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The 62 mile bike ride: Year 2

This was my second year doing the Katy Flatland Century, BUT this was Willie’s first “big boy” bike ride ever. I’ve really wanted him to ride with me but road bikes are expensive. He was kind enough to let me get my bike first. He really wanted to make sure he would love the experience before he dropped that much money on a bike. So we borrowed a bike from our good friends for the occasion. Luckily, Rodale sent me some books on cycling for beginners which we both looked through. Yes, I got my bike last year but I’m…

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Today was a better day

Today was a better day

Friday is usually a more hoppin’ day on the blog but I was MIA yesterday. It all started with a horrible rain storm. I didn’t want to drive to the gym in this horrible rain storm at 5 am because I’m afraid to drive in Noah’s Ark weather. It took me an hour to get to work because there was a major flash flood happening. When I got to work, the power was out which isn’t a good thing. I really had some pressing projects that needed to be finished yesterday. I had to wait around until the power came…

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A look at friendships

A look at friendships

It’s time to take a wellness break here on the blog. I’m all about living a healthy life through mind, body AND soul. So let’s talk about friends. I was never the girl who had a lot of friends.  My close friends I can count on my hand and those are the people I lean on in the good and bad times. I like to think I am a very good friend most of the time but you never really know. A couple of days ago I was reading Kimberly’s blog and she linked to this article: 7 Friends Every Woman…

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Embrace the Space: My Altra running shoes

Embrace the Space: My Altra running shoes

I didn’t post yesterday because I guess I was too busy working out.  LOL!  It’s launch week at the gym so it’s always a busy week and I like to try all the new classes too.  Yesterday I taught cycle twice and then I needed to go for a run. It was my first run since the 50K and I felt good. It got me thinking, “maybe it’s the shoes?” I think I should have worn my new shoes to the race on Saturday night. I really think it would have made a difference. A couple of weeks ago I…

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Race Recap: El Scorcho 25k/50K – Why I …

Race Recap: El Scorcho 25k/50K – Why I won’t be an ultra-marathoner.

I’m late posting this morning because I was sidetracked. I hate it when that happens. On Saturday night, I ran El Scorcho. It’s a race that typically starts at midnight but if you were doing the 50K option, you had the choice to early start. You have until the sun comes up to finish the race. Why is the race at night? Because we live in Texas and it’s hot! The race seems to be pretty well organized. Packet pick up was a breeze and the ride to the park wasn’t bad either. They even had volunteers to drive you…

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Work in progress

Work in progress

I am not the person I want to be, but that’s ok.  I may never be that person I want to be because once I get to where I’m going, I always see something else. I wanted to lose weight and when I did lose the weight I wanted to run a half marathon. After I ran a half marathon, I wanted to run a better half marathon. After I ran I better half marathon, I wanted to run lots of half marathons and travel the country. After I traveled the country to run half marathons, I decided I wanted…

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Five steps to become more proactive

Five steps to become more proactive

Proactive, that’s the word of the week.  Last night I posted about the perks of being proactive and I’m sure a lot of you missed that post.  Here’s your chance to go back and read it before you continue with this post. Are you a proactive or reactive person? Do you let situations control your life? I like to think I’m a proactive person NOW but I spent many years being reactive.  That wasn’t a good place to be.  I didn’t realize this until later in life but that is when I decided to make a change.  A few years…

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Perks of being proactive

Perks of being proactive

If there is something you want in life, you MUST go after it! It’s time to be proactive. Sometimes talk is cheap!  It’s time to stop talking and time to start doing something.  “You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do.” I posted this quote on Facebook this morning and it got more likes than any post I’ve posted in a long time. There’s a reason for that…it’s the truth. Setting goals is a GREAT thing. I never want to detour anyone from setting goals, but at what point do you start to put those goals into…

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I do fun things every now and again …

I do fun things every now and again and fail at meal prepping

Life is about finding balance right?  You may only think I’m doing active things or working out all the time but there’s more to me than just that stuff.  BUT working out and BEING ACTIVE are FUN things for me.  Everyone once and a while I have to take a break and just enjoy life though.  Life is that thing that happens when I’m not working out. This weekend I went to my best friend Shelby’s baby shower. I “hosted” it with my best friend Mandie, but I’m going to throw it all on her. I bought some decorations and…

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Happy Fouth of July

Happy Fouth of July

I know most everyone is probably out watching fireworks right now but I didn’t want to not post today. Today we celebrate America! How did you spend your day? Did you wear red white and blue? You wanna know how I spent my day? It started off with a 13.2 mile run. It was hard to get me out of the door this morning but I went when I didn’t want to go. I’ve been doing my long runs on Friday because it’s just easier. I can usually go in the evenings but today I went this morning. The weather…

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My Birthday: plaid, salads, froyo and friends

My Birthday: plaid, salads, froyo and friends

Yesterday was my birthday and I had a great day. I’m not very fond of my birthday because it’s so close to 4th of July. People don’t really pay much attention to it. The birthday isn’t about getting the presents (even though it’s nice) but more about the people who are willing to celebrate it! I started off the day wearing two favorites: green and plaid…and more plaid. Look at the shoes! Fortunately for me I was able to celebrate my birthday with some important people in my life and the cards they sent me! There were a few people…

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