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What the kale? Reap the kale health benefits.

Are you eating kale? Chances are you’re probably not. Quinoa and kale have become a “trendy” food to eat because of their health benefits, but most people aren’t eating these things at home. Today, I’m going to talk to you about kale because I love it. It’s a tricky green to work with sometimes. If you’re not eating kale, you’re missing out on the kale health benefits like mega nutrients in one little plant. Kale is a superfood! It’s loaded with tons of nutrients. The darker the green, the better it is for you and kale greens are some of…

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Balancing life and fitness and adventures

Balancing life and fitness and adventures

Hello all.  I wanted to drop and get a little informal with you and just give you a catch up post on life.  It’s been a while since I’ve really checked in. First off, thanks to everyone who sent in their birthday wishes.  It was a great day even though I spent most of it in the car.  I asked if I should have cake but I eventually decided against it.  I probably should have suggested a cupcake because I probably wouldn’t have eaten half the cupcake anyway.  It’s lost on me.  But that doesn’t mean I didn’t live it…

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We are only the sum of our experiences.

We are only the sum of our experiences.

There’s nothing wrong with a curious mind.  There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be more, see more or do more.  Once upon a time, I thought this made me ungrateful for things in my life.  I have always been that person who was constantly looking forward to what was next. I do credit my weight loss success to being able to visualize the future and look forward to all the possibilities that could come.  I was curious about all the things I would be and all the things that I could become. My curiosity of life has been sparked. I…

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Zip lining is our non scale victory

Zip lining is our non scale victory

Willie and I always said when we lost the weight, we would do some things like go to China, travel more and go zip lining. I’m two years past hitting my goal weight and we still didn’t zip line. Today we finally enjoyed the view from the tree tops at Shelby Farms. The non scale victory really came because it was great to not have anyone question our weight and we were just normal. We actually planned to go in Chattanooga but we canceled those plans and decided to come to Memphis. This was the biggest thing we had planned…

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Celebrating my 34th birthday

Celebrating my 34th birthday

It’s my 34th birthday! How did I start off my birthday?  By teaching my cycle class, of course.  It’s the best way to start off the day. I’m still debating if I will partake in some birthday cake.  I know it’s a special day, but I’m still not sure. This was my birthday cake from a few years back and it was so yummy.  I’m easily tempted but I don’t always give in. Anywho, today is my birthday!Wow the years are rolling by and so many things have changed.  I was never one of those people who made a list…

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Don’t be afraid to accept a compliment

Don’t be afraid to accept a compliment

Believe it or not, people still give compliments but most of us are bad at accepting them.  Why is it so hard for people to accept compliments? Compliments are nice things that are meant to boost our self-confidence but most of the time compliments are turned into something negative. When someone issues me a compliment I know I usually turn it into something negative. The usual response is something like, “Thanks but man I’m…struggling/hurting/tired/etc.”   I don’t know how to accept it.  I’m not one for attention either so that is probably half the problem. Willie, on the other hand,…

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Weekend, meal prepping & looking for snack ideas.

Weekend, meal prepping & looking for snack ideas.

I’m enjoying some time off work to run some errands around town. There are lots of things to do plus it’s my BIRTHDAY week. I had to get my driver’s license renewed in person. I haven’t had to get a new picture in a long while because I’ve been able to renew online. This time I had to go in to get it done. I wasn’t there all morning but I was there for awhile. But I don’t think I look much different from my picture, right? I’m not really trying to celebrate my birthday all week but it just…

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Five most important exercises for strength

Five most important exercises for strength

I missed my five things Friday yesterday because I was busy but that doesn’t mean you’re going to miss out on this great part of the blog.  This week I’ve been teaching out of the wah-zoo and I’ve been trying to keep up with my own running workouts.  I missed a strength training workout that I’ll hopefully be able to do today. Last night I did my long run.  It was pretty, hot and windy all at the same time. I’ve been working out a lot this week and I’ve been working on some projects which really got me thinking…

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Vegetarian eats this week: sloppy joes and some …

Vegetarian eats this week: sloppy joes and some rice “salad”

It’s been a long week and I realized that I didn’t share with you what we made this week to eat. There’s no time like the present to share. It’s nothing spectacular and was kind of a slow week in our house for no reason at all. But it’s the a time of the week where I show my vegetarian eats this week! We haven’t really changed up our breakfast in like 3 years so we’re still eating the same egg and overnight oats. It works. I don’t even do anything different to the overnight oats which I should. I…

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Circuit training: 30 minute total body workout

Circuit training: 30 minute total body workout

You may have noticed lately that I’ve been doing a lot of circuit training lately. Circuit training has become new favorite thing because this type of workout allows me to get a great workout in within a small amount of time. Circuit training combines strength/resistance training and cardio to build your strength and muscular endurance. The best thing about these workouts is they can be done at home too. Each circuit is to be completed with minimal rest between each exercise and circuit. It’s a fast moving workout that will get your heart rate going. Be ready to sweat with…

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Another day and the best version of yourself

Another day and the best version of yourself

This post will be about nothing. I have a lot of ideas floating round in my head but nothing is sticking. I probably have too much floating around in there to focus on one thing. It’s not just a today problem, it’s been a week long problem. It’s Monday and that means I usually post inspirational/motivational things but I can’t just pin point one message today so you’re going to get many or nothing at all. That gray area in life doesn’t exist to me. I’ve really tried to come up with something to share with you today, but I’ve…

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