Exercising is the LEAST offensive thing I’ve done to my body

A study by the American College of Cardiology came out suggesting the amount I run will increase my chance of death but it’s at the same rate of people who sit on the couch.

The National guideline suggests 150 minutes per week of moderate exercise. For me, this isn’t a big deal. Teaching two of my classes is 90 minutes and we all know I work out more than that. I haven’t even made a dent into the 150 minutes with running. But even if I wasn’t running, would more than 150 mins of exercising be harmful to my health? I sure someone can pull up a study that tells me it is harmful.

Noting that the most famous – and perhaps apocryphal – case of physically overdoing it involved the Athenian messenger Pheidippides, who dropped dead after running 26 miles from the battlefield of Marathon to shout the word “Nike!” or “victory,” the researchers hypothesize that strenuous running can damage the heart over time.

Brazos bend
I have to put this in perspective. If the amount of running can damage my heart overtime, what about all the things I was or wasn’t doing before?  I used to throw down with the best of them.  I ordered obscene amounts of food for one meal from McDonalds.  I snacked at Sonic happy hour on the daily.  I could easily put away a pizza without even worry about it.  And I would do this all while sitting on the couch watching hours and hours of Veronica Mars or Gilmore Girl episodes.  Wasn’t that harmful to my health too?

My point:  I spent many years doing the wrong things.  I developed really bad habits that contributed to my obesity.  At this point in my life, I think exercising in any form is the LEAST offensive things I am doing to my body.

There is so much information being pit out at us everyday.  It’s up to use to define that truth with the information we are supplied.  My truth is: I run a lot.  I would run all day everyday if I could, but I can’t. Running is something that I love and I know to keep running, I need to properly take care of my body.  I have to eat right, train and take recovery very seriously.  I also know that I’m living a healthier life right now than I was 5 years ago by doing something that I truly love.  I enjoy working out and running.  I now I was worse off then than I am now.  If anything is going to increase my chance of death, it might have to do with the years and years of damage I did by not taking care of my body…and just not caring.

We only have one body, so take care of it the best way you know.

Celebrate everything

Celebrate everything

I’ve been working on things around the site. You may have noticed some changes. I’m going for a new look. There have been a couple of bugs but I think things are finally smoothing over. I am excited for a new start on an old thing. I want to talk about celebration. Everyone should stop right now and just stop to celebrate something about yourself. Big, little, tiny, miniscule…whatever it is, it’s worthy of celebration. I hear so many things in life. “Well I only ran 2 miles.” “I was only able to do the stairmaster for 12 minutes.” “I…

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My dog took me for a run

My dog took me for a run

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Staying safe when you take your workouts outside

Staying safe when you take your workouts outside

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Staying healthy while staying busy

Staying healthy while staying busy

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Lesson of the week: negativity breeds negativity

Lesson of the week: negativity breeds negativity

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Does the journey ever really end?

Does the journey ever really end?

This day in 2011, Willie and I decided that it was time for a change.  Together we took the steps to lose weight and transform our lifestyle.  This morning I woke up to tell Willie today was the day and he didn’t remember.  I take that as a good thing because that means we’ve come a long way. I still remember everything about that day.  The conversation we had and how I really wanted to get barbecue that day for dinner. I know it sounds silly, but I still remember.  The next day Willie and I went to the gym…

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A training shoe: Asics GEL-Fit Sana

A training shoe: Asics GEL-Fit Sana

This post is sponsored by FitFluential on behalf of ASICS. Do you know the different between shoes? I see many people wearing the wrong shoes for different activities. That’s why I was so jazzed to get a pair of the Asics GEL-Fit Sanas. The GEL-Fit Sanas are an amazing training shoe for all those cross training activities in your life. The shoes are made of stretchable mesh. The shoe retails for $80 and is available in different colors. There will be a color for everyone! The shoes I received were navy/white/hotpink! The shoes are light and flexible. The shoe adapts…

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It’s Christmas week which means things get …

It’s Christmas week which means things get busy

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Christmas presents for your health minded person

Christmas presents for your health minded person

Next week is Christmas.  Have you done your shopping?  I haven’t done much shopping at all.  I should probably get on it.  Just in case you’re still searching for the perfect gift or stocking stuffer, I thought I would go ahead and put my list out there.  All the lists out there seem to be the same: running shoes, running fuel, blah blah blah.  Here is my list of great gifts for your fitness/health junkie friends: The price buster: An iPod.  I know you can listen to music on  your phone and most people do.  But I think it’s great…

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The pie hit the trash so let’s …

The pie hit the trash so let’s try something new

There’s nothing wrong with Thanksgiving eating but there is a problem with leftovers.  It’s especially hard to be one of those people who HATES to throw food away.  Continuing the Thanksgiving eating for many days after Thanksgiving can be a problem. I woke up yesterday and saw a lot of food in the trash including a full pecan pie, angel food cake and some macaroni and cheese. Willie was serious about it. It’s time to move on. It’s marathon week! It’s not my first marathon but it was supposed to be my first marathon this year so I’m excited to…

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