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The great things about Fitbloggin 2016

My weekend was spent at blogging and social media conference, Fitbloggin, in Indianapolis.  I attended this conference two years ago in Savannah and was hooked.  This year I was invited back to the conference to speak about the highs and lows of weight loss.  Although I was speaking, I attended the conference to learn new things, to grow as a blogger and just become an overall better person.   Pre-conference excursions.  The early bird conference attendees could attend an outing to Lifetime Fitness.  My plane landed a bit late so I missed the facility tour but I still got to…

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My pledge to my blog readers

My pledge to my blog readers

It’s time for me to face reality.  I’ve failed all of you.  Once upon a time I planned out blog posts.  I talked about relevant topics.  I actually put the effort in and then something happened.  I started traveling more and doing quick fixes.  I stopped actually making time for the blog in respects to self-improvement, eating and just overall fitness.  I wish I could say planning was the problem, but I know I felt like I lost my voice along the way. Willie and I gained a lot of publicity in a short period of time, again, which kind…

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Divulgence of kale & everything else I’ve been …

Divulgence of kale & everything else I’ve been eating

I know kale is one of those things that is super healthy for us and we’re supposed to want to eat it.  I’ve done my fair share of talking about kale myself. I have to admit, I don’t like making kale.  I almost want to say that I don’t like kale but that wouldn’t be the truth.  I do like kale…when someone else prepares it. I can’t seem to make the stuff taste good on my own, so I prefer to buy the stuff at the store. Kale is to taste good and it’s just not something I’ve mastered.  I’ll…

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What’s the first step to weight loss?

What’s the first step to weight loss?

I’ve been getting a lot of e-mails lately about taking the steps to weight loss.  I don’t know where all the new people popped up from, but I’m happy to have you here.  I’ve talked about the weight loss journey many times but I’m going to take a different approach to the topic today.  It’s an ever changing and growing process and I think I have something to add to the subject. So here is my first step to weight loss: Be confident. Embarking on a weight loss journey is physical and emotional.  It was the hardest and easiest thing…

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Notes from a birthday weekend

Notes from a birthday weekend

Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes and all the congratulations on my big secret.  I had a wonderful weekend thanks to my husband.  It’s probably the best birthday I’ve ever had.  I know that’s a big statement but it true. Willie took me to the Astros baseball game. It was a great game. The roof was closed and we had awesome seats. I had a really fun time. I’m kind of ruined now with baseball games now because now we’re always going to need to sit in those seats. The Astros lost the game, but they put up a…

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Birthday confession: the secret I’ve never told

Birthday confession: the secret I’ve never told

Today is my birthday. It’s my 35th year of life and this is kind of a big birthday for me. I am absolutely living my best life now and in a place I never thought I would be. I never would have thought I would have accomplished so much or inspired so many people. It’s just all a blessing. I woke up this morning not wanting to get out and workout but the hardest part is getting out of the door. My first official act of my 35th birthday was a jog/walk of 3.33 miles.  So now it’s time for…

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The time I tried something new for lunch

The time I tried something new for lunch

If you haven’t noticed, I’m a creature of habit.  We eat the same thing all week for dinner, if it’s good I’ll suggest that we have it again the next week.  I’ll eat the same things for lunch too.  It doesn’t bother me. Most people don’t like leftovers, but I love for them.  I guess there’s a little comfort in knowing what I’m getting.  What’s the point on wasting calories on something you don’t like?  I DO understand there is something a little bit wrong with that, but my weekends are for experimenting…not my weekdays. Yesterday I strayed from the…

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Getting back on track

Getting back on track

It’s Monday! It’s the beginning of the new week and it’s time to start anew. Remember, there are good things about Mondays. There are a couple of things I have gotten away from that I think are very important and I don’t know why I stopped going them. The first thing is setting weekly and monthly goals. The monthly goal post was something I did regularly on the blog but I got away from it for some reason. Maybe I thought no one was interested in my goals or just thought it was a meaningless post…and that may actually be…

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The moments of change really happen

The moments of change really happen

I should have posted this yesterday but I guess you didn’t need to know that part of the story. I just didn’t know where I wanted to post to go. Change is a powerful thing. Sometimes change is good and sometimes change throws the world into chaos. But I guess I’m more interested in what sparks change. This week I was taken back to that moment when I decided to change. I’m often asked why we decided to go on our weight loss journey. What was the thing that changed our minds? I’ve said it before and I’ve been reminded…

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My biggest motivation

My biggest motivation

There’s one thing I’ve learned about motivation over the past few weeks.  In my case, I definitely need that dangling carrot to chase. When I was on the weight loss journey, the carrot was of course losing the weight.  Motivation came in the mirror and just being able to move around better. Since losing the weight and experiencing a whole new world, I’ve constantly been on the go.  I’ve been running these races and traveling across the country with goals…and then all of the sudden I’m not filled with that.  That became my normal and all of the sudden it’s…

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Win a Headsweats trucker hat for Global Running …

Win a Headsweats trucker hat for Global Running Day!

Hello all! I’m still here. More on this later…keep reading. I’m coming at you to talk about Global Running Day aka National Running Day! It’s time to get out and celebrate running. I haven’t been running much lately. I’ve been doing a lot of walking. Walking is really great, but I would rather be running. Running has my heart and I can’t wait to get back to it! Running has changed my life in so many positive ways. It’s one of the reasons I love to share our weight loss story because the weight loss opened my world up to…

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