How to Conquer the Mental Challenge in Your Medial Weight Loss Program

There’s such a big difference when you’re in a medical weight loss program versus losing weight for aesthetic and confidence purposes. Sure, for both, you’re going to want this to happen quickly, you’re going to want to do what you can to make sure nothing is stagnant. But overall, both of these are about setting sail on a journey towards a healthier, happier you. But let’s be honest—it’s not all smooth sailing.

Monthly wrap-up June 2023

The physical challenges are one thing, but the mental hurdles? Those can feel like climbing Mount Everest in flip-flops. To a degree, there’s room for “failure,” and you should take your time if you’re doing it for aesthetic reasons and confidence. 

But when it comes to medical reasons, you need to lose weight quickly, but at the same time, it needs to be healthy. It’s like there’s more pressure cause there’s just no room for any sort of mistake. So what can you do? Here’s what you need to know about covering the mental challenge of being in a medial-based weight loss program.

Embrace the Struggle and Own It

It’s okay to acknowledge that the struggle is real. Pretending everything is easy-peasy doesn’t help anyone. It’s okay to have tough days, to feel frustrated, or even to wonder if it’s all worth it. But overall, accepting these feelings is the first step to overcoming them. You’re not alone in this; everyone on a weight loss journey hits these mental roadblocks. So, own your struggle. Just go ahead and recognize it, feel it, and then prepare to smash through it.

Set Realistic Goals and Celebrate the Small Wins

One of the biggest mental traps in a weight loss program is the “all or nothing” mentality. If you don’t hit your target weight by a specific date, you haven’t failed. The key is setting realistic and achievable goals. 

It could be losing a pound a week or simply making healthier food choices for a month. But overall, celebrate these small victories because they add to significant changes over time. Did you choose a salad over fries? High-five! Every small win is a step closer to your goal.

Mindfulness Can Be Your Secret Weapon

Okay, this sounds way too generic, right? Well, mindfulness isn’t just a trendy buzzword; it’s a powerful tool for keeping your mental game strong. Being mindful helps you stay in the moment and appreciate the journey rather than just focusing on the destination. 

When you eat, really savor your food. When you exercise, feel the movement and strength in your body. Honestly, it’s all about making your weight loss journey more enjoyable.

Focus on What You Can Control

There will be days when everything seems out of your control. Maybe the scale isn’t budging, or life throws you a curveball that makes sticking to your plan impossible. Just don’t give up, and please don’t get mad at yourself! A weight loss journey is hard and unpredictable!

Visualize Your Success

So, it will help to take a few moments each day to imagine yourself achieving your goals. Just think about a healthier you, a happier you, one without any medical issues. 

Weight Loss Stall? Here’s What’s Stopping …

Weight Loss Stall? Here’s What’s Stopping It!

Losing weight is a challenging thing to do. The problem is that it’s not the weight loss part that is hard, but overcoming the challenges that get in your way. As somebody who has been overweight or obese for some time, you’ll know that it’s never just a case of mind over matter. Obesity is a disease, and food can be an addiction. The problem is trying to identify that addiction and making sure that you can overcome it—weight loss issues. If you are currently going through a weight loss journey, but your weight loss seems to have slowed down…

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4 Key Things To Know Before Taking Any Weight …

4 Key Things To Know Before Taking Any Weight Loss Medication

Weight loss medication is everywhere nowadays, but that isn’t necessarily great. These medications have their uses and benefits, though the over-popularization means many of us are being drawn in without knowing what we’re properly getting into.  You see countless “success stories” online, and it tempts you to give weight loss medication maybe a go. You should consult a doctor before taking any medication, but what else should you know before looking into weight loss meds?  Does it genuinely work? You’ll find an absurd amount of weight loss medications online, and some work while others are placebos. What’s the point in…

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Do You Find Workouts Boring?

Do You Find Workouts Boring?

