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Friday Five: Things I’m looking forward to happening.

Hello!  Happy Friday! It’s time for those five things on Friday and I’m kind of stumped at what five things I should talk about this week.  Last week, I did something kind of serious and helpful for others but I think this week I want to make it a little more casual.  Without anymore chit chat, the Friday Five: I’m looking forward to happening: 1. Enjoy the weekend.  It’s been a rough few weeks for me.  It’s been VERY stressful and I don’t think I handled things so well.  I am really hard on myself so maybe it’s not that bad…

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Week three of meatless eating

Week three of meatless eating

Hello all! Yesterday was a crazy nuts day. Tropical Storm Bill dumped a lot of water on our city and was just a very scary and frustrating day. We can see clearly now that the rain is gone so I thought it would be best if I returned to the blog. So this is week 3 of us switching to a more plant based diet and things are going well. I’ve been worried about being low energy and not being able to really live this way because I struggled with it so much before. Now with proper research and planning,…

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Get a healthy dose of Vitamin D

Get a healthy dose of Vitamin D

It’s summer so let’s go out and enjoy some rays and soak up some Vitamin D.  Vitamin D is important for keeping strong and healthy bones and is vital for the body to absorb all that Vitamin C. As women, I’m really concerned about osteoporosis especially as I grow older and getting a healthy dose of vitamin D will hopefully keep that away. It’s a rainy day here in southeast Texas so it’s only appropriate that I talk about Vitamin D.  It’s hard to get your vitamin D when the sun isn’t out. This D vitamin helps our immune system…

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Lessons for achieving your goals

Lessons for achieving your goals

Want to achieve your goals?  The biggest tip I can give you is to stay focused on your goal. There are many distractions in life and there will be obstacles that will take you off course.  Those are the times when you should check-in with yourself to regain focus on what you’re actually working towards. Weight loss is never an easy road and it’s easy to get frustrated or to lose hope.  Keep pushing through those tough times to build your strength, resolve and character. If it were easy, everyone would be doing it, right? Always have a plan to…

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Race Recap: Rock n Roll San Diego Marathon

Race Recap: Rock n Roll San Diego Marathon

If you didn’t read my Rock n Roll San Diego 5K recap you definitely should go back to start there.  The Rock n Roll San Diego Marathon was part of my quest and was my 11th state to capture on the way.  I was very excited to be running California and to spend time with my best friend, Missy, who was running the half marathon. It was an early wake up call for us because we had to catch the coaster to the start line.  RnR San Diego staff did an excellent job of organizing transportation.  Everything went smoothly from…

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Five things: Weight Loss Edition

Five things: Weight Loss Edition

Happy Friday everyone!  It’s been a long week but I’m glad I made it to Friday.  The bad news is our air conditioning is on the fritz so it’s hotter than biscuits in our house. I had to get some AC is out provisions.  Hopefully, the unit will be fixed today but I’m skeptical. Anyway, I wanted to start doing the Friday Five thing but with a twist…with some helpful information for people so this week’s topic will be weight loss. 1. Weight loss is a process.  It’s not going to happen overnight so be patient.  It always helps if…

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Race Recap: RnR San Diego 5K

Race Recap: RnR San Diego 5K

This should have been up ages ago, but I got sick the week I came back and then this week happened. We’ll just consider it a Throwback Thursday to an old race. I had a really fun time in San Diego because I got to spend some time with my best friend. This was her first trip to the West Coast! We were there together to run the Rock N Roll San Diego Half Marathon and Marathon! Saturday morning, we ran the Rock n Roll San Diego 5K at Balboa Park. We had to pick up our stuff that morning.…

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Summer hydration safety

Summer hydration safety

I have some lofty goals for this summer that I know I won’t be able to accomplish unless I focus on hydration. Hydration is an important part of daily life AND to those who are on a weight loss journey. Drinking water helps your metabolism which is something we are all trying to achieve, right? *Yes, I know I spent a lot of time talking about Nuun in this post. There is no compensation happening here. It’s just a product I love and use on a regular basis. It’s definitely apart of my daily routine. I can tell you all…

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Summer cooking: Pea pesto and mustard greens

Summer cooking: Pea pesto and mustard greens

It’s summer so that means it’s time to get creative with our summer cooking. Light and easy is what summer is all about and that should translate to the kitchen. If you haven’t noticed, it’s kind of hot outside. (Well at least where we live it’s pretty hot.) I couldn’t think of anything because I had my head trapped in some cookbooks. When I finally shut the books and went to the store, my mind opened up with lots of possibilities…and then all I wanted was pea pesto and mustard greens. Maybe it’s because my favorite color is green, but…

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Blog interrupted: a new week reset, going meatless, …

Blog interrupted: a new week reset, going meatless, and biking.

I like to post the motivational stuff on Monday’s because it’s just a good way to start off the week but I’ve fallen behind on blogging because I was sick and I didn’t want to go anywhere near a computer on my work planning day. It’s kind of been a mess. I’m yet to post my recaps from San Diego or any other blog planning so this is where I’m at. The good this though is it’s Monday, a new week to do new things! It’s time to start anew and achieve new things! It’s time to start a fresh…

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The case of food poisoning

The case of food poisoning

I was fine.  I was ready to roll.  I was feeling fine Monday when I returned home.  I was just really hungry and that’s what did me in.  I had some Indian food and I got sick.  It’s just a classic case of food poisoning.  I teach 5AM on Tuesday and 30 minutes before that it wasn’t going to well but I had to teach my class. It was really sad that I couldn’t give it my all in class because Willie actually came to my class.  I was too afraid I was going to upchuck on everyone so I…

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