Why I stopped showing up to running group?

My running group is great.  I love being a Strutter as most of you can tell from my race pictures.  These people have come into my life and made it so much sunnier.  My Monday and Wedesdays have been filled with hanging out with these people until recently and maybe it’s time for a little transparency.


There are a few explanations that I could offer here.  Let’s start with the easiest explanation: I was just injured.  It’s not that I don’t want to run but I just couldn’t.  It hurt.  It was painful and it kind of made me sad.  Being around a group of people who were out running would dampen my heart even more because I would have tried to run.  I wasn’t in the position to run but I would have been out there trying to log miles like the rest of the group.  Therefore, I thought it would be best if I kind of just did some other stuff.


People probably thought I stopped showing up because I wasn’t running any races and I had no medals to show off.  I’m not that vain but I just wanted to throw it out there.  Yes, I love being able to show off my medals at GTS but that is definitely not the reason why I show up. Things were just hurting really bad

I thought maybe I needed a break from running.  This thing called running has kind of become my thing. People have stopped asking me how I’m doing and replaced it with, “what’s your next race?” I started to become one and the same with running which is fine with me BUT I really think it was an obstacle in my relationships with people.  It hindered my social relationships because like I already mentioned people would ask me things like that first and I was always gone.  I’m not really sure if I needed a break from running but I needed to know was I running to run or running because it has become my “thing.”

The crazy thing about being in the media (here, here, here and many more places) the whole world knows about my journey.  That kind of puts pressure on the journey a little bit.  I’m not the first person to want to run the 50 states (believe me, I know plenty of people doing and re-doing the 50 states thing) but I’m probably one of the few people in the country who has a spotlight on their journey.  Sometimes that’s a lot of pressure to keep going, keep saving money, keep collecting states and just to keep running.

Everyone thinks this quest is completely paid for but for the most part I’ve paid every single dime of travel and most entry fees.  I have been blessed with a few comp entry fees and some cheaper hotel rooms but those things are few and far between.  It’s literally a sacrifice that I am making and I just need to know that I’m doing it for the right reasons because it does take it’s toll on life.


I have been fortunate enough to link up with Action For Healthy Kids/Team Healthy Kids to give some serious meaning to what I’m doing, so that helps out A LOT!  But there were a few things I needed to discover on my own.

Last year when I couldn’t run, it was horrible.  I was like a drug addict looking for the next high because I was just out of commission.  It was horrible.  I was moody, I was unhappy and I didn’t feel like myself. I wanted to run all the races and just be out there.

This time around with no running was a little different.  What I truly learned was that I just miss running.  I miss being able to be out there pounding the pavement.  Before I missed the races but now I miss the actual activity of running.  I’ve had the time to think about it and this may just be what I need to continue on the quest to inspire people to do things people may or may not have told them are impossible.  I’m ready to raise some money for Team Healthy Kids and see this great country as long as my legs will let me.


Yesterday, I went to running group and I ran with the actual group.  The run went better than I expected.  There was a little pain but nothing like what I experienced before.  I managed to eek out 4 miles and this morning I walking and able to tell you the tale.  I feel like I’m moving in a positive direction with a lot of things and hopefully is the start of some really great things.

Transformation Tuesday: Falling into running

Transformation Tuesday: Falling into running

I never thought I would be a runner. When we started our weight loss journey, I definitely didn’t think it would be something I would fall into or even love. I started running because I needed something a little bit more fast pace than walking and that slowly turned into a love for hitting the pavement. The only place I would run to before was the couch to catch the latest episode of my favorite show or to the kitchen table to eat. It’s sad to say, but that is the truth. I can’t really explain to you why the…

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My site was hacked but I still worked …

My site was hacked but I still worked out this week

Have you noticed that I haven’t been blogging?  Well it wasn’t my fault.  I scheduled out my posts but then a few days later I noticed that I wasn’t getting any comments or feedback on my posts.  Then I figured out that I was no longer in control of things happening with my site. I couldn’t login to change anything.  I was sad and I hoped that I wasn’t going to lose everything I had worked 3 years to build. I didn’t want to mention that I was locked out of my own site because I didn’t really know who…

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Race Recap: Tobacco Road Marathon

Race Recap: Tobacco Road Marathon

I collected state #17 in North Carolina this weekend when I ran the Tobacco Road Marathon in Cary, NC. This was definitely a bucket list race for me from before I even started marathoning.  This was just a half marathon I wanted to complete but then I started running the 50 states and I knew this would be my North Carolina race.  The entire time I was running I couldn’t believe I was actually running the race. The only bad thing about this race was it happened on the day of the time change.  I had already lost an hour…

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#TourDeAngie: Weight loss and alcohol.

