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Make life happen

I know I haven’t been blogging and that’s on me. That doesn’t mean I haven’t been here, I just haven’t made blogging a priority when I know I should. I’ve had some tough moments this year and I let some things slip away from me. I may have created a bad habit of complaining instead of acting. I haven’t been practicing the things I say on the blog. The past two weeks I’ve been focusing on change and I’ve come to a conclusion. Make life happen. There is a lesson learned in every situation. There is glory in the journey.…

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Breaking my Hurricane Harvey silence

Breaking my Hurricane Harvey silence

I know it’s been awhile since my last blog. I will not lie dealing with Hurricane Harvey has been one of the most stressful things I’ve had to deal with in a long time. This time was different because I have a small child to usher through this situation. I am very lucky my home was not flooded. It was really just luck that it didn’t because MOST of my neighborhood took water in their homes. All I can say is we got lucky and right now we’re just trying to bridge the gap of making life work again, after…

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Find your passion

Find your passion

The other day I did a Facebook Live to answer questions about weight loss and what not.  If you missed it, I’m sorry but you can go back to watch it.  Someone asked a question about my motivation to keep going and answered about beginning with the end in mind.  This got me thinking a little deeper about what motivates me to do what I do. I found my passions. It’s easy to be motivated when I found something that I love to do.  I fell in love with running and it gave me something to work towards.  Running gave…

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Five Things Friday #1

Five Things Friday #1

I know it’s not the first Five Things Friday I’ve done but I’m starting over to keep them a bit more organized.  I never know what to call them anyway so a number system will be best. It’s been a long week and I’m pretty sure I’m long overdue for a rest day. It will come. My new project is Mom Works It Out. So I started a new blog about being a mom and every other part of lifestyle besides the health and fitness stuff. I fully understand that you are here because you heard our weight loss story.…

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That time I burned crockpot lasagna

That time I burned crockpot lasagna

I love making stuff in the crockpot because it’s a great way to get a home cooked meal without all the fuss.  That was until I decided I was going to make crockpot lasagna. I was intrigued when I was fell down the rabbit hole of Pinterest and found a crock pot veggie lasagna recipe. The great thing about the crockpot is setting and forgetting, but this time I feel like it was a little too much work. I was highly skeptical on Sunday while I was making this. I even posted on Instagram stories I wasn’t sure I would be…

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Group fitness etiquette

Group fitness etiquette

I don’t really talk about a bunch on the blog, but I am a group fitness instructor.  I am a HUGE advocate for group fitness for many reasons. There has been a surge in group fitness over the years with Crossfit, barre, spin, yoga and many other choices. If you’ve never been to a group fitness class, here are some tips before you go. Show up to class on time. I know it’s hard sometimes and there are times when you’re just running late.  Just because you’re running late doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to get your workout on.  Access…

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Giveaway: Keep a cool head with Headsweats

Giveaway: Keep a cool head with Headsweats

Disclaimer: I am a Headsweats ambassador.  The views about this product or solely my own and not influenced by the company. It’s your chance to win a Headsweats hat or visor.  The only hats/visors I wear are Headsweats.  I don’t know what it is about this brand but it feels light on my head and collects my sweat like no other. I can’t think of one run that I’ve done without a Headsweats hat or visor. That’s a lot of running, right? My closet is full of these hats and visors and I want to share this great product with…

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Starting the weight loss journey is the hardest …

Starting the weight loss journey is the hardest part

People often ask me what was/is the hardest part of the weight loss journey.  Sometimes I want to say, “keeping the weight off” and that is true, but the hardest part is really just getting started. If you are ready for your weight loss journey it is important to take the steps.  I wanted to lose the weight many times before I actually did.  Do you know what the biggest difference was the last time?  I actually took the steps to make it happen. I would always think about what life would be life if I lost the weight.  I…

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Meal prep this week: Maple Dijon chicken

Meal prep this week: Maple Dijon chicken

I haven’t really been talking about my meal prep on the blog lately. I know it’s bad because people want to know about the meal prep. I haven’t really talked about meal prep in a long time but that doesn’t mean I’m not doing it. Meal prep has become a little less high maintenance these days, but it’s still getting done. I’m not fancy. I don’t create recipes on my own. If I’m doing some creating, I’m just throwing stuff together we have in the fridge and making it work. There’s nothing creative happening in my kitchen. I know the…

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Don’t let a one-upper steal your shine

Don’t let a one-upper steal your shine

Happy Monday!  I hope everyone is starting off their week off right.  Monday is a time to start anew and set new goals.  This is your moment, don’t waste it. Today I wanted to talk to you about the one-upper.  I don’t know how to exactly phrase this to you so I’m hoping you will understand. Don’t let these people get you down. Beware of the one-uppers in your life.  The people who are always trying to get the last word.  The people who are always trying to do you one better.  Sometimes it seems like those people are just…

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Focus is real

Focus is real

To put this into words is hard because I have been extremely focused lately.  I’m the person you come to for motivation and inspiration to tackle your dreams and lately I’ve just been focused on chasing my own stuff.  It’s been hard for me to put it into words to post here on the blog. I’m still here.  If you follow me on Instagram, you know I’ve still been around. The goals I’ve set for myself aren’t visual goals.  That’s why I haven’t had much to post on Instagram (besides in my stories).  The goals I set are kind of…

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