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Mind Gym: Staying Sharp Between College and Your Business Venture

Keeping your mind sharp through healthy habits in post-grad life is essential. Welcome to the real world! Without professors providing knowledge or keeping neurons firing, keeping your mind sharp between college years and starting your business venture may seem impossible – but rest easy knowing it is possible! Engage in Lifelong Learning Never stop your education journey! College may have ended, but learning should never cease! Sign up for online courses, attend webinars and workshops, or just read books – anything to keep that mortarboard from coming off! Don’t settle for just taking in new information either – immerse yourself in…

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5 Fun Ways To Help Your Toddler Learn

5 Fun Ways To Help Your Toddler Learn

There are many different ways you, as a parent, can help support your toddler’s growth and development. At this age, everything around them should be fun and not a strict lesson they must learn. After all, they will have plenty of years ahead of them in the school system for this. I’m past the toddler stage in life, but I know this information would have helped me as a first-time mom to know how to help my toddler learn during this crucial time. While you can do many things to help your toddler learn new skills and about the world around…

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How To Make Your Hormones Happy And Healthy

How To Make Your Hormones Happy And Healthy

Hormones can be a tricky thing, especially for women. It is rare to hear a woman not complain about her hormones. They can trick and play with us all, which is why we need to know how to take good care of our hormones to maximize their health and happiness. Here’s a lowdown on hormonal health and how women can do their best to improve the health and happiness of their hormones. Hormone issues are significant at this time in my life after having a baby later in life, and now I’ve entered my early 40s. Hormone issues affect many…

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These Are The Things Every New Mom Needs …

These Are The Things Every New Mom Needs To Be Aware Of

Becoming a new mom is an amazing experience in many ways, but it can test you to your limits, especially if it’s your first time. However, by being aware of some of the issues you may face, you can be prepared and make sure you get all the support you need. That is why I’ve written below some of the most essential things every new mom needs to know. Read on to find out what they are.   You may not feel a connection with Baby right away (& that’s OK)  Many new moms expect to feel an overwhelming connection…

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How To Keep Your Heart Happy and Healthy

How To Keep Your Heart Happy and Healthy

Heart health is essential because heart disease is a silent killer.  In 2019, African Americans were 30% percent more likely to die from heart disease than non-Hispanic whites. Is it time you started looking after your heart? Many of our lifestyle choices have an impact on our heart health. Making specific healthy changes could help protect your heart and potentially live a longer and happier life. This post goes into more detail about what you can do. Pexels. CCO Licensed. Why is heart health so important? The heart is a vital organ. When your heart isn’t working correctly, it affects…

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4 Discreet Ways Parents Can Help Their Child Learn

4 Discreet Ways Parents Can Help Their Child Learn

Helping your child to learn doesn’t always need to be obvious or a formal lesson. Here are four discreet ways parents can help their children learn. Incorporating learning into your life can help you not only take the pressure away from them but also make it fun and easy for them. People say everything is a learning opportunity, and for young children, it is never true; they can learn in so many ways, and young minds are like sponges soaking up all of the information.  If you want to help your child learn in a more fun and engaging way…

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What Gives Your Children A Good Start?

What Gives Your Children A Good Start?

Let’s get our children off to a good start. If you are keen to be a good parent, there are a lot of things that you should bear in mind to make sure of that. One of the most vital things is that you are doing everything possible to give your child a good start. The primary duty of the parent and something that you are probably going to be personally very keen on making sure of. Of course, you may be wondering what you can do to ensure you are doing this right. As it happens, there are a…

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Need Help Getting into Exercise?

Need Help Getting into Exercise?

If it’s been a while since you last exercised or you haven’t ever done anything stressing us before, getting into exercise can feel overwhelming. It can also feel overwhelming if you’re simply lazy enough not to bother with exercise in the first place, but it comes to a point where you feel like you need to move your body if you hope to feel anything less than back pain ever again.  If you have health issues right now, you should get medical clearance first because while you can look at websites such as http://www.muscleandmotion.com/ to get an idea of how the body works, a…

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Daily Delights: Simple Habits for a Happier Life

Daily Delights: Simple Habits for a Happier Life

Have you ever found yourself longing for a fulfilling daily routine? You may have wondered how to add joy to your life without doing anything complex. But the truth is happiness often comes from the simplicity of our habits.  We’re not talking about extravagant displays or celebrations; it’s about embracing those moments that bring a touch of delight to your day. This article will guide you through the world of routines, showing how making small changes can create a happier life. Embracing Morning Rituals Rise and shine—it’s more than a saying; it’s an invitation to start your day with purpose and appreciate…

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It’s Time To Stop Letting Your Health …

It’s Time To Stop Letting Your Health Slide

It’s time to stop letting your health slide. Your health is one of the most essential things in your life, and the more you let it go, the worse it will get. You might not notice anything right now, and you might even be one of those people where it seems nothing is going wrong, but this won’t last. Eventually, something will happen to your health, and you will regret not taking better care of yourself. So, start now because now is better than later. Make A Plan The first thing we will suggest is that you make a plan. Making…

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September Reading Wrap-Up: I read Fourth Wing and …

September Reading Wrap-Up:  I read Fourth Wing and eight other books

It’s time for a September reading wrap-up. I’m bringing my reads to this blog because I need help to keep up with two blogs, start a podcast, manage social media, and make YouTube videos. Content creation is a lot of many things, but I enjoy doing it, so I must make it work for me. You’re not here for that; you’re here to learn about the nine books I read in September. (All links are Amazon affiliate links.) Final Offer by Lauren Asher (4.75 ⭐)​ This is the last book in the Dreamland Billionaires series, which follows the last remaining brother,…

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