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Keep healthy and fit while traveling

This time last week Willie and I were preparing for our first plane right in our new bodies. Before flying was also a hassle and little embarrassing. Do you know how good it felt to walk up to the counter and not worry about someone telling me that I would have to purchase another ticket to fly? And I didn’t even have to ask for a seat belt extender. It was a very exciting moment for both us, especially Willie because he hadn’t been on a flight in 15 years…and probably never thought he would be able to fly ever…

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Foodie Friday: Black Bean Layer Dip

Foodie Friday: Black Bean Layer Dip

Foodie Friday: Black Bean Layer Dip Author: Angela Prep time: 15 mins Total time: 15 mins Serves: 6 Ingredients 1 small container Greek Yogurt (such as Yoplait) 1 can Goya Low Sodium Black Beans or 2 cups of cooked black beans 2 tsp Taco Seasoning 3 oz Mango Pico (or regular pico de gallo) 1/2 cup Shredded Cheddar Cheese (optional) 1/2 cup Green Onions Salt and pepper to taste Instructions Mix the Greek yogurt and taco seasoning together in a bowl. Put aside. Drain the black beans and put in a food processor or use hand blender chop attachment to…

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Finding balance

Finding balance

Losing weight is and changing our lifestyle was the easiest and hardest thing we’ve ever done. I know you’ve heard that plenty of times here already, and you’ll probably hear it again many times. But those words are the truth and something everyone needs to know! The first thing people always say to me when talking about losing weight is they don’t have enough time to go to the gym or cook the food, but is that really true? There was definitely some self-evaluation that went on when we started our journey. I spent a lot of time doing things…

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Foodie Friday: Lighter Chicken Salad

Foodie Friday: Lighter Chicken Salad

Lighter Chicken Salad Author: Angela Serves: 4-6 Love chicken salad, but don’t like all the fat from the mayo? Here’s a lighter version of Chicken Salad that is light all the way around except on flavor. FYI: I don’t cook with salt at all. Ingredients 12 oz Skinless Chicken Breast Tenderloins 1 Cup of Greek Yogurt 2 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar 1/4 cup of Dijon Mustard 1 Cup of Celery 1 Cup of Grapes, chopped in halves 1 Tbsp Tarragon 1 tsp Red Pepper Flake Pepper to taste Instructions Place chicken tenderloins in a pot that’s just about large enough…

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Is Chris Christie a ticking time bomb or …

Is Chris Christie a ticking time bomb or a victim of public perception?

I hate to get political but this is definitely something that needs to be talked about: public perception overweight people. New Jersey governor Chris Christie recently went on David Letterman to discuss his weight issues because rumor has it he’s contemplating a run for the White House in 2016! In the middle of his conversation with Mr. Letterman, he stopped to eat a donut to add a little humor to the interview. Shortly after his appearance, former White House physician, Connie Mariano, M.D, told the world she was worried Christie might have a heart attack or stroke while in office.…

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Eating late isn’t a bad thing?

Eating late isn’t a bad thing?

I may have learned something new today. Calories count, not the clock. I’ve always gotten that, but I always thought late night eating was bad. Luna has a series on their site about debunk diets and today’s topic was very intereting. Before I continue, I think you should watch the video below: I never bought the don’t eat after 8pm thing because I feel like that’s unrealistic. Most days I’m busy and I don’t get home until 7 or so and then I still have to cook dinner. Some nights I don’t eat until 8 or 8:30pm and that’s just…

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Why do I blog?

Why do I blog?

The short answer to the question: I choose to blog because I’m asked a ton of questions every day about what we did, how we do it and how has it changed our life. By blogging, the story, the experience and my daily life will be here for people to read or not read. The lifestyle change journey is long and continues every day and sometimes people do want a detailed account of what we did to make it work. Others sometimes just want the short version so the blog gives everyone what they want. Blogging is hard because it’s…

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Everything Is New Again

Everything Is New Again

Losing the weight has been one of the biggest accomplishments in life. Everything seems so attainable and there is nothing I feel like I can’t do. I’m opening up more to people which means I’m making new friends. I’m trying new things, so I am developing new interests. Most importantly, I’m taking risks that I never would have taken before when I was larger. It’s amazing just how different I am from before. Losing the weight was just not a physical change, it was a mental and emotional change also. People look up to me as this great inspiring force…

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Cauliflower Pizza Crust

Cauliflower Pizza Crust

I’m always on a constant search to find new ways to enjoy food…and get my husband to eat vegetables. This is the perfect recipe for both because the one thing I really miss in my life is pizza. Until now, we’ve been making pizzas on bagel thins or English muffins, but I worry about the carbohydrate intake. Needless to say, we don’t have those too often. The cauliflower pizza crust was something my husband was definitely weary of because he doesn’t do a lot of veggies. But I heard no complaints from him and he actually enjoyed it. Please remember…

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