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Race Recap: One hot weekend at RnR San Antonio

It was my 12th half this year, Willie’s 3rd and my best friend Tyson’s first half/race EVER, so I was excited for this race.  It was kind of bittersweet because it was also the last RnR of the year!  I really wanted to end the RnR season with a bang but let me tell you that didn’t happen because it was SUPER hot.  I know when we started the race it had to be VERY close to 80 degrees and the humidity was killing before we even thought about running. Race day was also the day of my 20 miler…

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Find your motivation

Find your motivation

Happy Friday! I’m getting ready for my 12th half marathon this weekend. The training plan called for an easy 3 miles today so I did that after going to Group Power at 5AM! My biggest motivation for getting up at 5AM to work out is really not having to do it in the afternoon! I’ve been trying to talk to blog readers about their struggles with weight loss and lifestyle change and motivation keeps coming up. Most of the e-mails I get about the weight loss are about my motivation to lose weight and how I stuck with it. Willie…

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Challenge: I CAN…Be Active

Challenge: I CAN…Be Active

It’s that time of year again when people say they are busy but aren’t too busy to eat. The holidays are about spending time with family and friends and buying gifts, so why not give yourself a gift? The holidays are filled with treats and great food so practice moderation with those foods. BUT I’m also asking you to get active! My best friend Mandie has already jumped on the challenge and she’s been working out to shed some pounds and just get an active lifestyle. Why can’t you do the same over the holiday season? There’s A LOT of…

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I’ve been cooking

I’ve been cooking

There’s been so much focus on Willie cooking, I think people may have forgotten that I like to cook too.  I must admit he’s been picking up a lot of the food slack in the house because marathon training has kept me busy.  He keeps me well fueled. I’ve had a little bit of free time to make some food lately and I wanted to share with you what I’ve been making. The Runner’s World Cookbook hit stores in October and I couldn’t wait to get a copy.  I was trying to find one in stores but no luck so…

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Race Recap: Pleasure Island Bridge Half Marathon

Race Recap: Pleasure Island Bridge Half Marathon

It’s soo nice to be able to run a local race. I wish we had more of them. I love being able to run with my friends and feel like I belong. I’ve spent a lot of time running this year and I’ve come to appreciate the local runs a lot more because of the community feeling. Nothing will ever be able to replace that feeling of running with your friends and partying after! Yesterday, Willie completed his second half marathon and I completed my 11th half marathon. The run was a 2-miler, 10K and half marathon over the Pleasure…

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What did you eat to lose all that …

What did you eat to lose all that weight?

This week I’m taking the time to answer the many e-mails I get about our weight loss journey.  Most of the questions are the same, but this question is the most frequently asked question.  Before I venture any more into this subject, I want to remind everyone that it’s not a diet, it’s a lifestyle change.  Also, there wasn’t one magic food that changed our lives and helped us drop the weight.  The weight didn’t come off overnight because it was a process. The easiest way to answer this question is to tell you what we stopped eating.  We stopped…

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Do you reward yourself with food? Stop it!

Do you reward yourself with food? Stop it!

If you answered yes, let’s stop this bad habit.  When I was heavier, food was always apart of the celebration.  Had the best day of my life? I had ice cream because I deserved it.  It’s my birthday or Willie’s birthday or my cousin’s twice removed birthday; let’s chow down.  Got a pay bump?  Let’s spend that extra money on a really decadent meal that will leave me knocked out later. Food is used as a celebratory manner in our lives, but does it always have to be that way. I even fall victim to it now.  I run a…

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Race Recap & marathon training has taken me to 18 …

Race Recap & marathon training has taken me to 18 miles

When I tell people I’m running a marathon, I get a couple of strange looks. To those who run and love to do it, it isn’t a far fetched idea, but to the people who never run can’t seem to understand. People who don’t run, don’t understand why we like to run. When I took on the marathon, I was even clueless about it. Marathon training takes up a lot of time. I run four times a week which isn’t really a big deal, but the length of the runs is what takes up the time. I wake up at…

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Foodie Friday: Let’s make some chili!

Foodie Friday: Let’s make some chili!

I haven’t been eating very balanced lately. Ever since I’ve come back from Denver I really haven’t been eating…correctly. I haven’t had a taste for anything so I’ve ended up eating things like oatmeal for dinner or just peanut butter roll ups. Those aren’t the worst things in the world, but they definitely aren’t the best. This week I decided to get back on track and the easiest way for me to get a balanced plate of food was to make CHILI! I love fall because this is my favorite thing to eat and with the time changing this weekend,…

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Happy Halloween! Is it all about candy?

Happy Halloween! Is it all about candy?

It’s the day that we all loved as kids because we could dress up like anything and get free candy for it!  And of course, there are the pumpkins.  Children get so excited about pumpkins and most adults don’t enjoy the carving process.  I wonder if it’s because it’s too messy or just too time consuming? Last Saturday, we took our god daughter to the pumpkin patch. She was running around that place so fast and having the time of her life, even though there weren’t many pumpkins left. That’s understandable though because Halloween was very near. She is all…

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Six reasons to exercise

Six reasons to exercise

I was thinking about some of the reason I like to workout. It’s not just running folks, I like to do other things too. This was the perfect time to talk about a few reasons to exercise and get on the road to an active lifestyle. 1. We all need to live an active lifestyle.  It’s about getting up and getting moving.  Want to lose the weight? The best way to start is just to get moving. 2. It makes you happy. People have commented on my cheery disposition and I have to say, it’s all due to exercise.  I…

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