Do you find your workouts boring?  Let’s find out why you’re not enjoying working out. Working out is very, very good for your health. But so many people don’t do it simply because it’s too dull and not worth the time. Does that sound like a problem you’ve run into in the past? If so, we have some good news for you: an easy fix is out there!  After all, if working out is boring to you, there could be a wealth of reasons as to why. Maybe you’re choosing the wrong workouts? Maybe you’re dealing with chronic pain? These…

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Weekly wrap-up #5: hurt back, avocado chickpea toast, reading …

Weekly wrap-up #5: hurt back, avocado chickpea toast, reading and binging tv

Welcome to another weekly wrap-up. It’s the time to talk about the good, the bad, and everything else from the week before on the blog. This week I found myself down with a pulled muscle or pinched nerve in my back. On Tuesday, I reached for my backpack, and I felt a pain in my back. I didn’t think about it and reached down to pick up my backpack after that and went home to work out. The following day, I reached for a toy on the floor, and the same thing happened, but the pain was worse.   My week…

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What healthy living means to me

What healthy living means to me

When I started my weight loss journey, I really didn’t know the world before me. The one thing I knew was we had to stop eating fast food for every meal and leave the sugary sodas on the shelf. Might we have also needed a bit more exercise? The jury was still out on that point. Quickly, I learned that people are health “know it alls”, and their way is always the best. Some people picked me because I still ate processed foods (aka my favorite Healthy Choice meals). Some people took offense I purchased Splenda and frozen vegetables and…

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Mom works on re-introducing herself

Mom works on re-introducing herself

I’m Angela and I’m working on re-introducing myself to you. I’m just a woman who lost 200 pounds (a combined total of 500 pounds with my husband) and fell in love with running who then fell into motherhood. I learned along the way that healthy living encompasses the mind, body, and soul. That’s where I am today. Trying to balance it all and encourage others to tackle the journey they think is impossible. Most importantly, I am a mom to a beautiful 2-year-old who is referred to as Tiny Tot on this blog. Weight loss is the catalyst to it…

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Focusing too much on losing weight?

Focusing too much on losing weight?

There’s nothing wrong with a little bit of focus, but sometimes it can get in the way.  Is it possible to have too much emphasis on a weight loss journey?  I may be living proof of the point.  The initial weight loss journey was strict.  I stayed on plan all the time because I wanted to lose weight so bad.  I lost the weight, but there were moments when I felt like I wasn’t living life.  In retrospect, I see I was a living a rigorous regiment and maybe that it was I needed to get over the hump of…

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Episode #8: Life after weight loss

Episode #8: Life after weight loss

We Beat Fat Episode #8: Life after weight loss From the kitchen table: What’s been happening this week? This week’s podcast: life after weight loss The podcast is new so we are taking suggestions on topics to cover.   Contact us: or on social media Angela: blog:,  Instagram – @momworksitout, twitter – @momworksitout, fb – Willie: Instagram – @williegillis Topic of the week: Life after weight loss Many people have asked about losing weight and keeping off or in Willie’s case, gaining it back.  This episode of the podcast you have a candid chat about losing weight…

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Episode #7: Inspirations and motivations

Episode #7: Inspirations and motivations

We Beat Fat Episode #7: Inspirations and motivations From the kitchen table: What’s been happening this week? This week’s podcast: inspiration and motivations. The podcast is new so we are taking suggestions on topics to cover.   Contact us: or on social media Angela: blog:,  Instagram – @momworksitout, twitter – @momworksitout, fb – Willie: Instagram – @williegillis The topic of the week: Inspirations and motivations Definition of motivation: the act or an instance of motivating, or providing with a reason to act in a certain way.  Motivations are internal features. Definition of inspiration: the process of being…

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Episode #5: The DECISION to lose weight

Episode #5: The DECISION to lose weight

We Beat Fat Episode #5: The Decision to lose weight From the kitchen table: This week we’re talking about the decision to lose weight and all that goes with it. How’s your week been going?  Anything interesting you would like to share? The podcast is now available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. The podcast is new so we are taking suggestions on topics to cover.   Contact us: or on social media Angela: blog:,  instagram – @momworksitout, twitter – @momworksitout, fb – Willie: Instagram – @williegillis Topic of the week:  The decision to lose weight Most of…

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