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Race Recap: Rock n Roll St. Louis Half Marathon

The recap is late, but it’s still worthy of a read.  I ran the Rock n Roll St. Louis Half Marathon on October 18 and it was something special.  Last year when I ran this race, I set a half marathon PR.  That did not happen this year because I ran the Kansas City Marathon the day before.  This half was purely for fun. I was espeically excited because I got to see some of my favorite Team Chocolate Milk teammates.  I hadn’t seen them since last year so it was a nice treat.  And I finally got to meet…

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Tips for gaining focus

Tips for gaining focus

I’ll cut the small talk and just be honest, I have been lacking focus. I’m easily distracted and that has really killed my productivity. That’s why things have been lacking here in the blog department. The slightest thing will throw me off course and it’s hard for me to get back on this figurative road. Do you know how many times I’ve jumped off this blog post already? I’ve only typed three sentences. I decided my office today would be Panera. You know, because it’s easy not to get distracted here. Wrong! Whever my focus has gone, I would like…

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Three tips for FALLing back into fitness and …

Three tips for FALLing back into fitness and nutrious food

Fall is a beautiful time. The leaves are changing colors and the weather gets a little bit cooler. This is the time when the clothes get a little baggier and some people may fall into comfort food. There’s nothing wrong with that, but it shouldn’t be a daily regime. Fall is the perfect time to get outside and really enjoy some nice weather and get fit at the same time. I live for the fall weather. It’s the perfect time for me to get outside and do my runs after struggling through the hot summer temps. All that hard word…

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Monday Motivation: It’s all about confidence

Monday Motivation: It’s all about confidence

Today’s Monday Motivation is about confidence. Confidence is the key to success but you have to put it back in the world. Here are a few of my tips to help gain and exude confidence to your life. I’m sorry I’ve been really busy lately but I have a little lull in my schedule so I can catch up on things. It’s been a wild journey that wouldn’t be possible without all of you. I promise things will get back to normal very soon. What does confidence mean to you? And how do you share that with the people around…

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Race Recap: Kansas City Marathon

Race Recap: Kansas City Marathon

The one thing I will take away from this trip is Kansas City is a beautiful city. My expectations were low and I wasn’t expecting much out of this marathon after not meeting my expectations in Chicago. I orginally signed up for the Kansas City Marathon after finding out that Rock n Roll St. Louis would no longer be a marathon. In a panic, I went looking for another race because Missouri was an imporant part of the plan this year. Luckily, this race was the day before Rock n Roll St. Louis! Things happen for a reason and I…

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My weight loss story: the reasons for losing 200 …

My weight loss story: the reasons for losing 200 pounds

Hello all!  We got in late last night and I’m still not the same.  I’ll be working on my recaps for the Kansas City Marathon and Rock n Roll St. Louis for later this week. Right now I want to talk about losing weight.  I don’t know if I was ever really open and honest about my weight loss and what things were like beforehand.  So I made a video at the beginning of the month that I would like to share with you about my weight loss journey. I talk about dealing with my emotions, binge eating and my…

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Monday Motivation: you can improve

Monday Motivation: you can improve

Happy Monday!  It’s time for that Monday Motivation message to get you through the week.  I’m still in Missouri but there is one thing I’ve learned this weekend.  You can improve.  No matter where you think you are, the challenges you’ve faced or the backslide you may have taken; it is possible to improve. When I ran the Chicago Marathon, I didn’t have my finest hour.  It was hard and rough.  I really questioned if I was ready to continue my quest because things have been so rough for me lately.  I thought that maybe I could just put it…

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Meeting Dean Karnazes pushes me to set a …

Meeting Dean Karnazes pushes me to set a good example for health.

I didn’t know that when I was searching for a charity for the Chicago Marathon I would find the cause that would change my entire attitude. I had no plans to run Chicago and to be honest I had no desire to ever run this race. But after a rough couple of months and a lot of deep thinking, I decided that I needed to run Chicago to make a statement to myself. I needed to show myself that I had changed, that I’ve grown and I’m no longer afraid to be united or stand alone. And then I found…

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Chicago Marathon 2015: Did I #OwnChicago?

Chicago Marathon 2015: Did I #OwnChicago?

The Chicago Marathon was an amazing experience.  Saturday runners walked the streets filled with anxiousness and excitement.  It was infectious! I rolled into Chicago thinking this wasn’t a big deal.  It was just another race, another state to check off my list.  I wasn’t that amped up about the race, I was excited to meet the people of Team Healthy Kids! The Chicago Marathon was something deeper for me when I first arrived, but that’s a whole other blog post. Before actually arriving, I took the experience for granted.  I didn’t see it as a big deal, but it was.…

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#TourdeAngie has begun with my airport food hacks

#TourdeAngie has begun with my airport food hacks

I had big things planned for the blog this week but then life got really busy.  It was launch week at the gym which is always a great time. But that also means things get really busy with teaching extra classes.  Then my full time job was hectic because I was trying to do 6 days worth of work in 4 days.  The blog and vlog kind of got no attention this week.  Luckily I have some down time in the airport right now between my flights. I first had to eat my salad in the bag.  Why in the…

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Don’t skip your exercise warm up.

Don’t skip your exercise warm up.

I do realize a lot of my readers are on their own journeys and don’t know where to begin.  Healthy eating and exercise is something new to you and you don’t know where to begin.  That is why I’m talking to you about the exercise warm up.  I see people go straight hard core into their workouts without any batting an eye on the warm up. The exercise warm-up and cool down are crucial parts of the workout and sadly parts that people don’t really focus on.  Today, I’m only talking about the warm up but don’t worry, I’ll talk…

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