So all you do is run, right?

Every once and a while I get an e-mail asking me if I have “fun” because it always seems like I’m working out or running. The past two weeks have been filled with these types of e-mails so I thought this would be a great time to blog about this kind of stuff.

I was supposed to run my first #marathon today but last night at 6:30 pm St. Jude canceled the marathon. This morning my husband and I got up to run for the kids! I ran my first 26.2 so does this make me a marathoner? #runchat #running #run

I know it seems like I only workout or run but there is more to me than that.  This is a blog about losing 200 pounds and staying active.  My blog focus is to show people that you can do it without a fad or pill and have fun doing it.  This is just a part of me, but yes it is a large part of me.

I don’t know if anyone would be interested in my daily reality tv viewing habits or playing with my dogs or randomly breaking out in song! Ok so you MIGHT be interested in those things but if I only talked about those things it wouldn’t be furthering the purpose of We Beat Fat.

The blog is APART of who I am.  Blogging your life to the world leaves a person with no privacy.  I get spotted in the most random places at the most random times which is a constant reminder people are reading the blog and paying attention to what I do.  Therefore, there are parts of me that don’t make it on the blog.  Willie and I put ourselves out there in the world BUT the people in our lives didn’t ask for that.  I try to respect the right to privacy for them so there are a lot of things you just don’t get to know about in my life.

Now back to the main point:

Working out has become a BIG part of my life.  Most days I devote at least 2 hours to working out.  We started our weight loss journey and had to go to the gym.  We had to put in the work to get there and all that doesn’t end just because we’ve reached the place we want to be.  In fact, I think it’s harder to maintain than actually lose.  I remember being filled with some much anxiety when I was in maintain mode.  I didn’t know what to do.  I felt lost.  I’m a very goal oriented person and when I reached the place I never thought I would be…it was definitely a state of unbalance for me.


I love to run and it’s fun for me.  It gives me some freedom, space and time to myself.  It helps clear my mind.  I can’t explain it but it just feels right.  Most of the time, running is my “bonus” workout of the day and week.  There are days when I want to go run;t here are days when I just want to sit down and forget about it and there are days I just need to run to clear my head.  Running is my joy.  I run races because I like to excitement.  I like to work toward something and every race means something different for me.  Sometimes I really pushing towards a PR or learning how to take water at the stations or helping someone else along in the race who is having a hard time.  Racing allows me to combine two things I love running + travel.  I just like to go to new places and meet new people, even though meeting new people is the hard part for me.

Running is not the only thing I do.  I like to ride my bike, I teach indoor cycle at my gym.  I love to do strength training because it keeps me strong.  I also love going to Group Kick!  I feel like I’m Rocky Balboa when I’m in that class.  It’s great.  I also like going to Centergy even though I’m failing miserably at it.  It’s just later in the day and by the time I get to 5:30 pm I usually just do my own stretching routine and call it a day.  That’s a bad thing because I like the group fitness setting.


But I also love to travel. I can’t express to you how important that is to me. I love seeing new cities and trying new foods. I like being wrapped up in the essence of a new place. I want to do the things the locals do.

This summer I’ve tried to increase the variety in my workouts so I can try new things. And come September I am going to hop back on the swimming train when the pool clears out.  I will be an Ironman!

I know I could do a better job at sharing some of the things I like to do outside of these activities within reason so here are just a few things you should know about me:

1. I’m a horrible speller.  “Bad spellers of the world untie.”  That is me! I’ve never been that awesome at spelling but I do the best that I can.

2. I love all things colorful but my favorite color is green.  My favorite color combo is blue and green.  And my third favorite color is red.  Weird that I can put it that way.

3. I like to make lists.  My whole life is a list.

4. I think I come off as having a huge personality but I’m that shy girl in the corner.  It’s hard for me to go up to people and talk to them.  I’m horrible at small talk so I don’t talk just to talk.  That makes social situations really hard and making new friends even harder.


