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Giving up on THE goal

I’m not going to bury the lead today.  I’m not going to run the Chicago Marathon.  This is the post I’ve been struggling to write for the past two weeks.  This is the reason I’ve disappeared off social media.  This has been a huge source of sadness in my life. It’s like I gave up or something.  But I came to a point where I just physically couldn’t do the training. It makes me sad because this was a goal I set for myself.  I was running for the charity (Action for Healthy Kids) that I love and I still must…

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Returning to fitness after baby

Returning to fitness after baby

It’s been almost 7 months since Baby G arrived in the world and it’s been a lot of change.  I considered myself a fit person before pregnancy but returning to fitness after the baby has been a bit different than I expected.  I did stay pretty active the entire time I was pregnant because I just don’t know how to stop.  I also wanted my pregnancy weight to be manageable after she was born.  I did run into things I didn’t expect and aren’t really things people told me.  These are things I want to share with you if you’re…

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Five Things Friday: self care edition

Five Things Friday: self care edition

Happy Friday!  It’s late on Friday but this is the first time I’ve been able to sit down and blog.  Maybe I should have got this post going when I up at 2 am this morning because I couldn’t sleep.  Anyway, I am here blogging about my Friday favorites. This week has been pretty good for me.  I managed to hit my workouts and did a double workout yesterday (because I missed my run on Wednesday).  All I have to say is, I’m too old for the double workouts, lol.  It’s something I use to do all the time but…

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The portion control dilemma

The portion control dilemma

Last week I posted about how I’m not really counting calories to lose weight.  This week I thought I would try something out to see how it goes. I always say that portion control is key to any weight loss plan and I was looking for ways to help. I bought these generic 21-day fix containers on Amazon for $8 and I thought I would give it a try. Sometimes you can’t always weigh out your food or sometimes you just don’t want to do all that.  I have always been curious about the containers and how they worked.  Maybe…

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Why I don’t track my food anymore

Why I don’t track my food anymore

I know I’ve talked about how we tracked our food using Lose It! to lose weight the first time around. It was completely helpful and a good tool for me at the time. But I had to step away from tracking my food because even after I hit my weight loss goal I was tracking my food the same way. It became a very serious part of my life that I became too neurotic about. No lie, I would hit my calories for the day and feel guilty about being hungry. It took me a long time to transition from…

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Global running day confession

Global running day confession

Happy Global Running Day! It’s the day where the entire world celebrates running and goes for a run. It’s been a long day and that is why this post is late. I didn’t think I was going to be able to get any miles in today but I made it work. I got those miles in late, so now I’m wired and not sleepy at all. That’s no good because I have to get up early to teach my class. Y’all know that I love running and I could share the reasons why I love running with you but you’ve…

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Better than yesterday

Better than yesterday

Happy Monday, y’all! It’s been a minute since I hit the blog because I am trying to get things moving in the right direction. Which is exactly what I want to talk about today: being better than yesterday. That is my motto. That phrase is the thing that gets me up in the morning and motivated in my daily pursuits. Even if it’s just a fraction of change, I want to be better than yesterday. Yesterday, I ran a 10K. I had high hopes for this race, but it didn’t work for me. I thought it was going to rain…

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Make some choices

Make some choices

Happy Monday, all!  It’s a rainy day.  The baby is napping and I’m working from home today.  These are the moments that I love.  It’s supposed to rain all day so I decided the right choice was to hit the treadmill this morning to run.  I’m over making excuses why I can’t run so today is the day I decided to make the choice to run.  Running on the treadmill isn’t my favorite thing but the most important thing is to get those feet moving. The thing we have to remember is our life is made up of our choices.…

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Postpartum depression confession

Postpartum depression confession

Yesterday I was empowered by Sublimely Fit to talk about my struggle with post-partum depression on my Instagram. I met Beth last year at Fitbloggin while we were both pregnant so I feel we’ll always have a bit of a bond. I was beyond impressed that she spoke so openly about her post-partum depression because I haven’t been able to. Believe it or not, I’m a private person. I know that sounds weird because I put my “life” on social media for all of you to enjoy. I’m not good with opening up about struggles. I am the one who…

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Tips for new runners

Tips for new runners

It’s about time for me to get back on my blogging game and provide some useful information. Right now I’m about to start my marathon training for Chicago so running is on my mind. Plus, I feel like I’m starting all over again so this is the time for me to share tips for new runners since I feel like a new runner…again. 1. Build your base. It’s easy to get super jazzed about running. It’s easy to get caught up in comparing yourself to others. You have to put all of those things aside and just build your base…

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Motivation Monday: Know your worth

Motivation Monday: Know your worth

I know it’s been awhile since I last blogged.  I know it’s been a minute since I sent some motivation your way.  It’s been rough.  I haven’t felt very motivational lately.  I’ve felt like I’ve been the one who needed to be motivated.  I didn’t really know if I should be the one providing you with motivation when I was looking for it myself.  My My postpartum journey has been a process.  There are days I think I have it completely together and then other days when I feel like it’s like poop on the floor. It’s just life, I…

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