Week in Review #1 2020

Welcome to the week in review where I recap the week  (weekly workouts, what I ate, what I did), and the things I learned along the way. Compared to the past few weeks, this week has been perfect. If you’ve been watching my videos, you know I haven’t been sleeping well the past few weeks, but this week has been much better. I’ve been sleeping throughout the night now, and I may be waking up earlier than I want, but I feel like I’m getting quality sleep. So what have I’ve been doing differently? The two noticeable things were different this week. 

Mom Works It Out // Week in Review #1

1. I listened to my body. I like to start the week with a workout, but on Monday, I felt run down. Sunday night wasn’t the best sleep, and Mondays are always a Monday, so I decided I wouldn’t work out that day. I spent the time focusing on other tasks and resting because I felt like I needed it. 

2. I’ve been making to-do lists every day. I love making lists, but I confess it’s not something I did every day. For the past 21 days, I have made lists of all the things I want to accomplish in the day. I found this to help me organize my day, and I have become more efficient throughout the day. I may have spent too much time trying to figuring out what I needed to do. I’ve also noticed I’ve got more done throughout the day. At the start of the day, the list looks lengthy, but I complete my plans most days. 

My workout week:

Mom Works It Out // Weekly Workouts

My weekly workout data.

My workouts this week turned out to be good. I don’t particularly appreciate going more than two days without working out. It’s always stuck in my head, even when I don’t want it there. I didn’t work out on my Monday, but I made sure to get it done on Tuesday – Friday. Ideally, I like to work out 5-6 days a week if I can, and most weeks, I hit five days. This week, I needed the extra rest, and this weekend I had some other family matters to deal with, so I was happy to hit four days of working out.

Monday: Rest

Tuesday: Peleton 45 min Intermediate Bike Bootcamp. I liked this workout. There was a focus on upper body strength, and I wish there would have been a little more focus on the legs. BUT the bike portions of the workout were more HIIT style. I can understand the training structure based on those sections.

Wednesday: 1-mile warm-up. 30 min powerwalk + 10 minute cool down. My legs felt like jelly after the bike boot camp workout. I wanted to run, but I thought it would be best to flush the legs out. I suffered a bit because I didn’t do a proper cool down on Tuesday, so I wanted to make sure I got it done right on Wednesday.

Thursday: 5 min warm-up + 30 min 2000s ride + 10 min cool down. I took this workout because it was a little too warm outside. I hadn’t been feeling 100%, and going out didn’t feel right. I thought this would be an “easy” workout, but it was more challenging than expected. 

Friday: 5 min warm-up +30 minute Pop Ride + 10 min cool down ride. I woke up early (4:30 am) to work out because we had a long road trip. I am glad I woke up to do the ride. I didn’t get much sleep the night before, and I felt the previous afternoon workout early in the morning.

Meals this week were good. I tried Hello Fresh for the first time (a full review will be coming soon). Eating out during the week was non-existent, but I’m not sure I drank enough water. My goal for next week will be to drink more water.

Pantry reorganization // Before and After

Before and after of the pantry. I forgot to take my before picture before I started cleaning so that’s why it’s a bit weird.

Miscellaneous things:

  • I cleaned out my pantry. I don’t know how a pantry gets out of control quickly, but I couldn’t find anything in there. I decided it was time to crack down and re-organize the space. The good news is: I found the Kosher salt I thought I had purchased but never could find.
  • Tiny Tot has taken her Halloween costume to a whole new level, and she’s trying to get into the role. She wanted to bake a cake that she didn’t want to eat. She likes mixing things in the bowl.

This week’s video:

You may not know, but I make YouTube videos. It’s just a hobby and a way for you to see how I live my healthy life instead of me just telling you about it. Go watch and enjoy it. Don’t underestimate the power of “like” and I love comments.

This week was pretty chill, and not much to report. Things felt more balanced and manageable this week, which is something I can appreciate. The pandemic has given me renewed focus, and I’m in the process of streamlining the duties in my life to be more efficient. It’s time to stop thinking and start doing. I am developing new habits and goals to take me into future growth. I hope you had a great week.  

What was the best thing about your week?

