Restart, rebuild and rebrand

It’s time to restart, rebuild, and rebrand. The blog has always been a sacred spot in my heart, but I stopped blogging for several reasons:

  1. There are only so many things I can say about weight loss and my weight loss journey. I am far removed from that part of my life.
  2. The weight loss niche isn’t for me. It’s a part of who I am, but it’s not everything that I am. And honestly, the weight loss niche can be toxic and unbearable at times. There’s no one right way to lose weight, and what works for one person will not work for someone else.
  3. Exposing your life to the internet is hard. There are things you don’t want to share. There are things you can’t share. But once you open the door, people expect you to share everything. I received the mean DMs. I had to stay out of the comment section. The one thing I had to learn to do was look the other way. Sadly, this thing is more common today than it was “back in the day,” but it stifled me. I didn’t want to create content to share, and I was just scared to put it out there. 

Angela Gillis

I love creating content, and I want to get back to sharing with others. My life has changed, and my personality has changed, and it’s time to start over and rebrand. I still want to inspire people to be the best version of themselves when it matters the most when no one is looking. And I also want to share more of everyday life, the things I love, and how I’m trying to live the healthiest life (physically, mentally, and emotionally). 

What’s changed?

  1. I’m a mom. Becoming a mom changed me in many ways and reset my priorities. The things I once made time for, I can’t do that anymore. I’ve had to change and adapt to do the things I love, which means I’ve had to become more innovative with my time and get things done. The most significant change with becoming a mom is the lack of restful sleep, which sometimes pushes me behind. 
  2. I still run, but I run a lot slower. There’s not going to be anything that is going to keep me down. But I am a back-of-the-pack runner now. It’s been a mind f$&k, and I’ve had to learn to let go of the ego. But I’m still here covering the miles, and it takes me longer.  
  3. I’m a more well-rounded person. I felt like I was living an all-or-nothing situation. Running was THE focus of my life. Everything revolved around my training and trips. I was all weight loss and running, but now I’m learning to live a more balanced life. Maybe that’s what becoming a mom has done to me, but I’m here to appreciate all parts of life. It’s been a struggle, but I am learning not to live on the edges so much.

There is nothing wrong with running being the focus because that was a season in life. I met lots of great people and traveled to some fantastic places.

I’ve wanted to shift my content for a while, but something was holding me back. I didn’t know the right way to go about it, so I stopped blogging altogether. That was a horrible idea. You don’t grow, learn, or even succeed if you don’t try. Trying is always something ingrained in my being, but I’ve backed off from it for some reason. 

But I’ve been taking the time to read, listen to music, consume all the content (YouTube and podcasts), and of course, running and trying to stay fit. Those are the things I’ll be blogging about in the future, and I hope you come along with me (and bring some friends, too)! Here’s to a new season, staying committed, and moving forward.

Follow me on the socials:

Instagram: @itsangelagillis (personal) // @momworksitout (blog)

Twitter: @itsangelagillis




September is being stronger than my excuses.

September is being stronger than my excuses.

I don’t know why this blog post is so hard for me to write. I’ve been trying to write it for a week. I strive to be real and authentic on my blog. I want to share the real things in life and not wrap it up in a pretty Instagram post. I try to be real. I don’t want people thinking I have all the answers or I have my stuff together. News flash: I don’t have it all together. I’m not perfect. I made a list of all the things I want to talk about on my blog…

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June break for better content

June break for better content

Hello everyone!  It’s June and it’s the time of the year When I take a small break from the blog. After attending Mom2.0 in April, I learned I need to take my blog in a direction. I need to spend more time on developing USEFUL content alongside those personal moments I love to share. I have taken the last week to brainstorm the type of content I want to provide in the next year. I have worked on new ideas and put pen to paper to flush those ideas out. During the time, I have also learned food blogging just…

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Blogging into the New Year update

Blogging into the New Year update

Good afternoon, everyone!  I’m keeping my blogging streak alive.  I barely got it done yesterday, but I’m still blogging strong today.  This whole thing has me really excited and it’s really stretching my thought process for the blog.  There have been some days it’s been hard to come up with something to blog about but I’ve come through in the pinch.  I will only blog every day until the new year.  This is just an exercise is helping me get into the routine of blogging.  I will go back to this when I need to do it. It’s been a…

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Blogging into the new year

Blogging into the new year

Did you catch my post yesterday about sharing your goals? If you didn’t go back and read it because now I’m going to share my goal with you.  I did a run streak to help me get back into running so now I’m going to go into a blogging streak.  It’s been said that you should focus on one goal at a time and now that the marathon is over, I want to focus on rebuilding the blog. I am sharing this goal with you for accountability.  The plan is to blog every day to sharpen the saw and to…

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The necessary name change

The necessary name change

Welcome to Mom Works It Out! You probably haven’t noticed but I’ve changed the name of the blog. It’s been a hard decision because I’ve been We Beat Fat for so long but I really feel like it was time to change. We Beat Fat hasn’t been a WE for a long time. Yes, it was a place to chronicle our healthy living but it was more about Angela and less about Willie. He took his hand at blogging and decided it wasn’t the place for him. We lost weight as a couple and started living a healthy life but…

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Mother’s Day revelation

Mother’s Day revelation

I hope all the mommas out there had a good Mother’s Day  I wanted to make my return to blogging yesterday, but my site had something else in mind.  This morning things are back to normal (a bit) so I’m ready to dive in. Motherhood has changed my life completely and I feel like I keep saying the same things over and over. I don’t think I’m that interesting or what I do is anything special. But there are people who still follow me, who are interested in the journey, and just want to know. I need to share those…

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I never know where to start

I never know where to start

I never know where to start so I’ve been avoiding my blog altogether. I have plans for the blog but I just don’t have the time to execute them. Well, I don’t think I’ve been managing my time correctly when I do have the time. I guess I’m trying to add things back gradually. First I was trying to get back to working out, then dropping some weight and then getting back to teaching my cycle classes. Now might be time for me to get back to working on the blog. I’m really ready to get back to it and…

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Friday Five: Turkey burgers, headbands, working out & more

Friday Five: Turkey burgers, headbands, working out & more

Happy Friday!  I hope all is well in the world with you.  I felt like I had a really productive morning but then the afternoon seems a little less eventful.  I guess you could say I spent it on the couch sleeping. I thought I should sit down and blog since I’m feeling up to it and I’m well rested. So there’s a blog and some hot chocolate…and here I am. I think it’s a good way to spend a Friday. 1. Today I’m officially 38 weeks which means our baby girl should be making her grand debut soon.  FYI:…

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Baby vs. the blog and the baby shower

Baby vs. the blog and the baby shower

I’m horrible with change.  It’s really something I hate to admit.  I require structure and boundaries.  I’m finding it difficult to blog for many reasons.  Obviously, I’m going through some serious life changes and I’m really trying to get my stuff together. I am really trying to crowd my blog with baby related things, but the truth is: that is the only thing on my mind. The point is if I’m going to keep blogging on the regular some things are going to have to change and it’s time for me to admit the truth.  Things are different and I’m…

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My pledge to my blog readers

My pledge to my blog readers

It’s time for me to face reality.  I’ve failed all of you.  Once upon a time I planned out blog posts.  I talked about relevant topics.  I actually put the effort in and then something happened.  I started traveling more and doing quick fixes.  I stopped actually making time for the blog in respects to self-improvement, eating and just overall fitness.  I wish I could say planning was the problem, but I know I felt like I lost my voice along the way. Willie and I gained a lot of publicity in a short period of time, again, which kind…

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