Five Things Friday: the blog blocked edition.

Welcome to this week’s Five Things Friday. I don’t know if I just have too much stuff going on right now (aka stress) or what but I can’t seem to focus on writing a blog post right now. I’ve sat down three times today to write a post and it’s just not coming. I’m blocked. I never want the blog a source of stress in my life. For today I’m going to let the blog post go. I always want to create content that you can gain something from but today it’s not happening. Instead you’re going to learn about my week…so far.

Grocery shopping

I’m running a half marathon tomorrow and then when that’s done I’m going to drive to Florida to run a marathon. Just wanted to let you know that I’ve completely lost my mind, but I’m just going to roll with it. Since I’ll be gone, I had to do some meal prep today which meant I had to go to the grocery store this morning. Apparently, Friday morning at 8am is the best time to go shopping. No one is in there and everything is stocked or getting stocked. It was amazing!

My favorite part of fall is apple season! I love apples so much! I prefer red apples: honey crisp, jazz and some other variations. Which do you prefer: red or green #apples? #healthyeating #fruits #fitfam #weightlossjourney #webeatfat #weightloss #fitflue

I spotted some really nice apples. I’ve been talking about those apples on Instagram and Facebook. Join the discussion. Basically, what is your favorite type of apple?

Loved teaching my class this may be very early but It's a great way to start off the day. What time of day do you get your #workout in? Morning, afternoon or evening? #tiuteam #instarunners #fitfluential #sweatpink #fitness #fitnessaddict #fit

Last week my glutes hurt so bad. When I say bad, I mean bad. It hurt to sit down and I was trying to figure out what the problem was and I couldn’t really pin point it. Yes, I returned to Group Power last week but this pain was more than just laying off of weights for a while. Then I came to realize, it was the new seat on the instructor spin bike. What a crazy thing, right? I’m glad to report things are ok now, not hurting so bad.

Things this week

Most importantly, this week while sitting on that instructor bike, I returned to full sweat band mode. I’ve been wearing hats lately but nothing does the job like a sweat band. How do I look?

Things this week

Like I said, I returned to Group Power. The biggest mistake I make is laying off the weights when I get into marathon time. It’s a mistake for me because sometimes I’ll run 2-3 marathons very close together which means I’m laying off the weights for an extended amount of time. I will not make that mistake again. I’ll keep going in between but maybe just going with lighter weights. I aim to have 3 days a week of strength training, but I’m winning if I get in 2 days. I do full body on both of those days. I think everyone should strive for two days a week. Are you getting your strength training in?

Things this week
It was National Sandwich Day on Tuesday so I had a sandwich from Subway. It was FRESH!

I hope you enjoyed this light hearted day on the blog and this week’s Five Things Friday.

I really want to know, do you like red apples or green apples? Let me know in the comments.

Three tips for FALLing back into fitness and …

Three tips for FALLing back into fitness and nutrious food

Fall is a beautiful time. The leaves are changing colors and the weather gets a little bit cooler. This is the time when the clothes get a little baggier and some people may fall into comfort food. There’s nothing wrong with that, but it shouldn’t be a daily regime. Fall is the perfect time to get outside and really enjoy some nice weather and get fit at the same time. I live for the fall weather. It’s the perfect time for me to get outside and do my runs after struggling through the hot summer temps. All that hard word…

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Eggland’s Best Eggs: a nutrient dense food

Eggland’s Best Eggs: a nutrient dense food

Nutrient dense foods vs. empty calories is something I’ve been wanting to address on the blog for a long time. I don’t know why I haven’t done it before now. It’s summer and I’m training for a marathon (SHOCKER!) and it’s important for me to get all the great nutrients out of my food that I possibly can…especially now that we’ve switched to a plant-based diet. The harder the workouts, the more I need to replace all that stuff leaving my body. Food is fuel and that is something you should remember when you’re consuming your calories.  Food fuels our…

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3 Reasons To Listen to Music During Your Workout