How to make a change

How to make a change

Going back to regular content after social media supported Black Lives Matter by uplifting black voices last week seems a bit odd. There’s still a discussion in progress that I don’t want to end. People are open to knowing and understanding at this moment in time. I encourage all of us to do better and look at what we can do to change the way race is handled in our country. I will get back to regular content, but I didn’t feel I could return to blogging without getting this post done. I don’t tend to talk about race because…

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Lessons from the social distancing thing

Lessons from the social distancing thing

Hello all, from a social distancing house. Can you believe what’s going on in the world right now? Did you ever think someone would tell you shouldn’t leave your home? It’s really a tough situation, but we are stronger together. Please give yourself the grace to feel whatever it is you need to feel, but don’t let it overwhelm you. Some days you might be super motivated to get stuff done, and other days you might want to sit around in your pajamas.  It’s a time in life when we aren’t in control of the things happening around us, but…

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September is being stronger than my excuses.

September is being stronger than my excuses.

I don’t know why this blog post is so hard for me to write. I’ve been trying to write it for a week. I strive to be real and authentic on my blog. I want to share the real things in life and not wrap it up in a pretty Instagram post. I try to be real. I don’t want people thinking I have all the answers or I have my stuff together. News flash: I don’t have it all together. I’m not perfect. I made a list of all the things I want to talk about on my blog…

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June break for better content

June break for better content

Hello everyone!  It’s June and it’s the time of the year When I take a small break from the blog. After attending Mom2.0 in April, I learned I need to take my blog in a direction. I need to spend more time on developing USEFUL content alongside those personal moments I love to share. I have taken the last week to brainstorm the type of content I want to provide in the next year. I have worked on new ideas and put pen to paper to flush those ideas out. During the time, I have also learned food blogging just…

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How to get back into a routine

How to get back into a routine

Hey all!  Happy Global Running Day!  Maybe I should spend the day talking about running, but I’m going to talk about getting back in a routine after having a little “break.”  I spent the last week being sick, which gave me a lot of time to think things out.  I’ve also been wasting a lot of time watching YouTube videos instead of putting my plans into action.  I might be lacking a bit of focus in life.  I may just need a kick in the butt to get myself back into a functioning member of society. After the marathon, I…

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Friday File: Mother’s Day, Bosch, guilty pleasures, …

Friday File: Mother’s Day, Bosch, guilty pleasures, and what I ate

Happy Friday! We’ve made it through the week, and now it’s time for the Friday File. This is my time to run down everything that happened over the week. Honestly, I haven’t made it around to doing a weekly Friday File, but I’m working on it. This week has been a rebuilding week for me. I’m a bit lost without a rigid running schedule and no goals in sight. I have more time to work on building content for this blog, which a massive focus for me the past month. I spent Mother’s Day celebrating and eating way too much…

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Time to change up the habits

Time to change up the habits

It’s time for this mama to change up the habits. I’ve basically been training for a marathon since last August, and now I just need a break. I have been on a training schedule for so long, which has made it difficult to do anything else in life. It’s time to change up the habits. I just want to workout to just workout and not be an on schedule. I don’t want to need to worry about getting things done early on a Friday night because I have a four-hour long run Saturday morning. I don’t want to worry about…

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Healthy eating and travel: can it work?

Healthy eating and travel: can it work?

I’ve been traveling for the past week, and I’m still going. I’m not sure if travel and healthy eating can go in the same sentence, but I’m going to try to make some sense of the whole thing. Situation #1: You hardly travel and decide to live your life and not care about what you’re eating. Situation #2: You travel frequently, but maintain some balance but fall into the trap of “it’s not like I’m HERE every day” so you can enjoy so local cuisine. Situation #3: You don’t care either way.  This person is probably not reading this blog…

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Mom works on re-introducing herself

Mom works on re-introducing herself

I’m Angela and I’m working on re-introducing myself to you. I’m just a woman who lost 200 pounds (a combined total of 500 pounds with my husband) and fell in love with running who then fell into motherhood. I learned along the way that healthy living encompasses the mind, body, and soul. That’s where I am today. Trying to balance it all and encourage others to tackle the journey they think is impossible. Most importantly, I am a mom to a beautiful 2-year-old who is referred to as Tiny Tot on this blog. Weight loss is the catalyst to it…

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Friday file: Sunday night edition

Friday file: Sunday night edition

I know, I’m sorry.   I left the blog vacant for a week because I’ve just been tired.  Last weekend was a huge running weekend for me.  That kind of threw my whole week off because I ran both Saturday and Sunday. I wasn’t at home to get stuff done around the house or get ready for work.  That one day of prep kind of pushed everything off.  Daily life has been busy this week. I ran two half marathons back to back.  I’ve been working with a running coach because I am really improving.  I see progress which is really…

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