valentine’s Day I’ve ever had! I do hope that everyone had an enjoyable Valentine’s Day filled with lots of love. I thought I would take the time to talk about some of the…

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Things are not normal

Things are not normal

The best blogs are the ones when you write about what you know so that is what I have to write about right now.  Things are not normal right now.  I wish I could blog about workouts, meal prepping and healthy meals, or even just weight loss.  But I can’t do that because life is just different right now. I am extremely blessed to have a child.  She is my world and I’m thankful every minute of the day.  This is definitely a place in life I never thought I would be.  Honestly, I had given up the possibility of…

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Catching up: the anniversaries and baby

Catching up: the anniversaries and baby

I’m barely keeping things together.  Having a new baby is challenging.  It’s not so much the sleep thing that is getting me, it’s the everything else.  Changing of the diapers, feeding and just making sure she’s content are the hard parts for me.  That’s the biggest adjustment in my life. Plus, I’ve been having to do work in the in-between times which is something I didn’t think I would have to do.  But I still have to pay the bills, right? I am learning that I need to make some time for myself.  There’s a lot of learning going on…

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