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Facing the fear

In life there are rule followers and rule breakers. I’ve always been a rule follower. I was a good kid that hardly broke the rules and if I did happen to break the rules, I felt terrible. I punished myself! It’s always good to follow the rules but I also think it’s put me on a path to only want to follow rules and think about the consequences. It’s stopped me from being a risk taker. I’ve lost all this weight which has really forced me to get to know the “new” me. I do feel like I can do…

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FAQ: My workout routine

FAQ: My workout routine

I’ve been getting a lot of e-mail and messages about my food and my workout routine. This morning I thought I would talk about my workout routine and how it’s changed from the beginning our journey to now. I want to first note I am not a doctor or expert on the subject and if you are planning on taking up a exercise routine or diet you should consult a physician first. The first day we went to the gym, I hopped on the treadmill for thirty minutes and no incline. I just walked at a pace that was good…

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Sharing our story on Huffington Post Live

Sharing our story on Huffington Post Live

Last night we had the opportunity to be on Huffington Post Live to talk about our weight loss experience. We’ve been getting a lot of requests to be on tv lately and I must admit this kind of makes me uncomfortable. I’m still really self conscious and haven’t settled into my new skin yet. Last night I felt like we were on a panel with a bunch of media pros! Everyone on the panel had such amazing stories and it was just fun to talk to them about their experiences. It is always great to have someone say exactly what…

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I’m currently obsessed with pizza

I’m currently obsessed with pizza

Last week in San Diego I almost ate pizza before the race.  I really wanted this pizza, but I couldn’t have pizza unless Willie had some too.  Willie didn’t want pizza; he wanted lasagna.  No pizza for me, but that doesn’t mean I stopped wanting it.  I’ve been on a mission to find a way to have a healthy version of pizza. We’ve done the cauliflower pizza crust thing. It’s really good, but it takes too long to make. By the time I was done making it, I didn’t want to eat. I had to find something better. We already…

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I run because…

I run because…

Today is National Running Day!  What a great day to celebrate running and why people choose to run. I’ve never really talked about why I run so this gives me the perfect opportunity to tell the world.  In 2013, I’ve run five half marathons, two 10Ks, one 10 milers, one 5K and logged many miles on the road in my free time.  This year I became a runner! I run for many reasons.  I run because I never thought I would be able to because of my weight.  I never thought I would shed the weight and be able to…

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Running: Rock n Roll San Diego

Running: Rock n Roll San Diego

We went to San Diego to run! My first Rock n Roll race was the Dallas race and I loved the experience so much I had to go again. I had no idea that San Diego would have so many people racing. There were a lot of people. Plus, Willie decided RnR San Diego was going to be his first half marathon! This made me so very happy, but I’ll talk more about that later. On Friday we went to the expo to register Willie and to pick up all of our stuff. This expo was really nice and we…

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Conversations of a weight loss plateau at Torrey …

Conversations of a weight loss plateau at Torrey Pines Reserve

It’s sad to say but the trip to San Diego is over. We’re currently on the plane flying home, so this is good time to blog. We had a great amazing time while we were here and met some really great people. We had a chance to share our story which is something we didn’t anticipate. It’s funny how our shirts attract people and we just end up talking to everyone. It’s super great to be in a position to tell our story and inspire others to accomplish ANY goal they might have in life. Friday morning Willie and I…

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We just did our cardio at the airport

We just did our cardio at the airport

I have to say inflight wifi is probably one of the best things ever. I am writing this post on the airplane. How freaking cool is that? What can I say? I’m easily amused. Willie and I have been super excited to go to California (to run) and just to go on a vacation. Little did we know getting there was going to be such a problem. For some reason, our flight to Dallas was delayed which caused us to miss our connecting flight to San Diego. I have never missed a flight in my life. But that is where…

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The toughest race I’ve ever ran

The toughest race I’ve ever ran

On Memorial Day, Willie and I ran the The Patriot Half Marathon (me) and 5k (him) to support Carry The Load.  We started out being very excited about this race but it kind of got over shadowed by the race we will run in San Diego on Sunday!  But this was the hardest race I’ve ever ran.  There was humidity and wind and hills. I’m just not use to the rolling hills so I had to take it slow.  Plus, I wasn’t interested in injuring myself where I couldn’t run in SAN DIEGO!  You see?  It’s become that important to…

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Everyone wants to know what we eat for …

Everyone wants to know what we eat for lunch

*This post is not sponsored or paid for by any entity.  It may seem like we are pushing Healthy Choice meals here, but we’re not.  This is just something we found and loved on our weight loss journey.  You will always be notified before reading a post if it is paid and/or sponsored. This is the most frequently asked question from blog readers and every day people. I wish I could share something amazing with you, but just don’t have it to share.  I cook two meals a day most days and lunch really isn’t one of those meals.  I…

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Fear caused a momentary lapse

Fear caused a momentary lapse

Fear is a crazy thing.  It will make me second guess my choices, it will make me afraid to take a risk, it will hold me back in life. Fear always creeps up when I’m feeling the strongest to cast a shadow of doubt over my life.  I’ve been trying to figure out why I’ve been going through such a roller coaster lately with pretty much everything and it all comes down to fear!  Fear is a bad thing.  I remember being little and not being afraid of anything.  I went through life being my bravest self; becoming an adult…

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