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It’s National Oatmeal Day

I don’t know about you but I love oatmeal. In fact, I’ve been eating oatmeal a lot lately. Last week, all I wanted to eat was oatmeal so I proudly shamefully admit I ate oatmeal for dinner last week and tried to do it last night, but Willie stopped me. This is how much I love oatmeal! I had all of these pictures and more on my phone. Most mornings you will see me eating oatmeal. I love steel cut oats, but for time I make overnight oats almost every day. When I’m not eating oatmeal, I’m probably eating pumpkin…

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Nothing went as planned this weekend

Nothing went as planned this weekend

I had a pretty uneventful weekend but it should have been eventful.  There was a Halloween party but that was really bust and I was supposed to run a relay with Willie on Sunday but the skies opened up and he didn’t feel comfortable running in the rain.  It was a wash! That was really a shame because we woke up at 4 AM to make it to the race and then it was delayed so we sat around wet for almost 2 hours by the time the race was about to start it was still raining but we were…

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Friday Finds: Feeling fat, eating treats and food

Friday Finds: Feeling fat, eating treats and food

I thought I would try something new for the blog.  I usually do a foodie Friday thing but I’ve been lazy and haven’t really been “cooking”.  It’s been more like putting something together fast to eat and moving on.  So this week I would like to share with you some of my favorite posts from around the web this week.  You never know, you might find it interesting too! Here we go: 1.  Gaining the weight back or just eating not so clean sometimes play with my mind like Mario Kart!  It’s not a good feeling and sometimes can be…

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Believe in the better version of you

Believe in the better version of you

I was thinking about all the changes that have occurred in my life over the past three years.  I am a much different person than I was back then and I feel like I’ve made a lot of changes for the better.  There are things that I still struggle with, but for the most part I know I’m definitely a healthier, happier and focused person that I was before. I am still the same person, but I’m just a better version of myself. I struggled with depression.  I’m not afraid or ashamed to admit it.  I had a really horrible…

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Race Recap: Rock n Roll Denver Half Marathon

Race Recap: Rock n Roll Denver Half Marathon

There are a few things you should know before you read this recap. 1. This wasn’t really supposed to be a race for me.  It was supposed to be a training run.  My training plan called for 15 miles so… 2. I got up early and ran two miles before heading to the start line. I’ve never ran 15 miles before, ever. 3. Even though it was just supposed to be a training run, I put my race face on and was ready to roll. 4. I shouldn’t have done that because ALTITUDE is a horrible thing and it will…

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Fun in Denver before the race

Fun in Denver before the race

I arrived in Denver late morning on Friday and headed to the hotel. There was a lot of things going on in Denver this past weekend so I was excited to be there. We ate lunch and had the worse service ever and then we headed to the expo! Expos are bad for me because I buy too much stuff, but I need running stuff, right? And it was rumored to be cold and let me tell you it wasn’t a rumor! There was a zombie crawl in downtown Denver and people were going all out for this. I wish…

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ABC: My 9th Half Marathon Race Goals

ABC: My 9th Half Marathon Race Goals

Happy Friday! I’m waiting at the airport for my flight so it’s the perfect time to think about my weekend goals. Run Eat Repeat taught me a thing or two about setting a/b/c goals for my races.  I usually set change my goals to make myself feel better when I’m done running a race.  I thought this time I would hold myself accountable and really stick with my goals…and find another way to make myself feel accomplished after a race. <\center>Packing for this race was a huge challenge for me because it’s going to be cold, like 40 something. I’m…

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How did I get into running?

How did I get into running?

It’s question and answer time and this week I decided to answer a running question since I’m becoming a crazy runner with all these back to back races.  I’ll be heading out of town for Rock n Roll Denver and I will be running with Got Chocolate Milk Team Refuel.  But the question is: how did you get into running? I started running because walking just wasn’t cutting it for me anymore. I’ve said it many times before but when we first started going to the gym we walked on the treadmill for 30 mins everyday.  Every week we bumped…

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Slapdash Tuesday: That rest day should have happened

Slapdash Tuesday: That rest day should have happened

I had a nice post planned out for today but I’m left feeling blah.  It’s probably not blah, just tired.  Yesterday I should have taken a rest day, but I didn’t.  It was just going to be an easy day. I was just going to take the dogs on a walk. I don’t walk them at the same time because they act stupid and like they aren’t trained. I have to take them one at a time. I took Master first and I walked a little over a mile. Then I took Stinkie and walked about a mile and then…

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Race Recap: Tyler Rose Half Marathon

Race Recap: Tyler Rose Half Marathon

I finished my 8th half marathon of 2013 yesterday! It was a really great experience. I did set out with a pretty lofty goal of trying to finish in 2:15 which is more than doable for me, but I forgot one thing: this WAS THE HILLIEST RACE I’VE EVER RUN! The race was about three hours away so we loaded up the car and headed to spend some time with friends before the race. This was probably the best part of the weekend for me because we just got to hang out and have a good time. There was tons…

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Foodie Friday: My week wasn’t all about …

Foodie Friday: My week wasn’t all about the bread

My week wasn’t filled with just bread but the bread was so good.  I spent half of Sunday evening staring at the oven while the bread Willie made me baked. The bread was so delicious and I must admit, last night I sat on the floor at 9:30 pm watching the oven AGAIN as Willie perfected his bread recipe. I wish I could have just eaten bread all week, but I couldn’t. I did enjoy it. It’s fun being a runner in training because I don’t feel bad about eating the bread. I need the carbs, right? I don’t know…

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