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You are perfect

Happy Tuesday!  You are perfect the way you are. I don’t know about you, but I unintentionally on the “sly” say negative things about myself.  I find myself saying, “she had a baby around the same time as me and she’s doing this.” There’s so much focus on one moment in time and not enough focus on the bigger picture.  To make a whole, you must have the parts even the parts that aren’t so pretty. We live in a different world of perfectly curated pictures and other social media posts that make it seem like other people have their…

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Lazy meal prep is still meal prep

Lazy meal prep is still meal prep

Hello all!  It’s been a long week but in the best way possible.  I’ve been inspired and motivated to do things.  I’m trying to do little changes to help me back in my flow.  This week I did do a meal prep but it more of a lazy meal prep.  (I’ll be doing some blogging about lazy meal prep very soon.) This week I had enough time to do a little meal prep so I did the things that were easy.  I stocked the fridge with the usual fruits: blueberries, strawberries and this week’s new addition, watermelon.  It’s been my…

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Something is better than nothing

Something is better than nothing

Happy Monday! This morning I had a friendly reminder that something is better than nothing. Obviously, this wasn’t the blog post I had planned for today but this is the message that was meant to be shared today. Last night, I knew I needed to get up this morning to get my workout in.  This week is going to be complicated and the only sure thing I know is getting my sweat on in the morning is guaranteed.  I don’t want to have the same week as I did last week.  It was disjointed and it just felt weird. This…

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No meal prep this week

No meal prep this week

There was basically no meal prep this week.  I’ve been trying to get to the blog all week, but it’s always been the last thing.  I want to start off this post by thanking everyone for the birthday wishes.  Seeing all of those messages made me feel very special.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Last week I had everything together, this week it’s just been a struggle.  It has been an odd week.  My birthday was Monday so we went out to eat.  Tuesday was just a rush filled day and I got some fish tacos from…

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Finished #StreakingwiththeCoolKids

Finished #StreakingwiththeCoolKids

On the first day of June, I set out to run or walk a mile every day for the month with the #StreakingWithTheCoolKids challenge. My motivation to run has been completely gone because I’ve been having some trouble with running since having the baby. I’m slower and it’s frustrating. I guess the only reason it’s so upsetting is that I know what I’m capable of doing. I thought I would come back stronger and faster than I did before, but I was wrong. There’s been some pain with the running too but I’ve seemed to have worked through those issues…

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Wondering what is the point, is the point.

Wondering what is the point, is the point.

What’s the point? When things aren’t going my way, this is how I feel. It’s easy to question why to continue the path or even why to keep trying at something. Wondering what is the point, is the point. I won’t sugar coat things for you. Things haven’t been going my way. Every time I feel like I’ve made it over one hurdle then I feel like I’m hit with another roadblock. Life is a tricky thing and navigating it gets rough for me. I’m a sensitive person. I have a hard exterior, but I do take on other people’s…

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Menu Run Down: Week June 24 – 29, 2018

Menu Run Down: Week June 24 – 29, 2018

Happy Monday!  I hope everyone had a successful start to the week.  I just wanted to hop on and share my meal prepping and grocery shopping this week.  I may have gotten a little bit too ambitious with my meal prep this week or maybe I was just feeling a bit tired. Meal prepping isn’t hard as long as your organized. Just carve out some time of your day to get it done (2 hours) and you should be good. Also, find different ways of cooking things so everything doesn’t need to go in the oven. Here’s what is on…

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The 18-month old

The 18-month old

My baby (to be known as Tiny Tot) turned 1 and a half (in mom terms 18 months). I’ve never really had to opportunity to talk about her much on the blog because I didn’t think there was a place for it. Guess what? It’s the place for it now. I’ve been blessed to be able to spend time with my child and still work full-time. Sometimes it’s challenging and sometimes it’s just not easy. There are days when I do have to depend on the care of others to help me out, but for the most part, she’s with…

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The search for summer salads

The search for summer salads

I’m searching for some summer salads!  I’ll probably revive this search for year round, but I don’t always have access to a microwave for lunch so I’m looking for foods that I can eat without warming it up.  Also, I’m not always wanting to eat a “traditional” salad because let’s be honest, a girl can only eat so much lettuce. There might be a twisted misconception that a salad must always look a certain way.  I will admit, I do not always like eating the traditional salad but it’s something gravitate to because it’s easy. My go-to no warm up…

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The necessary name change

The necessary name change

Welcome to Mom Works It Out! You probably haven’t noticed but I’ve changed the name of the blog. It’s been a hard decision because I’ve been We Beat Fat for so long but I really feel like it was time to change. We Beat Fat hasn’t been a WE for a long time. Yes, it was a place to chronicle our healthy living but it was more about Angela and less about Willie. He took his hand at blogging and decided it wasn’t the place for him. We lost weight as a couple and started living a healthy life but…

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The battle for mental health

The battle for mental health

There’s been so much talk lately about mental health lately with the passing of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain. I was a huge fan of Anthony Bourdain and one day I hope to be able to tell a story like him.  That death hit me a little harder, but it also opened up some emotions in me.  People committed suicide every day and I’m glad there is focus on mental health right now.  But I feel like we should be focusing on this more than what we do and I don’t mean by giving out a suicide prevention number. I’m…

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