5. I like socks.  The higher the better and they must be colorful.  I have a BIG sock collection!

The story of a girl and her dog

The story of a girl and her dog

Memorial Day weekend was pretty eventful.  I got to spend time with family and my best friends.  I also spent a lot of time running. This past weekend was the Daises and Dragons Duathlon for the kids.  I don’t have a kid so I like to borrow kids!  This time I recruited my niece and nephew.  It was so cute watching the kids race and the pure joy on their face.  It was amazing!  Kids see the world differently than we do and it was nice to see it through their eyes for a little while.  It was so much…

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In the defense of the Biggest Loser Winner

In the defense of the Biggest Loser Winner

Last night the winner of The Biggest Loser was chosen and people don’t seem to be happy.  I will admit, I don’t watch the show.  I really don’t like how the show doesn’t take it’s moment to educate the viewers on losing the weight, it strictly about the game.  In the end, it’s all about it being a reality show and game and there’s nothing wrong with that.  I know a lot of people look to show for a source of inspiration and motivation so I just wish there was just a little bit more education going on sometimes. So…

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It’s our anniversary

It’s our anniversary

Four years ago I married my best friend!  It was a very cold day in January but our hearts were filled with love and joy as we celebrated the day with family and friends. Willie and I have been on an amazing journey together and I know we still have more to conquer out there in the world!  On our first anniversary our gift to each other was the commitment to prolonging our lives by changing our lifestyle.  Many people didn’t understand, many people criticized, many people doubted us BUT we pushed on TOGETHER to make our lives better. Every…

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Tips to avoid the new work out burn …

Tips to avoid the new work out burn out

It’s the beginning of the year and a LOT of people have resolved to get fit. That’s how the year always starts off right? People flocking to the gym, getting gym memberships and flaking out come February. Those people never see the gym until January of the following year when they plan to do it all over again. All I have to say is: the treadmills and elliptical are packed at my gym around 5:30pm! On a side note, don’t be mean to the new people at the gym.  These people are coming to the gym to accomplish the same…

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Challenge: I CAN…Be Active

Challenge: I CAN…Be Active

It’s that time of year again when people say they are busy but aren’t too busy to eat. The holidays are about spending time with family and friends and buying gifts, so why not give yourself a gift? The holidays are filled with treats and great food so practice moderation with those foods. BUT I’m also asking you to get active! My best friend Mandie has already jumped on the challenge and she’s been working out to shed some pounds and just get an active lifestyle. Why can’t you do the same over the holiday season? There’s A LOT of…

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Don’t give up even if it’s …

Don’t give up even if it’s hard to continue

I’ve had rough start to the week and my mind has been playing tricks on me. If you didn’t know, I’ve been taking swimming lessons because I have this crazy idea of becoming a triathlete. I like to run and I LOVE my bike, but I can’t swim very well. Let me be honest, I thought I could swim a little bit but I was wrong. On Monday I had a swimming lesson and I got frustrated with myself. My mind was already NOT there concentrating on the pool and I had previously ran 3 miles and rushed off to…

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Five things I love right now: stretching, running, …

Five things I love right now: stretching, running, television, music and snacks

Reading the site you always see about my weight loss journey and all the things that come along with it and it’s left people wondering what else am I about. This is just a little something that you can find out a little bit more about me. Yes, some of it is still exercise related but that is a PART of me too. 1. I’m obsessed with this song. It’s hit my running playlist and just a song I listen to in the car! I watched Princesses of Long Island and this was the theme song. Every week I said…

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68 miles taught me never to give up

68 miles taught me never to give up

Sunday I rode my bike 68 miles.  That is officially the longest bike ride I’ve ever been on and to say I was nervous was a huge understatement. I teach spin all the time but being on the bike is a totally different thing. Before I get too far into the story, I must share with you the yummy breakfast Willie made me. It was soo good and I think I might make it a race day staple now. He took a Flatout Bread and spread some Better’n Butter (but regular peanut butter would work too) and sliced banana and…

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Yes, I can hear you. My body is …

Yes, I can hear you. My body is speaking to me.

I don’t think I’ve been taking care of my body lately, but it all stops today. Maybe I’ve been doing too much, but I really don’t think that is the case.  I do a lot all the time and I don’t see why it would come up and get me like this.  But I’ve suffered a hamstring something.  It’s not really keeping me down, it’s just bugging the heck of out me.  I know what it happened; I didn’t stretch very well.  I was keeping to a very strict stretching and foam rolling routine, but I got off of it…

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The year of me, him and we

The year of me, him and we

Yesterday was my birthday! It was a great day so thanks to all of you who wished me great birthday wishes. I would like to share with you that I did amazing things on this day but it was a pretty normal day.  I taught two spin classes, went out to eat with my husband and mom and ate my weight in froyo.  There were no candles to blow out, no cake, but there was froyo.  I couldn’t be happier!  I could go on and on about how wonderful that froyo was but I’m sure you don’t want to hear…

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