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Nothing is impossible

It’s been said that Willie and I accomplished the impossible by losing so much weight and working hard to keep it off. I never saw it was something as impossible. I never saw it as something that we couldn’t accomplish in time. I never saw it as something that we couldn’t achieve. Nothing is impossible. Some things may take extra steps for achievement or may take longer than we may like, but you will still get there. Think of it as a ladder, you start at the bottom and work your way to the top one step at a time.…

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So we’re having a…

So we’re having a…

Blogging has taken a back seat in my life because I just haven’t been feeling well. My planning day for the blog was spent resting. It just hasn’t been a 100% week for me. I hope y’all can understand. Baby is fine and growing well. I know everyone wants to know the baby’s gender: it’s a girl! There were some problems with the rafflecopter so I’m going to have to pick a winner the old fashioned way. I’m feeling a lot better today so hopefully this trend will continue. I’ve still been doing my workouts but a person can only…

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Should you tell people you’re on a …

Should you tell people you’re on a weight loss journey?

Let’s talk about weight loss again for a minute. I’ve been contemplating the subject of telling people you’re on a weight loss journey when you’re starting and it’s really opened my mind. Of course, Willie and I did tell our friends and family we were embarking on the weight loss journey. We’ve been discussing this a lot lately and we wouldn’t have told people we wanted to lose weight. We should have just done it. Willie and I aren’t attention seeking people so we felt like it put a little bit more focus on us. That is a one of…

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Guess the gender, win a HEADSWEATS trucker

Guess the gender, win a HEADSWEATS trucker

I thought it was time to have a little fun on the blog.  If you missed the memo, I’m pregnant.  We will find out the gender of the baby on Monday evening, so I thought it would be cool to play a little guessing game. To win a lovely Headsweats trucker hat, you have to correctly guess the gender of the baby and then your name will be put in the drawing to win the hat.  The contest will end Wednesday, August 17 at 12:01 am. These hats are my favorite so I thought I would share with you. Meanwhile,…

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Recipe Roundup: My need for chicken has reached …

Recipe Roundup: My need for chicken has reached a new level

Hello all!  I hope you know what I’ve been doing: working out, working and watching the Olympics.  There is no surprise there.  I thought today I would do a recipe round of chicken recipes because my need for chicken has gone to all new levels.  It’s the one thing I haven’t steered far from during my pregnancy so I do spend a lot of time looking up delicious recipes to try at home. At our home, there tends to be an leaning towards an asian profile in our foods. This would be something we would eat on the regular. Korean…

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Transform your thinking to be grateful

Transform your thinking to be grateful

My blogging schedule has been interuptted by the Olympics. I love the Olympics so hard that I spend all my free time watching it.  Diving, archery, rowing, fencing, volleyball (surprisingly), gymnastics and weightlifting have been occupying my time.  I’m sorry for all the delays.  This post should have been up yesterday.  Now back to blogging. I don’t know about you, but I sometimes spend so much dwelling on the things I haven’t done or don’t have.  It can really set your mind back and it lessens the accomplishments that I have achieved.  I blogged about how pregnancy messed with weight…

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Pregnancy after weight loss played with my head

Pregnancy after weight loss played with my head

This is a very hard blog post for me to write.  In fact, I’ve been putting it off for a LONG time.  I took a period off from blogging when I found out I was pregnant because what I wanted to write about I couldn’t.  It was a secret that I couldn’t share…yet.  I aim to be as transparent as possible with my blog when I finally decide to talk about something.  This is my Thinking Out Loud post.  This one is going to be hard. When I found out I was pregnant, I was happy but at the same…

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Recipe: The land of Zuchinni Bread

Recipe: The land of Zuchinni Bread

I haven’t spent enough time in the kitchen, it’s time for me to go back.  Now I have a bit more time on my hands since I’m not constantly in training for something so I thought it would be the perfect time to start experimenting again.  I’ve been wanting bread of some sort and the idea of zuchinni bread came to mind. Everyone seems to love it; I should give it a try. Let’s be honest, zuchinni tastes like nothing.  That’s why healthy eating people put it in their foods as a filler and a way to get some veggies…

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#MondayMotivation: Attitude gives you strength

#MondayMotivation: Attitude gives you strength

Happy Monday!  This post is coming at you very late because I haven’t been feeling well today.  Since I was busy this weekend, I planned on working on my blog today but my body had other plans.  I didn’t want to miss out on a Monday Motivation post for you, even if you don’t get it until Tuesday. Attitude is everything. Attitude will change everything. Don’t let a bad attitude stand in your way of accomplishing your goals. After Fitbloggin, there was a session on mental health and the speak told us to believe what will make you happy. If…

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Fitness Friday: Resistance Band Exercises

Fitness Friday: Resistance Band Exercises

I got some cool stuff at Fitbloggin’ in the form of resistance bands and I thought that I should give them a try.  I never really did much with resistance bands in the past so I had no idea what to do with them.  My biggest motivation in using these bands is because I can’t really lift since I’m pregnant but this is a great way to get some strength work into my exercise routine.  I know I got a really great workout at the conference and that is something I want to duplicate at home.  I had no idea…

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WIAW: Eating in Indianapolis at Fitbloggin

WIAW: Eating in Indianapolis at Fitbloggin

Welcome to What I Ate Wednesday focusing on the food I ate in Indianapolis at Fitbloggin.  I didn’t expect the food scene to be that amazing in Indy but there was some great stuff there.  Lots of different varieties of food to choose from so it was always an adventure. Thursday I went on a pre-conference excursion to Lifetime Fitness.  They had food for us to enjoy after our workouts.  Of course, it was stuff made in-house and is sold at the gym.  There was chicken salad and other lunch meat sandwiches which I can’t have so I just enjoyed…

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