How to Conquer the Mental Challenge in Your Medial Weight Loss Program

There’s such a big difference when you’re in a medical weight loss program versus losing weight for aesthetic and confidence purposes. Sure, for both, you’re going to want this to happen quickly, you’re going to want to do what you can to make sure nothing is stagnant. But overall, both of these are about setting sail on a journey towards a healthier, happier you. But let’s be honest—it’s not all smooth sailing.

Monthly wrap-up June 2023

The physical challenges are one thing, but the mental hurdles? Those can feel like climbing Mount Everest in flip-flops. To a degree, there’s room for “failure,” and you should take your time if you’re doing it for aesthetic reasons and confidence. 

But when it comes to medical reasons, you need to lose weight quickly, but at the same time, it needs to be healthy. It’s like there’s more pressure cause there’s just no room for any sort of mistake. So what can you do? Here’s what you need to know about covering the mental challenge of being in a medial-based weight loss program.

Embrace the Struggle and Own It

It’s okay to acknowledge that the struggle is real. Pretending everything is easy-peasy doesn’t help anyone. It’s okay to have tough days, to feel frustrated, or even to wonder if it’s all worth it. But overall, accepting these feelings is the first step to overcoming them. You’re not alone in this; everyone on a weight loss journey hits these mental roadblocks. So, own your struggle. Just go ahead and recognize it, feel it, and then prepare to smash through it.

Set Realistic Goals and Celebrate the Small Wins

One of the biggest mental traps in a weight loss program is the “all or nothing” mentality. If you don’t hit your target weight by a specific date, you haven’t failed. The key is setting realistic and achievable goals. 

It could be losing a pound a week or simply making healthier food choices for a month. But overall, celebrate these small victories because they add to significant changes over time. Did you choose a salad over fries? High-five! Every small win is a step closer to your goal.

Mindfulness Can Be Your Secret Weapon

Okay, this sounds way too generic, right? Well, mindfulness isn’t just a trendy buzzword; it’s a powerful tool for keeping your mental game strong. Being mindful helps you stay in the moment and appreciate the journey rather than just focusing on the destination. 

When you eat, really savor your food. When you exercise, feel the movement and strength in your body. Honestly, it’s all about making your weight loss journey more enjoyable.

Focus on What You Can Control

There will be days when everything seems out of your control. Maybe the scale isn’t budging, or life throws you a curveball that makes sticking to your plan impossible. Just don’t give up, and please don’t get mad at yourself! A weight loss journey is hard and unpredictable!

Visualize Your Success

So, it will help to take a few moments each day to imagine yourself achieving your goals. Just think about a healthier you, a happier you, one without any medical issues. 

Focusing too much on losing weight?

Focusing too much on losing weight?

There’s nothing wrong with a little bit of focus, but sometimes it can get in the way.  Is it possible to have too much emphasis on a weight loss journey?  I may be living proof of the point.  The initial weight loss journey was strict.  I stayed on plan all the time because I wanted to lose weight so bad.  I lost the weight, but there were moments when I felt like I wasn’t living life.  In retrospect, I see I was a living a rigorous regiment and maybe that it was I needed to get over the hump of…

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Episode #8: Life after weight loss

Episode #8: Life after weight loss

We Beat Fat Episode #8: Life after weight loss From the kitchen table: What’s been happening this week? This week’s podcast: life after weight loss The podcast is new so we are taking suggestions on topics to cover.   Contact us: or on social media Angela: blog:,  Instagram – @momworksitout, twitter – @momworksitout, fb – Willie: Instagram – @williegillis Topic of the week: Life after weight loss Many people have asked about losing weight and keeping off or in Willie’s case, gaining it back.  This episode of the podcast you have a candid chat about losing weight…

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Episode #2: The idea of healthy eating

Episode #2: The idea of healthy eating

We Beat Fat Episode #2: The idea of healthy eating From the kitchen table: What’s been happening this week?  Are you achieving your goals? Did you set any goals at the start of the new year? This week’s podcast: perceptions of healthy eating The podcast is new so we are taking suggestions on topics to cover.   Contact us: or on social media Angela: blog:,  Instagram – @momworksitout, twitter – @momworksitout, Facebook – Willie: Instagram – @williegillis Contact us: or on social media Healthy eating discussion: What did a typical day of eating look like for…

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Product Review: Personal Trainer Food

Product Review: Personal Trainer Food

This is a sponsored post.  I teamed up with Fit Approach and Personal Trainer Foods to receive a 14-day trial to the service.  This is a paid review but my opinions are my own.  Happy reading! Personal Trainer Food is a meal delivery service to help people who are looking for weight loss results.  I was very excited to take part in this experience to help keep me focused in the new year.  As you know, I did weight 338 pounds just seven years ago and having a service like this would have been priceless.  When on a weight loss…

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Do not stop the journey

Do not stop the journey

Good morning, everyone!  I wanted to start off by saying an apology for leaving the blog bare for so long.  It’s been a week and that’s not for lack of wanting to blog, it’s poor time management.  The to-do list is long and the blog is always the last thing on the list.  The blog is going to be a priority for me in 2018 because it’s something I love to do.  I will better manage my time and get the job done. This is a perfect segway into my topic today about carrying on no matter how long it…

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Got weight loss goals?

Got weight loss goals?

It’s the new year and everyone is looking for those posts about achieving weight loss goals.  I’m going to go back to my roots to talk about what started it all, weight loss. My weight loss journey started back on January 6, 2011. I weighed 338 pounds, which I think was my heaviest weight.  I couldn’t be too sure because I never stepped on a scale until the day I started my weight loss journey. Now it’s 2019 and I’ve managed not to gain my weight back.  My biggest weight gain was from pregnancy, but I’m glad to say I’m…

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Starting the weight loss journey is the hardest …

Starting the weight loss journey is the hardest part

People often ask me what was/is the hardest part of the weight loss journey.  Sometimes I want to say, “keeping the weight off” and that is true, but the hardest part is really just getting started. If you are ready for your weight loss journey it is important to take the steps.  I wanted to lose the weight many times before I actually did.  Do you know what the biggest difference was the last time?  I actually took the steps to make it happen. I would always think about what life would be life if I lost the weight.  I…

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Why I don’t track my food anymore

Why I don’t track my food anymore

I know I’ve talked about how we tracked our food using Lose It! to lose weight the first time around. It was completely helpful and a good tool for me at the time. But I had to step away from tracking my food because even after I hit my weight loss goal I was tracking my food the same way. It became a very serious part of my life that I became too neurotic about. No lie, I would hit my calories for the day and feel guilty about being hungry. It took me a long time to transition from…

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Race Recap: Run Houston! Minute Maid Park

Race Recap: Run Houston! Minute Maid Park

Yesterday I ran the Run Houston Minute Maid Park 10K in Houston. This was a race I was planning to do but didn’t sign up for until this week.  I’m being cautious about all of this stuff, but these races are a good excuse to throw myself into mileage.  I will use time as an excuse not to run longer so the races for me to make it until the end.  This race was the second in the race series.  I’ve never run any of these races but I’ll get to that later. I woke up early to squeeze into…

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Progress will come

Progress will come

Progress is moving forward, moving toward achieving a goal.  Progress is always welcome but doesn’t always come easy. There are a few things I am currently working on: Trying to lose my pregnancy weight. Find the balance and time to get my workouts in on a consistent basis. Getting back into running…at the pace I’m more familiar running. There have been times when I’ve felt completely helpless during this time and there have been the moments when I thought I was taking steps backward.  When progress doesn’t show its face, its hard to find the motivation to keep moving forward.…

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