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What I learned from 40 races in 2015

Here’s the breakdown:  7 5Ks, 1 10K, 3 other distances (10 milers and 25ks), 11 half marathons, 15 marathons and 3 ultra marathons (two 50ks and a 50 miler) That was my 2015.  I could be missing something but I’m going to go with this count.  Yesterday I ran my last race of 2015 which made me think about what I’ve learned. This is what I learned from 40 races this year. Running is my vessel to travel.  It gives me an excuse to hop on a plane or get in a car.  It combines two things that I love…

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Race Recap: Brazos Bend 100 – 50 Miler

Race Recap: Brazos Bend 100 – 50 Miler

This time last week I was embarking on a journey I never thought I would take.  I ran my first 50 miler at the Brazos Bend 100.  It’s ironic that I say first because when I was done I said I would never do it again.  As I write this today, there’s a little bit of wanting to run it again.  I’m not completely there yet, so don’t freak out. A large portion of our running group was running this race.  100 miles, 50 miles, marathon and half; we had all of the distances covered.  This was the group running…

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Giveaway: Big Slice Apples make a great snack

Giveaway: Big Slice Apples make a great snack

I’m giving something away and it’s good.  I recieved a really great box of goodies a couple of weeks back and I just needed to share with everyone.  I mentioned it in my video and I was finally able to give it a tray. Big Slice Apples are ready to eat cooked apples, made with real fruit and are naturally gluten free. There is something for everyone because there are 16 great flavors. I haven’t tried them all but I’ve tried most and I haven’t found one I don’t like. It’s a great new snack!  I love apples!  Apples are…

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The kindness of strangers

The kindness of strangers

The past few weeks I’ve been reminded on the kindness of strangers…and friends. I’ve had a lot of trying times that have left me spread thing over the past few weeks but I’ve been able to make it through with kindness. It’s hard to remember there is good in humanity. There are people who still care to make you smile. There are people out there who still want to help. There are people out there who still care. Those people may be people in your life already or just a random stranger. This past weekend I ran a 50 miler…

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Willie weight loss update and help me with …

Willie weight loss update and help me with a meal prep guide

Hey all! I should have gotten this up this morning but I’ve been swamped at work. It’s been pretty trying latey. I wanted to keep everyone updated on Willie’s weight loss journey and ask for a little bit of help. I don’t want to spoil the Willie’s weight loss update so you’ll have to watch to find that out: But I am interested in developing a meal prep guide. Is that something you guys would be interested in? What type of things would you like to see in a meal prep guide? This idea won’t go anywhere unless I get…

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Video: This is how I cheat on meal …

Video: This is how I cheat on meal prep

Hello all! I’ve been behind on everything so I took a little break from the blog to catch up on everything. I really needed to pump some videos out because I do have a goal to complete Vlogmas. The video from the other day was perfect content for the blog so I want to share it with you. I needed to make a quick trip to the grocery store to buy a few things because the house was a little bare. I thought this was the best way to show you some of my short cuts in still eating “right”…

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The update on life blog

The update on life blog

I must apologize for my absence from the blog.  My life has gotten really crazy.  The responsible blogger thing would have been to stock pile post and have something already in the queue.  I like to blog organically and where as some posts are planned, I do most of my posts based on what I feel like is itching to be talked about that day.  Therefore, I haven’t been around.  Here is an explanation in this video: My mom had knee replacement surgery so any extra time I’ve had has been spent taking care of business.  The days have been…

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Setbacks of weight loss

Setbacks of weight loss

Weight loss is a tricky thing.  The people who need to lose weight seek it out.  It’s the goal, it’s a state of mind.  Weight loss is your best friend and biggest motivator when everything is going right and your biggest enemy when you just can’t pull it together.  “What works for one person will not work for another,” is what I’m always telling people when they asked what I did to lose weight.  That’s the truth, before, during and after weight loss. Many of you have asked about Willie and his lack of presence and I’ve kind of just…

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Get active during Thanksgiving holiday

Get active during Thanksgiving holiday

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and we’re all going to be eating to enjoy the holiday.  I hope everyone does enjoy the holiday without feeling guilty.  But this is also good time to be with family and friends and you can get active.  Everything is better with a group anyway. My mom had knee replacement surgery yesterday so I had to forgo any active recovery I was planning on doing yesterday.  This morning was a different story.  I felt like I needed to get out to work in for many reasons but I just miss breaking a sweat.  I hit the treadmill…

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Race Recap: Route 66 Marathon Weekend

Race Recap: Route 66 Marathon Weekend

What a wonderful weekend I had in Tulsa at the Route 66 Marathon weekend.  I didn’t know what to expect going to Oklahoma because I had never been.  All I knew was this was one of those bucket list races for someone trying to run the 50 states.  This was my last state to capture for the year but not my last marathon.  Read more about my quest in another post if you want to know more.  I am proud to say that I ran marathon #29 and captured state #15 on my journey. Willie and I took a road…

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Motivation Monday: Be present in the moment.

Motivation Monday: Be present in the moment.

I’m blogging from a hotel room on this lovely early morning and I’m thinking about all the amazing experiences I’ve had this year.  It’s been completely amazing and there has been one take back from it all. Be present in the moment. That is today’s motivation Monday message.  It’s an important message to send, especially at this time of year. It’s Thanksgiving week which means a big meal to made and friends and family gathering together.  It can be hetic and overwhelming, but it’s also meant to be a time to be thankful and enjoy the time.  Don’t forget that…

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