3 Reasons To Listen to Music During Your Workout

Listening to music during your workout can work wonders.  If you’re having a bad day, turn on some tunes and get it rolling.  There is nothing wrong with turning up the tunes during your workout and in fact it helps out a bunch. For some reason today, I’ve been in a musical mood. Singing and shaking has been my thing so I just had to share with your some reasons to listen to music during your workout: When you’re listening to music, you’re more inclined to get with the beat.  If the beat is pumping, you’re going to kick in the…

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Five Things Friday: Reasons you’ll enjoy indoor …

Five Things Friday: Reasons you’ll enjoy indoor cycle

When I tell people I teach indoor cycle, most people tell me they aren’t ready for that class. “People come out of there really sweaty,” is the usual response. “It just seems so intense.” I hate the break it to you but yes it’s an intense exercise and all fitness activities make you sweat. I don’t think anyone should be intimidated by attending an indoor cycle/spinning class. It’s a great way to get the blood pumping and torch some calories as time literally flies by. It’s time for me to share the five reasons I think you’ll enjoy an indoor…

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Beginner Treadmill Workout for Willie’s Birthday

Beginner Treadmill Workout for Willie’s Birthday

I don’t know if any of you remember, but Willie and I started our weight loss journey on the treadmill.  We scheduled out the time to walk on the treadmill for roughly 35 minutes a day. Willie literally walked off 150 pounds. I know the treadmill gets a bad wrap, especially by me, because people claim it to be boring. But the truth is: you can get a great cardio workout on a treadmill.  Do I enjoy running 15 miles on a treadmill?  Nope, but I do like walking on the treadmill.  It’s easier to keep pace and to keep…

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Video this week: drink more water, get motivated …

Video this week: drink more water, get motivated and a road trip

Happy Thursday everyone!  I didn’t do any meal prep this week because it was all up to Willie so I don’t have a food video for you this week.  I’ve been working really hard on these videos and it’s a learning process.  It’s something I feel is adding more to the blog. Here are the videos this week: Drink more water…and add some flava! Keep your fitness appointment because it’s just as important as anything else in your life. Watch and get motivated! And my weekend road trip to Mississippi/Alabama by myself. Boo! Have you tried a water enhancer? Did…

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Balancing life and fitness and adventures

Balancing life and fitness and adventures

Hello all.  I wanted to drop and get a little informal with you and just give you a catch up post on life.  It’s been a while since I’ve really checked in. First off, thanks to everyone who sent in their birthday wishes.  It was a great day even though I spent most of it in the car.  I asked if I should have cake but I eventually decided against it.  I probably should have suggested a cupcake because I probably wouldn’t have eaten half the cupcake anyway.  It’s lost on me.  But that doesn’t mean I didn’t live it…

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Five most important exercises for strength

Five most important exercises for strength

I missed my five things Friday yesterday because I was busy but that doesn’t mean you’re going to miss out on this great part of the blog.  This week I’ve been teaching out of the wah-zoo and I’ve been trying to keep up with my own running workouts.  I missed a strength training workout that I’ll hopefully be able to do today. Last night I did my long run.  It was pretty, hot and windy all at the same time. I’ve been working out a lot this week and I’ve been working on some projects which really got me thinking…

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Circuit training: 30 minute total body workout

Circuit training: 30 minute total body workout

You may have noticed lately that I’ve been doing a lot of circuit training lately. Circuit training has become new favorite thing because this type of workout allows me to get a great workout in within a small amount of time. Circuit training combines strength/resistance training and cardio to build your strength and muscular endurance. The best thing about these workouts is they can be done at home too. Each circuit is to be completed with minimal rest between each exercise and circuit. It’s a fast moving workout that will get your heart rate going. Be ready to sweat with…

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Break out of the workout rut

Break out of the workout rut

Hello gym workout rutt. I don’t know what’s been going on but lately I’ve been less than thrilled with my workouts. It’s been pretty rough so I’ve been trying to change some things up. Going through a rut is to be expected, right? We’ve been going to the same gym for three years now so it’s probably only natural to feel the “been there, done that feeling” we’ve both been experiencing. I know we’re not the only ones who feel that way. The past couple of weeks I’ve been trying to limit my gym time and try some other things…

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