#TourDeAngie: Weight loss and alcohol.

Thursday night I made my trek to state #17, North Carolina, for the Tobacco Road Marathon which is tomorrow. I had a late flight and didn’t get to my hotel until after midnight because I lost an hour. Oh, did I forget to mention that I lost an hour and will lose another tomorrow due to DST? Oh well, at least the race starts later due to the time change. Yesterday I picked up my packet. I’m never available for first day packet pickup so I thought I should go. It was a small expo but it was nice. There…

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Want to run the Chicago Marathon with me?

Want to run the Chicago Marathon with me?

Have you ever wanted to run a marathon?  Here’s your chance.  I am looking for some motivated people to come run the Chicago Marathon with me in October.  Are you interested? Last year I ran the Chicago Marathon with Team Healthy Kids and I’ll be doing it again this year with Willie.  I really want to put together a team to run for a great cause.  Childhood obesity is a great risk to our country and I want to do something about it.  This is my way of making difference.  Do you want to make a difference with me? Willie…

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Race Recap: Snickers Marathon – Albany, GA

Race Recap: Snickers Marathon – Albany, GA

I ventured down some serious back roads to Albany, GA to capture state #16 on my marathon quest.  The destination was the Snickers Marathon and Half Marathon.  I decided on this race after finding out I wouldn’t be able to run the Georgia Marathon because I already signed up for another race.  I am so glad I double checked my calendar and decided to run this race. From my town, Albany is 10 hrs and not really a convient place to fly.  There are no airports within two hours of this place so I thought it would be best to…

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Finding yourself is part of the journey

Finding yourself is part of the journey

Happy Monday afternoon everyone.  Things haven’t been great in life and I’ve pulled away from blogging because it’s hard to remain transparent in really trying times.  It may have made the problems deepen a bit because it has become an internal issue.  Today Willie posted something on his blog and brought some things to the forefront. I really do hope you take the time to read his post. I really want to encourage everyone to find what it is in life that will make you happy.  Without happiness, nothing else will fall into place.  I lived many many years not…

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#TourdeAngie resumes with Snickers

#TourdeAngie resumes with Snickers

Hello all! I think I am ready to make my return to blogging. I have been going through a lot of things lately but I think I need to just come back. There will never be a right time and my mind will never really be free of stress. These are probably the moments that I need to be blogging. Yesterday, I hit the road for Georgia. Thank goodness for having friends that live at the half way point of life. I was able to drive halfway yesterday and finish it up today. I will be making the full drive…

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Being too hard on myself

Being too hard on myself

Yesterday I threw myself a pity party. I ran two half marathons this weekend, I should be proud about that.  I’m upset because one of those was supposed to be a marathon.  I’m complaining about nothing.  Don’t judge me.  But I am hard on myself and it clouds my judgement.  I really should know better. I am being too hard on myself. Maybe I’ve set the bar too high or I need to manage expectations. When I made the decision at mile 6, I knew it was the right decision.  When I rolled through mile 8, I was feeling better…

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Taking a break

Taking a break

Hello all.  I wanted to keep you update on my antics, just in case you don’t follow me on social media.  I’ve still been instagraming, snap chatting and tweeting but you may miss that if you’re not into the social media thing. I’ve still been working out and sticking to my schedule.  Getting out and getting my exercise has been mone of the most important things in my life right now.  It’s been a major priority and just been trying to stick with a schedule.  And I’ve really been enjoying teaching my cycle classes this month.  Maybe it’s all the…

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