Sunday set up: meatballs, egg muffins, raw “cookie dough”

Happy Sunday!  That means it’s time for meal prepping in our house.  This week I’ve been feeling uninspired with the meals.  We didn’t even make a grocery list when we headed to the store.

It’s my job to deal with the lunch and Willie deals with the dinner.  Collectively we do breakfast and we each like different snacks so we do our own snacks.


Sunday setup

Overnight oats
Egg white muffins and overnight oats. We’ve been eating the same thing for breakfast everyday for almost two years. It’s quick and easy and we can take it with us if we need.


Meal prep for #lunch! This week it's #meatballs!l what's your Sunday set up? #mealprep #fitfluential #foodstagram
Sunday setup

Meatballs, broccoli and rice with sauce. I was feeling uninspired I tell you but I watched an episode of The Kitchen yesterday which was all about tomatoes.  They made sauce and I thought I should make some sauce.  This is the left over sauce we have so it will do double duty as dinner.

Before you ask, yes this is going to feed us both lunch for the entire week.  I try to make a large batch of something that will last the entire week so I don’t spend a lot of time prepping different meals.


Sunday setup

Like I said, I’m not really responsible for dinner.  But most of the time I end up throwing some protein over some lettuce and calling it a salad.  With this much sauce left over, I’m sure I’ll be using the veggetti to make some faux noodles.  But I always like to have some sweet potatoes on hand every week so I usually make a big pan of those.  I also made some black beans.

We’ll probably end up having a taco salad because we have lots of fresh salsa in the house too.  I have no pictures for that yet, because I’m waiting on Willie to decide what he’s going to cook up.


Sunday setup

I’m going simple this week. Yogurt, nuts and these raw “cookie dough” balls. I saw this on The Kitchen yesterday and really loved it. They were quick and easy to make. I made a couple of different variations of these because I don’t have coconut flakes and I didn’t want the chocolate chips. It’s supposed to be something like raw cookie dough. It’s super quick to make!


I’ll be having apples and/or bananas with peanut butter.  I stocked up on a lot of this stuff when we went to Trader Joe’s this weekend.  I got some almond butter and cashew butter. And probably some carrots and hummus for mid morning snack and a Luna Bar for an afternoon snack. Plus lots of water. We can’t forget about the water.

Did you do a Sunday set up?  What’s on your eats list this week?

Friday happys for a Happy Friday

Friday happys for a Happy Friday

This week I haven’t really be into anything.  My mind is on Denver next week which kind of made this week kind of blah for me. I haven’t been motivated to do much so I’ve kind of just been off.  I probably just needed a little a reality break though.  I’ve still done my weekly workouts and celebrated birthdays so that’s been a major positive.  It’s just been a really down week as far as enthusiasm but not in spirit.  I’ve been hanging in there LIKE A BOSS! Sadly the blog has suffered…just a tiny bit. Here are a few…

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I do fun things every now and again …

I do fun things every now and again and fail at meal prepping

Life is about finding balance right?  You may only think I’m doing active things or working out all the time but there’s more to me than just that stuff.  BUT working out and BEING ACTIVE are FUN things for me.  Everyone once and a while I have to take a break and just enjoy life though.  Life is that thing that happens when I’m not working out. This weekend I went to my best friend Shelby’s baby shower. I “hosted” it with my best friend Mandie, but I’m going to throw it all on her. I bought some decorations and…

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Take the time to meal prep

Take the time to meal prep

I stopped meal prepping when I was traveling a lot last fall because I wasn’t home.  I stopped a lot of things and it made life a lot harder.  It suddenly became easier to pick up something on the way home.  Since Willie got into his cooking though, things have changed.  I’m not just meal prepping by myself.  I have a partner in the kitchen now.  Willie and I discussed some changes we wanted in our lives and getting back to meal prepping was big deal.  We also started making our own lunches instead of eating a Healthy Choice meal…

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The deal with meal prepping

The deal with meal prepping

Meal prepping is a great tool in just leading a healthy lifestyle.  It’s great for time management too because you won’t have to worry about cooking something because it will basically be done.  I was reading a site recently and the subject was meal prepping but they were charging people for the information.  I won’t do that too you because it’s not that difficult to meal prep. I always meal prep breakfast and dinner for the entire week.  For lunch, I will have leftovers or a frozen meal.  When I say we eat the same thing every week, I really…

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Random tips on Tuesday: forming habits, baking and …

Random tips on Tuesday: forming habits, baking and meal prepping

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