About last night’s Made for More movie

Last night I went to see the Rachel Hollis Presents: Made for More movie featuring Rachel Hollis’ two day Rise conference. For my birthday, I bought myself, Girl, Wash Your Face on Audible (and two days later a physical copy of the book).  It was the best present I could have gotten myself because it was a life-changing experience.  I don’t talk about too many books on my blog unless they’ve really made an impact on me.


This is a book that you should read.  The book focuses on not letting your past hold you back from your future.  Rachel Hollis writes in a relatable perspective and encourages personal growth. If you’ve been reading this blog for a while, there are many mentions of being the best version of yourself.  This book was just a way for me to “sharpen my saw” but could be a great tool for people who are starting their personal growth journey.  If there’s ANYTHING you want to accomplish, Hollis will get you pumped about achieving your goals.

Made for More was a condensed conference experience.  I really wanted to see what it was all about.  It was a good night to be without a child, gain some knowledge, and hang out with a fellow mom.


Made for More moved me and got me excited about my goals and attending Rise weekend in 2019.  This was quite an emotional experience for me.  I’ve always been a goal catcher.  I may discredit all of the things I have accomplished because I am aware of all the things I didn’t do. I This may sound cheesy or stupid, but I feel like I am here to make a difference to others.  Rachel Hollis speaks to me on this level and inspires me to go after my dreams.  I’ve gone through a few years of soul searching but I know how I want to make my impact on this world.

I want to motivate and inspire others to be there best selves. That’s the reason why I started to blog after losing the weight.  That’s the reason I continued to document my running journey.  That’s the reason I continued to blog after having a baby.  That’s the reason I’m here now.  I want everyone to come into themselves and not waste any more time.

The fear of not being an “expert” in a certain thing has held me back.  Let’s be clear, my dream isn’t to be a brain surgeon because I would definitely need to have some training.  None of that really matters because we become knowledgeable about things by doing, failing, and starting over again.

The biggest take away from the movie was focusing on one goal at a time.  Splitting your attention between several different goals doesn’t set you up for success.  Don’t spread yourself too thin when going after your goals.  Focus on one goal at a time so you are able to give your all.

Also, I am excited about creating my attitude playlist.  Hollis challenged everyone to put a playlist on your phone of songs that will make you feel GREAT!  The playlist is especially helpful when you’re feeling down or pissed off or just feeling your best self.  Music has been in my toolbox my entire life.  Maybe I haven’t been using music in the most helpful way all of the time. I’ve always used music to fit my mood which isn’t helpful when you’re feeling sad, right?  Listening to sad music will just make you feel sad.  Listening to pump up jams can do wonder for your attitude.

It only takes a moment to change your life.  I learned that with weight loss and right now I think I’m in another moment.  This year I’ve been hit with clarity and “get-up” and I’m ready to make a difference.

I encourage you all to read or listen to Girl, Wash Your Face. And if you can, go see the second showing of Rachel Hollis Presents: Made for More on August 13th.  I can sit here and write about it all day, but you won’t understand until you’ve experienced it yourself.