Not running all the marathons

Last week I was prepping all week to run The Austin Marathon. I knew it wasn’t going to be easy or fast but I just wanted to run it. I kept referring to the weekend as a “shit show” but I was really excited for it. As excited that I was to run that marathon, I knew I probably shouldn’t. It nagged at me all week which made me really think about the situation.

Marathon maniac

Running the marathons is fun and I love to do it. But it is incredibly taxing on the body and probably not something I need to do every weekend. I don’t want to get to a point where I can’t do what I want because I’m injured. It’s really about thinking smart.

At the end of the day, I don’t have anything to prove to anyone. We all know that I can run a marathon. I know I can run a marathon faster than when I first started. I’m positive that I could run a marathon much faster than what I do right now if I didn’t run a marathon every weekend or every other weekend.

I've come to terms with my switching to the half marathon, it was for the best cause I've got marathons the next 3 weeks! I love this medal though! #runaustin #runalltheraces #runhappy #headsweats

Yesterday in the middle of The Austin Marathon, I made a smart decision to switch to the half. I won’t sit here and tell you I wasn’t extremely beat up about changing my mind, but I know in my head it was the right thing to do. I have a marathon this weekend that I am looking forward to an I want to be able to enjoy it. I just had a feeling running the marathon yesterday wouldn’t have turned out well for me this weekend.

I will be smarter about the marathons I do from here on out. But a cute medal will definitely change my mind in the marathon direction. I can’t lie about that. I still have a couple more marathons on list in the new few weeks but I’ll only have 2 more in April and May after that which I’m really looking forward to both of those too.

The lesson here is: you have to remember you only have one body and you have to take care of it. Don’t make the mistake of misusing your body or taking it for granted. If you take care of it, it will take care of you.

This goes with anything though.  Eating right and being active are the two simplest ways of taking care of your body.  There are so many things that could go wrong that are out of control that could harm us everyday, so why not take care of the things we can control, right?

Sponsored: Taste the freshness with Eggland’s Best …

Sponsored: Taste the freshness with Eggland’s Best Eggs.

I do love eggs, that is not a secret.  I became very weary of eating anything but eggs whites when we started our weight loss journey.  Willie always told me that was silly because eggs were really not that bad to eat because eggs are a great source of protein and vitamins.  Come to find out, Willie was right and there’s really no need to avoid the whole egg. That is why I was so excited when I was contacted by Eggland’s Best to talk about their eggs.  Eggs don’t have to be an ingredient in your dish, it can…

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Things I’ve learned.

Things I’ve learned.

This week I turned down my dream job because in the end it wasn’t really my dream job. It was a great job and I’m honored to have been offered the job. In the end, I knew the job was amazing but it wasn’t my time for this job. It was a very emotional process for me and I learned a couple of things: 1. Ultimately, my husband will always come first. What he thinks and feels has always been important to me. I travel a lot but I do that because I want to do that. I control the…

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Meal Prep 101: The Basics

Meal Prep 101: The Basics

*This is the first in the series of meal prepping posts I will be doing on the blog. I think it’s time for me to start my series on meal prepping. I’ve gathered the questions that were asked and I’ve put them into the categories. Where most people just want ideas for what to make, a lot of people just have some basic questions about the process. Today I will address some of the issues and challenges people have had with meal prepping. The most asked question is about keeping things in the fridge all week. Won’t the food go…

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Setting up the week

Setting up the week

Good evening everyone! I’ve been meal prepping all day. To be honest, I’ve been trying to prep for an extended amount of time too because I’m going to be busy the next few weeks. I don’t want my meals to suffer. I’m trying to think ahead. Plus, I’ve learned the magic of buying in bulk from Sam’s Club and my crockpot. It’s just easier for me to prepare meals with the set it and forget it method. This weekend was kind of cool because we traveled to Houston again because I ran a half marathon on Saturday. That means we…

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Celebrate everything

Celebrate everything

I’ve been working on things around the site. You may have noticed some changes. I’m going for a new look. There have been a couple of bugs but I think things are finally smoothing over. I am excited for a new start on an old thing. I want to talk about celebration. Everyone should stop right now and just stop to celebrate something about yourself. Big, little, tiny, miniscule…whatever it is, it’s worthy of celebration. I hear so many things in life. “Well I only ran 2 miles.” “I was only able to do the stairmaster for 12 minutes.” “I…

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Do you have meal prepping questions?

Do you have meal prepping questions?

It’s the new year and everyone is jazzed about hitting the gym to workout. That’s not the only part about maintaining a healthy lifestyle.  In fact, working out might actually be the easy part because maintaining a healthy diet in a world of unhealthy convenient options can be tough. I’m going to be doing several posts on meal prep over the coming weeks and I want to know what are your biggest questions on prepping meals. I want to help everyone master the meal prep because it’s such an important thing. You can work out all you want but if you’re…

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Where are you going?

Where are you going?

It’s Monday! It’s time to get moving and get active. But we must always remember one thing: You can’t know where you’re going without knowing where you’ve been. Just think about it. The drive to move forward comes from the places we’ve been. I run because I knew it was something I never thought I would do. I’m living my most healthy life right now because in the past I didn’t always do that. And the list will go on… The past influences the future. I wouldn’t change anything about the past if I could because I know that makes…

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Snack time: Mamma Chia Clean Energy Giveaway

Snack time:  Mamma Chia Clean Energy Giveaway

It’s the new year so I’ve been trying out new ideas for a snack.  It’s hard for me because I am a creature of habit and I really like what I like. I received this Mamma Chia Clean Energy drink a while back.  I wanted to talk about them earlier but I needed to make sure it was something I would approve.  I don’t want to lead you guys in the wrong direction. I’m already a big fan of the chia squeeze. Today’s mid-morning snack was a Mamma Chia Clean Energy Cherry Charge and it’s good.  I must admit, the…

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Fight the negative to ACCOMPLISH your goals

Fight the negative to ACCOMPLISH your goals

I don’t know why but this morning I woke up thinking about the things that people said I should/would never do. It’s easy to get wrapped up I. The idea of what others think and say about us. I could sit here and tell you that you shouldn’t care, but I know it’s easier said than done. If I told you I lived like that, it would be a lie. Truth is I do care, but I think that is wrapped up in insecurities. I let it creep into my head and ruin some pretty proud moments for myself. Truth…

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Lesson of the week: negativity breeds negativity

Lesson of the week: negativity breeds negativity

The week is almost over and I can’t wait for it to end. It’s been a hard week or a couple of hard weeks have really hit me hard. A lot things haven’t gone right, but I’ve been good at focusing on the good things. This week, I’ve been trying to step my game up. I upped my weights in Group in Power on Monday morning. I’m trying to stay focused on moving forward and not looking back. And then some pretty negative things happened Monday during the day. I thought all types of negative things. I thought about things…

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